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NENA Development Conference | October 2014 | Orlando, Florida 08-506 ESIND working group Jim Lockard, Joel McCamley Co-Chairs.

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Presentation on theme: "NENA Development Conference | October 2014 | Orlando, Florida 08-506 ESIND working group Jim Lockard, Joel McCamley Co-Chairs."— Presentation transcript:

1 NENA Development Conference | October 2014 | Orlando, Florida 08-506 ESIND working group Jim Lockard, Joel McCamley Co-Chairs

2 NENA Development Conference | October 2014 | Orlando, Florida Objective  Discuss 08-506 ESIND work group  Update on progress  Seek additional WG membership  Provide schedule

3 NENA Development Conference | October 2014 | Orlando, Florida What is the purpose of 08-506 ESIND  Informational document  Meant to provide guidance  Not a standard  Identifies high level technical areas for all ESInets  Planning support  Foundational ESInet criteria

4 NENA Development Conference | October 2014 | Orlando, Florida 08-506 ESIND overview  Covers the design of ESInets at OSI layers 1, 2, and 3  Reliability and availability service levels are discussed  Performance requirements  Service level agreements for operators  Aspects of network security  Prioritization  Traffic engineering  Network management and monitoring

5 NENA Development Conference | October 2014 | Orlando, Florida What is an ESInet?  An ESInet is a managed IP network that is used for emergency services communications, and which can be shared by all public safety agencies.  It provides the IP transport infrastructure upon which independent application platforms and core functional processes can be deployed, including, but not restricted to, those necessary for providing NG9-1-1 services.  ESInets may be constructed from a mix of dedicated and shared facilities.  ESInets may be interconnected at local, regional, state, federal, national and international levels to form an IP-based inter-network (network of networks).

6 NENA Development Conference | October 2014 | Orlando, Florida What is NG9-1-1?  NG9-1-1 is an Internet Protocol (IP)_based system comprised of managed Emergency Services IP networks (ESInets), functional elements (applications), and databases that replicate traditional E9-1-1 features and functions and provides additional capabilities.  NG9-1-1 is designed to provide access to emergency services from all connected communications sources, and provide multimedia data capabilities for Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) and other emergency service organizations.

7 NENA Development Conference | October 2014 | Orlando, Florida ESInet / NG9-1-1 Functions  ESInet’s  Physical connections  Network topology  Routers / Switches  Interconnections  Redundant networks  Bandwidth  The foundation for applications and functions  NG9-1-1 Functions  Logical functions  Logical topology  Functional elements  Internetworking - Network addressing (IP, SIP, etc)  Security  Applications  Utilization of the ESInet

8 NENA Development Conference | October 2014 | Orlando, Florida 08-506 ESIND overview  The intended audience for this document includes network architects that are tasked with designing ESInets and 9-1-1  Entities or state authorities that are working with consultants and service providers to procure an ESInet  Provide 9-1-1 entities and state authorities with the background information necessary to identify their requirements  Define the concepts and vocabulary  08-506 ESIND does not (by itself) provide all of the necessary details to properly design ESInets

9 NENA Development Conference | October 2014 | Orlando, Florida 08-506 ESIND overview  Meant to be used in conjunction with Standards documents, not as a substitute for them  A summary of the core requirements for an ESInet are included in the NENA 08-003 v 2.0 Detailed Functional and Interface Specification for the NENA i3 Solution – Stage 3 are as follows:  The network between the PSAP and the ESInet will be a private or virtual private network based upon TCP/IP  It will have scalable bandwidth to support new enhanced services.  The Emergency Services IP Network shall be a conventional routed IP network  MPLS or other sub-IP mechanisms are permitted as appropriate

10 NENA Development Conference | October 2014 | Orlando, Florida 08-506 ESIND overview (cont)  The PSAP should use redundant local area networks for reliability  PSAP LAN to the ESInet must be resilient, secure, physically diverse, and logically separate  The ESInet shall be engineered to sustain real time traffic, including data, audio, and video  Connections between the PSAP and ESInet shall be secured TCP/IP connections  ESInets should be capable of operating on IPv4 and IPv6 network infrastructures

