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Solution Thermodynamics: Applications

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1 Solution Thermodynamics: Applications
Chapter 12-Part IV

2 Other models for GE/RT

3 The Van-Laar equation

4 Local composition theory
There are cases where the cross-parameter may be a function of composition. A12 = A12(x) So, there could be “local” compositions different than the overall “bulk” compositions. For example (if coordination number is 8) AAAAAAA AABBAAA xAB = ; xBB = “A around B” or “B around B”

5 examples Specific interactions such as H-bonding and polarity

6 Nomenclature x21 = mole fraction of “2” around “1”
x11 + x21 = 111111 x12 = mole fraction of “1” around “2” x22 = mole fraction of “2” around “2” x22 + x12 =1 Local compositions are related to overall compositions: If the weighting functions are =1 random solutions

7 Key are the Wij weighting factors
If Wij =1 => random mixture

8 Wilson equation Wilson assumes that the weighting functions are functions of size and energetic interactions: z is the coordination number for atom i even if eij =eji (this is not always the case), the Lij parameters may be different, why?

9 Intermolecular pair potential
Uij eij

10 Wilson’s equation for a binary
For infinite dilution:

11 NRTL (non-random, two-liquid)
Actual parameters: a, b12 and b21 See Table 12.5, page 474 Renon and Prausnitz, 1968

12 page 474

13 UNIQUAC equation UNIversal QUAsi Chemical model (Abrams and Prausnitz, AIChE J. 21:116 (1975) Uses surface areas (qi) to represent shapes qi is proportional to the surface area of i z is the coordination number

14 UNIQUAC cont. coordination number, z = 10
qj accounts for shape, rj accounts for size Energetic parameters tji=exp-(eji-eii)/RT= exp [(-aji)/RT] Pure species molecular parameters (in tables): r1, r2, q1, q2 ri are molecular size parameters relative to –CH2-

15 Activity coefficients from UNIQUAC



18 UNIFAC (UNIQuac Functional Activity Coefficient model)
The solution is made of molecular fragments (subgroups) New variables (Rk and Qk) Combinatorial part is the same as UNIQUAC where Fk and qk are the volume fractions and surface fractions


20 Residual part of UNIFAC is different
i identify species # of subgroups k in molecule i Be careful, this q is different than the surface fraction !!


22 Property changes of mixing
We showed that for ideal solutions: From these properties we can evaluate ME = M - Mid

23 Property changes of mixing
Let’s define:

24 Property changes of mixing
This means that the excess properties and the properties change of mixing can be calculated from each other What are the DM for ideal solutions?

25 Mixing process at T and P




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