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NABARD Kerala गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
Indian Food Processing Industry & Potential
Food Processing Sector is the 5th largest Manufacturing Industry Contributes 9% to the manufacturing sector Contributes 1.5% to GDP Indian Food Processing Industry (2012) - Rs. 8 lakh crore Estimate by 2015 : Rs. 12 lakh crore Important Segments Meat, Fish, Fruits, Vegetables & Oils 40% Dairy Products 5% Grain Mill Products 10% Beverages 20% Other Food Products 25% गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
Advantage India FRUITS & VEGETABLES India is the world’s 2nd largest producer of fruits and vegetables; production to rise from 227MT currently to 377MT by 2021 MILK & MILK PRODUCTS With 133 MT (P) in FY13, India is the largest producer of milk in the world MEAT & POULTRY India is the largest producer of buffalo meat (1.5 MT*) and the second largest producer of goat meat (0.6 MT*) MARINE PRODUCTS With 9.1 MT production in FY13, India is the second largest producer of fish in the world GRAIN PROCESSING India produced about 259 MT of food grains in FY13 CONSUMER FOOD Among the fastest growing segments in India and includes (i) Packaged Foods (ii) Aerated Soft Drinks (iii) Packaged Drinking Water and (iv) Alcoholic Beverages गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
Indian Food Processing Industry
Unorganised Sector 42% Small scale Industries 33% Organised Sector 25% Unorganised sector (includes SSI) contributes 75% by volume and 50% by value. Value Chain in Food Processing Inputs Production Procurement & Storage Processing Retailing Seeds, Fertilizers, Farm Equipment Farmers, Cooperatives, Companies Warehouses, Cold Storages Primary (cleaning, grading, packing, etc.) Secondary (product conversion) Malls Retail shops Cash & Carry गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
Major Food Processed in Kerala
Spices Marine Products Cashews Coconuts Cocoa, Coffee and Tea Fruits like banana and pineapple गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
Food processing potential identified -Kerala
Coconut Park Rice park Activated carbon plant Modern Cold Storage Coconut based food processing plant Modern rice mill Individual Quick Freezing (IQF) facility Meat processing unit Medicinal plants preservation and processing centre Coconut oil mill and refinery Mango processing Marine food park Ready to Eat (RTE) products Bioethanol from Cashew Apple गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
NABARD Support to Processing Sector
Refinance Rural Infrastructure Development Fund Umbrella Programme on Natural Resource Management NABARD Infrastructure Development Assistance Warehouse Infrastructure Fund Producer Organisation Development Fund Off Farm Sector Development Food Processing Fund WSSS - UPNRM, BDS – RIDF, under TDF grant गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
FOOD PROCESSING FUND गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
Operationalization of Fund
Corpus contributed by Scheduled Commercial Banks NABARD to finance directly or through consortium financing. Lending rate and margin on loans to State Governments and Government entities on par with RIDF lending Loans to private sector at rates not below PLR of NABARD गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
Eligible Institutions / Entities
State Governments Entities promoted by State Governments (with or without Government Guarantee) Entities promoted by Government of India, Joint Ventures, SPVs, Cooperatives, Federations of Cooperatives, Farmers’ Producer Organizations (FPOs), corporates, companies, entrepreneurs, etc. गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
Designated Food Parks (DFPs)
Food Parks promoted by MoFPI Mega Food Parks promoted by MoFPI Food Parks/food processing industrial estates promoted by States Food processing/ agro processing/ multi products SEZs and de-notified areas of these SEZs Any area having infrastructure and designated as Food Park by MoFPI गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
Creation of infrastructure required in the DFPs
Eligible Projects Creation of infrastructure required in the DFPs Augmentation of existing infrastructure in the DFPs New processing units in DFPs Modernization of existing processing units in the DFPs गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
Eligible Processing Activities / Units
Activities resulting in value addition and/or enhanced storage life Units requiring product processing (primary/secondary) All types of products as per MoFPI guidelines (horticulture, milk, meat, fish, cereals, oilseeds, confectionery, convenience foods, ready-to-eat foods, nutraceuticals, health foods, etc.) गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
Eligible Project Components
Land (up to a max. of 10% of land cost reckoned towards project outlay) Site development All civil works, covering core and non-core buildings, internal roads, fencing / boundary wall, etc. Plant and machinery, equipment and other fixed assets Miscellaneous fixed assets Technology transfer fee and other consultancy charges Preliminary and pre-operative expenses Capitalized working capital for one operating cycle, etc. गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
Lending Terms (i) State Governments 95%
Sl. No Borrowing entity Max. loan (% of TFO) Rate of interest (% p.a) Security (i) State Governments 95% As applicable for RIDF (Bank Rate less 1.50%) State Government Undertaking (ii) Entities promoted by State Govts. (with Govt. Guarantee) As applicable for RIDF (Bank Rate less 1.50%) Primary security, Govt. guarantee and collateral security as acceptable to NABARD गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
