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Thematic quotes 1.Man and the Natural World: What is the suns/heat’s/physical environments role at this point in the book? Does it dominate the scene,

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Presentation on theme: "Thematic quotes 1.Man and the Natural World: What is the suns/heat’s/physical environments role at this point in the book? Does it dominate the scene,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thematic quotes 1.Man and the Natural World: What is the suns/heat’s/physical environments role at this point in the book? Does it dominate the scene, or dictate, Meursault’s actions when there is something more important going on? How? In what way? Be specific. 2.Isolation/Passivity: From whom is Meursault isolated from in this quote? Friends? Marie? Society? Himself (emotions)? More than one? Who has imposed Meursault’s sense of isolation? 3.Religion: What kind of comment is Mersault making, or is generally being made, about religion. Is it portrayed as fearful? Ridiculous? 4.Philosophy: Absurdism: In what sense is your quote commenting on Absurdism? Which tenet of the philosophy is being commented on?

2 Group Discussion Isolation/Passivity: Is isolation damaging to Meursault, or freeing? (Which kind of isolation, by the way? Societal? Emotional? Which impacts him the most? Is passivity an affliction or a desired state of mind, in Meursault’s view? Man and the Natural World: Does Meursault behave as if he is an element of nature? What drives this connection? Meursault is rather connected to nature, yet incredibly detached from humans. Is this yet another illogical tenet of an irrational world, or does it somehow make sense that man, a mere creature himself, is in tune with the earth? Do you find Meursault’s appeal to "the weather" a valid defense for the murder? Even if we accept it with respect to the first shot, how did "the weather" influence the four shots thereafter? Philosophical Absurdism: It is difficult for Meursault to explain his motivation(s) for killing the Arab. Do the reasons he cite comment on the absurd? Are the reasons he cite irrational? Are they justifiable? Religion: What does the magistrate mean when he calls Meursault an "antichrist"? Does this have more to do with the fact that Meursault is unfeeling, or the fact that he is an atheist? Why does Meursault flip out and choke the chaplain while in jail? How does this run-in with the chaplain spur his later epiphany regarding life and death?

3 Tea Party Mix with members of the same theme/subject. 1. Share your quotes and responses. Which is the best? Which is the worst? 2. Collect two quote to add to your Says- Means-Matters Worksheet. 3. Find a classmate from another thematic group and share your quote(s). Collect on quote to add to your Says-Means-Matters Worksheet

4 Group Questions To discuss and answer the following questions, look at the end of the novel when Meursault is conversing with the chaplain. (pg. 118-122) 1.Isolation/passivity: In what way does Meursault triumph over his various forms of isolation and/or his passive indifference? 1.Absurdism: In what way does Mersault triumph by proving his philosophy 4.Man and the Physical World: In what sense does Meursault triumph over the Physical World and let his emotions free. 5.Religion: How does Meursault triumph over religion or question its logic.

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