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Yiri by Koko. Instruments Madou Kone:Vocals, balaphone, flute Sydou Traore: vocals, balaphone Jacouba Kone: djembe Francois Naba: vocals, tam-tam, dundun,

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Presentation on theme: "Yiri by Koko. Instruments Madou Kone:Vocals, balaphone, flute Sydou Traore: vocals, balaphone Jacouba Kone: djembe Francois Naba: vocals, tam-tam, dundun,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Yiri by Koko

2 Instruments Madou Kone:Vocals, balaphone, flute Sydou Traore: vocals, balaphone Jacouba Kone: djembe Francois Naba: vocals, tam-tam, dundun, maracas Keresse Sanou: talking drum Tidiane Hema: vocals and maracas

3 Rhythm Cyclic patterns Use of accents on particular beats Polyrhythms (rhythms are layered on top of each other) Some rhythms don’t fit together properly, creating tension Syncopated effect, when the accents don’t fall on the strong beats ostinatos - All the drums repeat the same rhythms all the way Small gaps in the rhythms near then end, as performers signal to each other.

4 Texture Texture starts simple then builds up Starts monophonic with 1 balaphon Another one joins, and they both play polyrhythms throught out They both improvise at the same time, around an original theme, this makes a HETROPHONIC texture Yiri is polyphonic – parts weave in and out of each other

5 Harmony/Melody Vocal line is based on a pentatonic melody using call and response Balafon melody is in Gb major Major tonality

6 Tempo Tempo stays the same through out

7 Dynamics Dynamics stay the same

8 Melody

9 Timbre Developed throughout the piece as instruments join eg. One balaphon, then another balaphon, drums change the timbre more, then voices in unison and call and response.

10 Back ground The group Koko are from Burkino Faso in West Africa Typical themes for music are: struggle to servive, protecting the environment, like and it’s creation, ceberating life. Typical instruments for the region are drumming, balafon and singing

11 African music

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