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Greenville Consolidated School. Oakes Building (1935) and Pritham Gymnasium (1965) K-12 school serving students in the Moosehead Region.

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Presentation on theme: "Greenville Consolidated School. Oakes Building (1935) and Pritham Gymnasium (1965) K-12 school serving students in the Moosehead Region."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greenville Consolidated School

2 Oakes Building (1935) and Pritham Gymnasium (1965) K-12 school serving students in the Moosehead Region

3 Student Body 208 Students Greenville 166Rockwood 17 Shirley7Moosehead Jct. 5 Sandbar Tract 1Blanchard2 Big Moose 2Beaver Cove 4 Monson4

4 Teaching Staff Administration – Superintendent – Principal 23 Staff members – 12 hold a Master’s Degree – 2 are conditionally certified – Average experience 15+ years

5 Completion Rate State average – 201486.36% Greenville Schools – 2012100% – 201392.31% – 201491.67%

6 Our Graduates Colby College University of Maine University of New England Maine Maritime Academy West Point U of Maine @ Farmington U of Maine @ Fort Kent U of Maine @ Presque Isle Eastern Maine Community College Central Maine Community College Washington County Community College Thomas College United States Army United States Navy Engineers Teachers Doctors Lawyers Auto Mechanics Electricians Plumbers Nurses Radiologists Music Law Enforcement Accountant Chef Economist Physical Therapists Occupational Therapists Computer Security College Professor Hospitality Journalism

7 Washington Post Consistently ranked as one of America’s most challenging schools based on AP participation rate and scores 2015 State of Maine 1.Yarmouth High School 2.Cape Elizabeth High School 3.John Bapst High School 4.Falmouth High School 5.Bangor High School 6.Erskine Academy 7.Greenville High School

8 Co-Curricular Boys Varsity SoccerGirls Varsity Soccer Varsity GolfMS Boys Soccer MS Girls SoccerGirls Varsity Basketball Boys Varsity BasketballVarsity Ski Team MS Girls BasketballMS Boys Basketball Varsity SoftballVarsity Baseball Varsity Track and FieldMS Softball MS BaseballKey Club High School Student CouncilMiddle School Student Council School MusicalDebate Club

9 Proficiency-based diploma standards §4722-A Class of 2018: Diploma indicating graduation from high school must be based on student demonstration of proficiency

10 Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards Mathematics English Career and Education Development World Languages Social Studies Health and Physical Education Visual and Performing Arts Science – Physical Science – Life Sciences – Earth and Space Sciences – Engineering, Technology and Applications of Science (STEM)

11 Costs are Up Restoring math/science position to help students meet the proficiency standards as regulated by the State Added hours to speech/language to serve deserving students Restoring Jobs for Maine Graduates position, a contracted position to help meet proficiency standards

12 Costs Salaries and benefits State has shifted more retirement costs to the local unit (Maine PERS) State has increased the required amount that the local unit needs to raise toward education Costs are up $130,018

13 Revenues are Down Tuition from sending towns is down ($74,769) Reimbursement (amortization) on the wood boiler bond is down ($5,771) Fund balance is down ($134,933) State subsidy is down ($57,974) Reduced federal funds Title 1, Title 2A Revenues are down over $273,447

14 Transparent Reporting Additional sources of Revenue: Hiram Hunt Oakes Curriculum / Maintenance Event Admission Miscellaneous E-Rate approx. $37,590

15 Carry Forward Used $254,000 to help balance the budget Balance of $35,000

16 Summary Expenses up $130,018 Revenues Down $223,106 Increase to taxpayer$353,124



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