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ECE 331 – Digital System Design

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Presentation on theme: "ECE 331 – Digital System Design"— Presentation transcript:

1 ECE 331 – Digital System Design
Multiplexers and Demultiplexers, and Encoders and Decoders (Lecture #15) The slides included herein were taken from the materials accompanying Fundamentals of Logic Design, 6th Edition, by Roth and Kinney, and were used with permission from Cengage Learning.

2 Material to be covered …
Supplemental Chapter 9: Sections 1 – 4 Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

3 ECE 331 - Digital System Design
Multiplexers Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

4 ECE 331 - Digital System Design
Multiplexers A multiplexer has N control inputs 2N data inputs 1 output A multiplexer routes (or connects) the selected data input to the output. The value of the control inputs determines the data input that is selected. Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

5 ECE 331 - Digital System Design
Multiplexers Data inputs Z = A′.I0 + A.I1 Control input Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

6 ECE 331 - Digital System Design
Multiplexers MSB LSB A B F I0 1 I1 I2 I3 Z = A′.B'.I0 + A'.B.I1 + A.B'.I2 + A.B.I3 Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

7 ECE 331 - Digital System Design
Multiplexers MSB LSB A B C F I0 1 I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 Z = A′.B'.C'.I0 + A'.B'.C.I1 + A'.B.C'.I2 + A'.B.C.I3 + A.B'.C'.I0 + A.B'.C.I1 + A'.B.C'.I2 + A.B.C.I3 Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

8 ECE 331 - Digital System Design
Multiplexers Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

9 8-to-1 Multiplexer in VHDL
Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

10 8-to-1 Multiplexer in VHDL
Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

11 Multiplexers Exercise: Design an 8-to-1 multiplexer using
4-to-1 and 2-to-1 multiplexers only. Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

12 Exercise: Design a 16-to-1 multiplexer using 4-to-1 multiplexers only.
Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

13 ECE 331 - Digital System Design
Multiplexer (Bus) Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

14 ECE 331 - Digital System Design
Demultiplexers Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

15 ECE 331 - Digital System Design
Demultiplexers A demultiplexer has N control inputs 1 data input 2N outputs A demultiplexer routes (or connects) the data input to the selected output. The value of the control inputs determines the output that is selected. A demultiplexer performs the opposite function of a multiplexer. Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

16 ECE 331 - Digital System Design
Demultiplexers Out0 In S1 S0 I W X Y Z A B Out1 Out2 Out3 W = A'.B'.I X = A.B'.I Y = A'.B.I Z = A.B.I A B W X Y Z I 1 Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

17 ECE 331 - Digital System Design
Decoders Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

18 ECE 331 - Digital System Design
Decoders A decoder has N inputs 2N outputs A decoder selects one of 2N outputs by decoding the binary value on the N inputs. The decoder generates all of the minterms of the N input variables. Exactly one output will be active for each combination of the inputs. What does “active” mean? Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

19 ECE 331 - Digital System Design
Decoders B W X Y Z I0 I1 A Out0 Out1 Out2 Out3 W = A'.B' X = A.B' Y = A'.B Z = A.B msb Active-high outputs A B W X Y Z 1 Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

20 ECE 331 - Digital System Design
Decoders B W X Y Z I0 I1 A Out0 Out1 Out2 Out3 W = (A'.B')' X = (A.B')' Y = (A'.B)' Z = (A.B)' msb Active-low outputs A B W X Y Z 1 Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

21 ECE 331 - Digital System Design
Decoders msb Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

22 ECE 331 - Digital System Design
3-to-8 Decoder in VHDL Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

23 ECE 331 - Digital System Design
3-to-8 Decoder in VHDL Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

24 ECE 331 - Digital System Design
Decoder with Enable high-level enable Enable B W X Y Z I0 I1 A Out0 Out1 Out2 Out3 En En A B W X Y Z 1 x enabled disabled Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

25 ECE 331 - Digital System Design
Decoder with Enable Enable B W X Y Z I0 I1 A Out0 Out1 Out2 Out3 En low-level enable En A B W X Y Z 1 x enabled disabled Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

26 2-to-4 Decoder with Enable in VHDL
Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