Lending Terms Sl. No Borrowing entity Max. loan Tenure of loan RoI (% p.a) Security (iii) Entities promoted by State Govts. (without Govt. guarantee) 95% Up to 7 years PLR** + Risk Premium Primary security and collateral security as acceptable to NABARD (iv) Private Sector * 75% Entities promoted by Government of India, Joint ventures, SPVs, Cooperatives, Federations of Cooperatives, FPOs, corporates, companies, entrepreneurs, etc. ** Prime Lending Rate गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
Lending Rate to Private Sector
Linked to PLR of NABARD and Risk Rating of Borrower PLR of NABARD to be worked out by ALCO quarterly Risk Rating of the Borrower Risk premium to be based on Risk Rating गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
Repayment Borrowing entity Total repayment period Grace period
Nature of installments Remarks State Governments 7 years 2 (fixed) Annual Each installment of release is a separate loan and has separate repayment schedule State Agencies (with Govt. Guarantee) Quarterly / Half-yearly / Annual (as per cash flows) PLR-based Up to 7 years Up to 2 years (based on cash flows) @ In all cases, interest shall be paid at quarterly intervals, including the moratorium period. गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
Other Aspects Evaluation Fee Annual Monitoring Fee
No fees for RIDF-based lending 0.25% of Project Cost, subject to a min. of Rs. 2 lakh and a max. of Rs. 30 lakh for PLR-based lending Annual Monitoring Fee Expenses on undertaking technical, financial and legal inspections undertaken during the currency of the loan, either by NABARD or through a LIE / LLC appointed for the specific purpose, shall be reimbursed by the borrowing entity to NABARD. गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
THANK YOU Picture गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
UPNRM गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
Other Aspects A) Core Activities Soil and water conservation
Plantation and horticulture (tree based farming, Bamboo based farming, wadi development,organic farming, energy plantations) Forestry activities (rehabilitation and management /Community Forest management, biodiversity conservation) Farming systems management (including livestock and aquaculture resources) Climate change adaptation / CDM गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
Sectors Covered b) Supplementary / support areas
forward and backward linkages and livelihood generating activities; processing, storage, marketing, supply chain critical rural infrastructure (including rural roads, minor irrigation, drinking water) renewable energy (micro/mini-hydel, biomass based power generation, biofuels, wind-power, solar power) livelihood generating activities (dairy, poultry, fisheries, etc) c) Information & Knowledge Management (IKM) and Capacity Building गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
UPNRM Guiding Principles
Pro-poor (improves employment, reduces poverty, improves access to credit, information, entitlements) Ensuring sustainability (conserves / augments NRM base of the region, prevents degradation) Good Governance (Equity in ownership and access and use of resources, decentralized decision making, accountability and transparency) Community participation (ownership / management/ empowerment) Integrated approach (need-based and flexible, convergence with other schemes / programmes) गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
Rate of interest on UPNRM loans
Type of funding Channel Partner Type of Projects Rate of interest Project finance/ bulk finance NGOs, Cooperatives , MFIs Corporates Projects implemented thru’ CBOs (where loan is passed on to rural people directly or through POs); 9% % Projects implemented directly (without on- lending to people) 9-10% State Govt 8.5% गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
UPNRM – Special Features contd…
Investment loan various NRM measures, associated livelihood activities, related infrastructure and marketing chain management, etc Working Capital / Revolving Assistance Value addition and supply chain management Production of raw material, Procurement and stocking of produce, Processing and packing, Marketing inventories, distribution, etc Grant support Proposal development Capacity building Community mobilisation Cost of expertise गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
financing cold chain infrastructure under warehouse infrastructure fund
गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
Eligible Projects Cold chain for Horticulture Products
Pack houses / Integrated Pack houses (washing, grading, waxing, packing, etc.) Pre-cooling Units (with / without staging cold rooms) Standalone cold storages / CA Storages / MA Storages Refrigerated vehicles (reefer vans/ reefer trucks) Freezing / Individual Quick Freezing Units Integrated Cold Chain Projects गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
Eligible Items of Project Cost (indicative)
Land (up to a max. of 10%) Civil works (core and ancillary) Plant and Machinery Equipment and Miscellaneous Fixed Assets Technical consultancy charges Preliminary and pre-operative charges Interest during construction Cost contingencies Capitalized working capital for one operating cycle गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
30 /
