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Linking Poems AS Unit F661: Poetry and Prose 1800-1945 - Robert Browning.

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Presentation on theme: "Linking Poems AS Unit F661: Poetry and Prose 1800-1945 - Robert Browning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Linking Poems AS Unit F661: Poetry and Prose 1800-1945 - Robert Browning

2 The Exam Question ‘[quote from the poem]’ Discuss the ways in which Browning presents [theme/motif] in [poem name]. In your answer explore the effects of language, imagery and verse form, and consider how this relates to other poems by Browning that you have studied.

3 The Mark Scheme AO1 Communication and Presentation - Articulate creative, informed and relevant responses to literary texts, using appropriate terminology and concepts, and coherent, accurate written expression. AO2 Analysis and Understanding - Demonstrate detailed critical understanding in analysing the ways in which structure, form and language shape meanings in literary texts. AO4Knowledge and Understanding - Demonstrate understanding of the significance and influence of the contexts in which literary texts are written and received.


5 Total No. Of Marks GivenLevel of Understanding Shown Band 626-30Detailed Band 521-24Good Band 416-20Competent Band 311-15Some Band 26-10Limited Band 10-5Very Little

6 For each poem... 1.Form 2.Historical context 3.Setting 4.Theme/motif 5.Imagery 6.Techniques: language 7.Techniques: structure Links to other poems

7 FORM Dramatic monologue Other HISTORICAL CONTEXT Victorians Renaissance Browning’s Life Married Life SETTING Italy France Other/unknown THEMES AN D MOTIFS Art Death Love Satire & humour The rose Religion Time & change Beauty & limits of expression Anger & bitterness Morality & hypocrisy 1.Form 2.Historical context 3.Setting 4.Theme/motif 5.Imagery 6.Techniques: language 7.Techniques: structure Links to other poems

8 Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister Satire and humour Anger and bitterness Religion Morality and hypocrisy Nature Power Evil

9 Pictor Ignotus Anger and bitterness Religion Morality and hypocrisy Death Art

10 The Lost Leader Power Anger and bitterness Time and change Morality and hypocrisy Betrayal Death Art

11 The Bishop Orders His Tomb... Satire Anger and bitterness Religion Morality and hypocrisy Death Beauty Art

12 Love Among the Ruins Time and change The city Women Nature Power Love

13 Up at a Villa – Down in the City The city Italy (politics) Beauty Morality and hypocrisy Nature Satire

14 A Woman’s Last Word Power Love Religion Relationships Women

15 A Toccata of Galuppi’s Time and change Italy Beauty Morality and hypocrisy Women Death Art

16 Love in a Life/ Life in a Love Control Power Love Beauty Philosophy of the imperfect Women Morality

17 Women and Roses Control Love Power Beauty The spiritual and physical Women The rose Philosophy of the imperfect

18 Two in the Campagna The philosophy of the imperfect Beauty Love The soul Nature Power Women

19 A Grammarian’s Funeral The spiritual and physical City vs country Time and change Nature Death Life The philosophy of the imperfect

20 Prospice Life The spiritual and physical The soul The philosophy of the imperfect Death Love

21 Apparent Failure Sin The philosophy of the imperfect Religion Morality Self Death The soul

22 Dubiety Religion Women The soul Death Love The philosophy of the imperfect

23 Which poems present the following themes and how do they link to Browning’s life or other contextual information? Art Death Love Satire and humour The rose Religion Time and change Beauty and the limits of expression Anger and bitterness Morality and hypocrisy Italy and its importance to Browning (relate this to his own life and experiences in the country)

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