27 Exercise: Design a 4-to-16 decoder using 2-to-4 decoders only.
Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

28 ECE 331 - Digital System Design
Encoders Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

29 ECE 331 - Digital System Design
Encoders An encoder has 2N inputs N outputs An encoder outputs the binary value of the selected (or active) input. An encoder performs the inverse operation of a decoder. Issues What if more than one input is active? What if no inputs are active? Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

30 ECE 331 - Digital System Design
Encoders D I0 C Z I1 Out0 Out1 Y B I2 A I3 A B C D Y Z 1 Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

31 ECE 331 - Digital System Design
Priority Encoders If more than one input is active, the higher-order input has priority over the lower-order input. The higher value is encoded on the output A valid indicator, d, is included to indicate whether or not the output is valid. Output is invalid when no inputs are active d = 0 Output is valid when at least one input is active d = 1 Why is the valid indicator needed? Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

32 ECE 331 - Digital System Design
Priority Encoders msb Valid bit Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

33 VHDL: 4-to-2 Priority Encoder
LIBRARY ieee ; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; ENTITY priority IS PORT ( w : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0) ; y : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0) ; z : OUT STD_LOGIC ) ; END priority ; ARCHITECTURE Behavior OF priority IS BEGIN y <= "11" WHEN w(3) = '1' ELSE "10" WHEN w(2) = '1' ELSE "01" WHEN w(1) = '1' ELSE "00" ; z <= '0' WHEN w = "0000" ELSE '1' ; END Behavior ; 4 input bits valid indicator 2 output bits Active-high inputs and outputs

34 Designing logic circuits using multiplexers
Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

35 Using an n-input Multiplexer
Use an n-input multiplexer to realize a logic circuit for a function with n minterms. m = 2n, where m = # of variables in the function Each minterm of the function can be mapped to an input of the multiplexer. For each row in the truth table, for the function, where the output is 1, set the corresponding input of the multiplexer to 1. That is, for each minterm in the minterm expansion of the function, set the corresponding input of the multiplexer to 1. Set the remaining inputs of the multiplexer to 0. Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

36 ECE 331 - Digital System Design
Using an n-input Mux Example: Using an 8-to-1 multiplexer, design a logic circuit to realize the following Boolean function F(A,B,C) = Sm(2, 3, 5, 6, 7) Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

37 ECE 331 - Digital System Design
Using an n-input Mux Example: Using an 8-to-1 multiplexer, design a logic circuit to realize the following Boolean function F(A,B,C) = Sm(1, 2, 4) Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

38 Using an (n / 2)-input Multiplexer
Use an (n / 2)-input multiplexer to realize a logic circuit for a function with n minterms. m = 2n, where m = # of variables in the function Group the rows of the truth table, for the function, into (n / 2) pairs of rows. Each pair of rows represents a product term of (m – 1) variables. Each pair of rows can be mapped to a multiplexer input. Determine the logical function of each pair of rows in terms of the mth variable. If the mth variable, for example, is x, then the possible values are x, x', 0, and 1. Fall 2010

39 Using an (n / 2)-input Mux
Example: F(x,y,z) = Sm(1, 2, 6, 7) Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

40 Using an (n / 2)-input Mux
Example: F(A,B,C,D) = Sm(1,3,4,11,12–15) Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

41 Using an (n / 4)-input Mux
The design of a logic circuit using an (n / 2)-input multiplexer can be easily extended to the use of an (n / 4)-input multiplexer. Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

42 Designing logic circuits using decoders
Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

43 Using an n-output Decoder
Use an n-output decoder to realize a logic circuit for a function with n minterms. Each minterm of the function can be mapped to an output of the decoder. For each row in the truth table, for the function, where the output is 1, sum (or “OR”) the corresponding outputs of the decoder. That is, for each minterm in the minterm expansion of the function, OR the corresponding outputs of the decoder. Leave remaining outputs of the decoder unconnected. Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

44 Using an n-output Decoder
Example: Using a 3-to-8 decoder, design a logic circuit to realize the following Boolean function F(A,B,C) = Sm(2, 3, 5, 6, 7) Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

45 Using an n-output Decoder
Example: Using two 2-to-4 decoders, design a logic circuit to realize the following Boolean function F(A,B,C) = Sm(0, 1, 4, 6, 7) Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

46 ECE 331 - Digital System Design
Questions? Fall 2010 ECE Digital System Design

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