11 NENA Development Conference | October 2014 | Orlando, Florida 08-506 ESIND overview  OSI Layer 1  Copper  Fiber  Coax  Wireless – 3G, 4G, 4G LTE  Microwave  Satellite

12 NENA Development Conference | October 2014 | Orlando, Florida 08-506 ESIND overview  OSI Layer 2  HDLC – T1/T3  Frame Relay  Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)  Metro Ethernet  Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)

13 NENA Development Conference | October 2014 | Orlando, Florida 08-506 ESIND overview  OSI Layer 3  IP Addressing  Dynamic Routing Protocols  Interior Gateway Protocols

14 NENA Development Conference | October 2014 | Orlando, Florida 08-506 ESIND overview  Availability and Reliability  Provides definitions of each  Achieving 5 “9’s”  Achieving availability and reliability in legacy PSAPs  Definition of failure metrics  Discussion on Series and parallel availability and reliability

15 NENA Development Conference | October 2014 | Orlando, Florida 08-506 ESIND overview  The NENA 75-001 Security for Next-Generation 9-1-1 Standard (NG-SEC) contains a number of sections which apply to ESInets including;  Security Policies  Information Classification  Safeguarding Information Assets  Physical Security Guidelines  Network and Remote Access Security Guidelines  Change Control Documentation  Compliance Audits and Reviews

16 NENA Development Conference | October 2014 | Orlando, Florida 08-506 ESIND overview  ESInets should be NG-SEC compliant  Session Border Controllers  Internet Access within a PSAP (NEW)

17 NENA Development Conference | October 2014 | Orlando, Florida 08-506 ESIND overview  Network Management and Monitoring  Discusses operational and administrative configurations and functions  Performance Requirements  Packet Loss  Jitter  Latency  Network Monitoring (NEW) – primarily deals with voice quality

18 NENA Development Conference | October 2014 | Orlando, Florida 08-506 ESIND overview  Hardware and Network elements  Service Level Agreements  Offers best practices in defining SLA’s  Redundancy  Metrics for Monitoring, Maintenance

19 NENA Development Conference | October 2014 | Orlando, Florida 08-506 ESIND overview  Local Area Networking

20 NENA Development Conference | October 2014 | Orlando, Florida 08-506 ESIND overview  Traffic Engineering  Dimensioning ESInet Data Circuits  Traffic Policing  Traffic Shaping  Quality of Service (NEW additional text)

21 NENA Development Conference | October 2014 | Orlando, Florida 08-506 ESIND overview  Interconnection and peering (NEW)  Domain Name System (NEW)  Operation  Architecture  Management  Multi-homed DNS  Single homed DNS

22 NENA Development Conference | October 2014 | Orlando, Florida 08-506 ESIND overview  Network Architecture

23 NENA Development Conference | October 2014 | Orlando, Florida 08-506 ESIND New topics  Interconnection and peering  AS numbering and ARIN  Performance requirements  Modification of metrics  Possible measurement tools  DNS  Better descriptions of DNS implementation and operation  Voice Quality  Contained in Network Monitoring

24 NENA Development Conference | October 2014 | Orlando, Florida 08-506 ESIND - support  We welcome additional WG members from the PSAP community  Interested in gathering information about the Operation and Administration of ESInets  WG is seeking more vendor community involvement  Interested in gathering more “real world” / “real experiences”

25 NENA Development Conference | October 2014 | Orlando, Florida 08-506 ESIND schedule  WG meets every Friday via Join.Me and Conference call  11 AM – 12 PM EST  Current schedule update?

26 NENA Development Conference | October 2014 | Orlando, Florida 08-506 ESIND team  Jim Lockard, WG Co-chair   412-400-6465  Joel McCamley WG Co-chair   814-242-5526

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