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Super Bowl 2015: Domestic Violence PSA - YouTube

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1 Super Bowl 2015: Domestic Violence PSA - YouTube

2 What is Domestic Violence and who does it affect?
Domestic violence is a pattern or behavior used to established power and control over another person through fear and intimidation. Domestic violence can start with one thinking they should have control over the other. Men, women and children can be victims. Domestic violence can happen to anyone, no matter what race, gender or ethnicity. Sometimes men feel the need to protect and control with in their pride.

3 Victims New Domestic Violence PSA - "It Rarely Stops" (HD) - YouTube
Not everyone thinks men go through domestic violence. Men have a sense of pride so they might find it embarrassing and they hide their emotions. Men are victims of about 3 million physical assault in the USA.

4 Where domestic violence happens…
It usually happens behind closed doors. Statistics say between the time of 6am- 6pm. About 60% of the domestic cases happen at home.

5 http://www. chocolatecoveredl ies the-face-of-domestic- violence/

6 Graphs and Statistics Every 9 seconds a US women is beaten. Graph

7 tch?v=LgKVpOwBSXU

8 Citations Domestic Violence: Statistics & Facts. (2015, January 1). Retrieved January 1, 2015, from Vagianos, A. (n.d.). 30 Shocking Domestic Violence Statistics That Remind Us It's An Epidemic. Retrieved January 1, 2015, from

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