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Nutrition Cluster briefing: WFP and UNICEF Scale up Plan in support of the Nutrition Cluster Response Plan 4 July 2014 Juba World Food Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrition Cluster briefing: WFP and UNICEF Scale up Plan in support of the Nutrition Cluster Response Plan 4 July 2014 Juba World Food Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrition Cluster briefing: WFP and UNICEF Scale up Plan in support of the Nutrition Cluster Response Plan 4 July 2014 Juba World Food Programme

2 Starting point Start of year arrangements were on track for acceptable coverage of estimated SAM/MAM cases. Revised targets reflect significant gaps between needs and planned programme responses. Coupled with deteriorating humanitarian situation, urgent need to come together, mobilize and maximize resources and approaches.

3 Process UNICEF and WFP stocktaking –Ongoing plus High level UNICEF / WFP meeting (23 June) Follow up consultations with MOH, all UNICEF / WFP partners – direct and via email – and donors (24-30 June) –Immediate bottlenecks –Collective options to meet gaps –Resources required Results of consultations incorporated into cluster response matrix (current update to 3 July) –For further vetting by Nutrition Cluster Consolidated in WFP UNICEF action plan in support of the Nutrition Cluster Response Plan –Overview today, further comment on document, feedback next week

4 Framework for integrated response IYCF MN programming Nutrition Prevention BSFP Nutrition Treatment SAM + MAM Food Security WASH Health County level operations

5 Mapping Partners and Services

6 Access, services, modalities AccessTreatment ServicesGeographic & Treatment Coverage yes SAM and MAM services exist at county level not all payams are covered and admissions are low payam coverage is good but admissions remain low SAM or MAM (but not the other) exist at county level not all payams are covered and admissions are low payam coverage is good but admissions remain low Neither SAM nor MAM services available No nutrition partner - access feasible no SAM or MAM (but not the other) exist at county level Access constraints to scale-up of activities Neither SAM nor MAM services available Access constraints to scale-up of activities Availability of BSFP

7 Scale-up Strategies, Actions and Timelines

8 Overview of strategies Strategy 1: Optimize nutrition services with existing partners –Bottlenecks, expand PCA/FLAs, process, donor support, expanded protocol areas Strategy 2: Expand operational partnerships –Health for SC, linking natl-intl, SSRC Strategy 3: Improve community outreach, screening and referral –Review options, expand PCA/FLAs, donor support, CNV direct implementation (?)

9 Overview of strategies Strategy 4: Provision of technical support to enhance service quality –HR on ground, collective training needs/calendar/resources, supervision Strategy 5: Strengthen existing supply chain management –Global supply, bottleneck analysis at CO, review delivery frequency and storage capacity, funds for logs, strengthen overview based on partner reports (triage), supply logistics workshop

10 Overview of strategies Strategy 6: Direct service provision –RRM scenarios, partner RRM/mobile teams, Strategy 7: Enhanced needs analysis and support for Coordination –Needs analysis asap, survey support, FSMS, prep for IPC –Support to CCPM recommendation

11 Key Points- short term Resource Issues: More resources needed for both supplies and implementation Need to maintain current services, address potential shortfalls as well as expand Supply chain Critical to have overview of supplies from all partners- triage (submission on 5 th July,

12 Next steps Plan of Action document being finalized for further dissemination to donors and Nutrition Cluster SAG for comments (4 July) Further dissemination to cluster members and other stakeholders (5 July) How to optimize this contribution to collective cluster scale up planning? What else is needed/missing? Milestones and mutual accountability?

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