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POWER OF CHRIST Charismatic Gift (Spiritual Gifts) 1Cor 12/1 “Concerningthe Spiritual Gifts you must be informed and be aware of it. Eph 3/8-9 “Spiritual.

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1 POWER OF CHRIST Charismatic Gift (Spiritual Gifts) 1Cor 12/1 “Concerningthe Spiritual Gifts you must be informed and be aware of it. Eph 3/8-9 “Spiritual gifts for Paul to preach Jesus to Pagans There 9 gifts they are the power of Christ

2 Charis =Grace-Gifts Charis =Grace-Gifts Charismata=Spiritual Gifts Charismata=Spiritual Gifts Charismatic is a person who is filled with H.S.P Charismatic is a person who is filled with H.S.P All Baptized Christians are Charismatic All Baptized Christians are Charismatic These Gifts are not the mark of Sanctity of a Person. These Gifts are not the mark of Sanctity of a Person. One can use the gifts against the will of God. One can use the gifts against the will of God. A lot of misuse is there in the practice of the gift. A lot of misuse is there in the practice of the gift.

3 Pope Paul 6th said, ‘it is good that every faithful use gifts for the good of human beings and to build up the Body of Christ. Pope Paul 6th said, ‘it is good that every faithful use gifts for the good of human beings and to build up the Body of Christ. There are different gifts 1cor 12/28” Rulers, Ministers and Prophets. There are different gifts 1cor 12/28” Rulers, Ministers and Prophets.

4 Basic gifts are state of life 1) Matrimony 2) Priesthood 3) Religious Life 4) Single Dedicated Life

5 Gifts are for: For the Common Good to Build the Body of CHRIST, the Church For the Common Good to Build the Body of CHRIST, the Church To Minister the Word of God Effectively To Minister the Word of God Effectively Use for the Spiritual Good and not for material Good. Use for the Spiritual Good and not for material Good. 1Pt -4/10 “Use your gifts for Others, As each has received a gift employ it for one another, as good Stewards of God’s Varied grace. 1Pt -4/10 “Use your gifts for Others, As each has received a gift employ it for one another, as good Stewards of God’s Varied grace.

6 WHO GETS THE GIFTS? Those who grow in the life of Faith, Those who grow in the life of Faith, For a praying Person, > ask and thirst for the Spirit and the gifts. For a praying Person, > ask and thirst for the Spirit and the gifts. (Sanctifying) Person with Holiness (Sanctifying) Person with Holiness Mediation Daily on the Word God. (read Acts repeatedly) Mediation Daily on the Word God. (read Acts repeatedly)

7 9 Charismatic Gifts(1 cor 12/8-9) I) Revelation (Intellectual) 1) Word of Knowledge (Power to Know) 2) Word of Wisdom 3) Discernment of the Sprit

8 II) Sign Gifts 1) Gift of faith 2) Gift of Healing 3) Gifts of working Miracle

9 III) Word Gifts 1) Gifts of tongue 2) Gifts of Prophesy 3) Gifts of Interpretation.

10 FAITH Heb 11/1 Now Faith is the assurance of things hoped for the conviction of thing not seen. Heb 11/1 Now Faith is the assurance of things hoped for the conviction of thing not seen. Eph2/8- Faith is a gratuitous Gift not earned by Force. Eph2/8- Faith is a gratuitous Gift not earned by Force. Lk 8/40 Expectant Faith of the Woman with the issue of Blood Lk 8/40 Expectant Faith of the Woman with the issue of Blood Mt 15/25 “ Faith of the Canaanite Woman Mt 15/25 “ Faith of the Canaanite Woman

11 Gift of Healing Mk16/17-18 Healing Gifts are the signs of the kingdom of God ¼ of time of Jesus Preaching is Spend on healing mirales. ¼ of time of Jesus Preaching is Spend on healing mirales. Psycho-Pneumo-Somatic Psycho-Pneumo-Somatic Total healing-SOSO-Lk 4/18 Total healing-SOSO-Lk 4/18

12 Psycho > Counseling and Inner Healing Prayer Eucharistic Adoration. Psycho > Counseling and Inner Healing Prayer Eucharistic Adoration. Pneumo:- Healing of Soul Sirac 38/9 healing thru Prayer. Eucharist Confession-Repentance. Pneumo:- Healing of Soul Sirac 38/9 healing thru Prayer. Eucharist Confession-Repentance. Sirac 38/1 +15; Mk2/1-10 “Yours sins are forgiven.” Sirac 38/1 +15; Mk2/1-10 “Yours sins are forgiven.” Somatic: needs medicine Sirac 38/1-8,12-14 Somatic: needs medicine Sirac 38/1-8,12-14

13 By using my name they will cast out demons. They will speak in new tongue, they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover. By using my name they will cast out demons. They will speak in new tongue, they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover. Mt 11/4-5 Healing of Jesus. Mt 11/4-5 Healing of Jesus. Miracles are Unusual happening Jn 2/1 water into wine at CANA Miracles are Unusual happening Jn 2/1 water into wine at CANA Mt 14/22-23 Calm the Sea. Mt 14/22-23 Calm the Sea.

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