Sectors eligible 17 April 2017 Sectors prioritized by GoI. Loans to Public and Private Sector. Private Sector* includes all agencies without Govt. guarantee. Loans to State Govts. & Govt undertakings with State Government guarantee on RIDF terms. Loans to Private Sector – PLR based interest rate. * - Central Government /State Government undertakings (without guarantee), Joint ventures, SPVs, Federations of Cooperatives, FPOs, Corporates, Companies, Entrepreneurs etc., bnke गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
WIF – 2014 -15- Financing terms and conditions
4/17/2017 WIF – Financing terms and conditions Type of Borrower Maximum Quantum of Loan (% of TFO) Tenor of loan (Years) Rate of Interest (% p.a.) Security/ Documentation A Loans with RIDF rate of interest 1 State Governments (loans to Finance dept. under article 293(3) ) 95 07 Prevailing RIDF rate of interest Government undertaking. 2 State Owned Corporations (loans outside article 293(3) Government Guarantee + Primary & Collateral Security, etc. 13 Oct 2014 bnke गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
WIF– 2014 -15- Financing terms and conditions ………
4/17/2017 WIF– Financing terms and conditions ……… Type of Borrower Max. Quan. of Loan (% of TFO) Tenor of loan (Years) Rate of Interest (% p.a.) Security/ Documentation B Loans with interest rates based on Prime Lending Rate ( PLR) 1 State/Central Govt. Owned/Assisted Entities (without Government guarantee)/ Cooperatives, FPOs, SPVs set up under PPP mode, etc., 95 07 PLR*+ RP* Primary & Collateral Security, Assignment of rentals receivable and any other unencumbered receivables, Debt Service Reserve etc. 7 years PLR+ RP+TP* 2 Private Companies/ Corporates/ Individual Entrepreneurs etc. 75 > 7 years ABOVE SEVEN YEARS APPLICABLE ONLY FOR WIF LOANS *- PLR – Prime Lending Rate, RP – Risk Premium, TP – Tenor Premium. bnke गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
Producers Organisation
गाँव बढ़े तो देश बढ़े /nabardonline Taking Rural India >> Forward
Formed and owned by a group of producers for either farm or non-farm activities It is a registered body and a legal entity Producers are shareholders in the organization It deals with business activities related to the primary produce/product. It works for the benefit of the member producers Portions of profit are shared amongst the producers and the balance goes to the share capital or reserves ഗ്രാമീണ ഭാരതത്തോടൊപ്പം പുരോഗതിയിലേക്ക് Taking Rural India >> Forward
What POs can offer – End to end solutions !!
Supply of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, agri implements, etc Input Supply Services Provides/facilitates for loan for crops, purchase of agri implements, etc Financial Services Promote best farming practices, marketing information System, skill upgradation, etc. Technical Services ഗ്രാമീണ ഭാരതത്തോടൊപ്പം പുരോഗതിയിലേക്ക് Taking Rural India >> Forward
What POs can offer – End to end solutions !!
Various insurance like Crop Insurance, Life insurance, etc Insurance Services Procurement, storage, marketing, value addition and packaging Procurement & Packaging Services Direct marketing to reduce income leakages Marketing Services Making channels for information (product specification, market prices, etc Networking Services ഗ്രാമീണ ഭാരതത്തോടൊപ്പം പുരോഗതിയിലേക്ക് Taking Rural India >> Forward
NABARD COMPREHENSIVE SUPPORT PROGRAMME Credit support In the form of loan to POs Term loan Working Capital Term Loan Composite Loan (term loan + working capital) II. Assistance to Implementing Agency for on lending to PO Credit Support to implementing agencies like NGOs, Vas, Trusts (instrumental in forming SHGs, Farmer federations, clusters, other cooperatives/POs) and financial institutions including , subsidiaries like ABFL, ADFT and NABFINS participating in value chain process, for on-lending to POs, farmers/artisans groups or clusters such as SHGs, JLG, federations and farmers clubs. B. Credit plus support – in the form of grant, subject to a cap of maximum 20% of loan amount Capacity Building: Includes Human resource development and organizational development. II. Market Linkages III.Others (DPR preparation, administrative expenses etc) ഗ്രാമീണ ഭാരതത്തോടൊപ്പം പുരോഗതിയിലേക്ക് Taking Rural India >> Forward 37 37
NABARD COMPREHENSIVE SUPPORT PROGRAMME III. Lending to Producer Organisations for Contribution to Share Capital Model –I: Lending to Producer Organisations for Contribution to Share Capital Model – II: Lending to the promoting agency which in turn can lend to the members of the PO Features: Capital: loan would be at 1:1 basis. Cap on loan amount would be Rs. 25 lakh. Further cap of Rs /- per member Repayment 5-7 years with 1-2 years moratorium period. ` ഗ്രാമീണ ഭാരതത്തോടൊപ്പം പുരോഗതിയിലേക്ക് Taking Rural India >> Forward 38 38
Quantum Limited to 90% of total financial outlay Mode Loan for taking up of economic activity along with grant or loan or a blend of both for capacity building RoI -As decided by ALCO Present range: % based on collaterals provided 10.25 % in case of 100% collateral ഗ്രാമീണ ഭാരതത്തോടൊപ്പം പുരോഗതിയിലേക്ക് Taking Rural India >> Forward
PARTNERSHIP WITH CORPORATES, LINE DEPARTMENTS, NGOS, CBO Support to Supply Chain from Primary producer to retailer/ultimate consumer Support to value addition Encourage feeder/suppliers to retailer chains like Big Bazar to form/promote POs avail assistance under PODF. Subsidiaries/Ancilliaries of larger entities/corporate business houses can promote POs and avail assistance under PODF ഗ്രാമീണ ഭാരതത്തോടൊപ്പം പുരോഗതിയിലേക്ക് Taking Rural India >> Forward
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