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Integrate into existing systems with PowerShell integration modules Extend by building PS modules to enable integrating into other systems Optimize.

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5 Integrate into existing systems with PowerShell integration modules Extend by building PS modules to enable integrating into other systems Optimize and extend existing processes Accelerate time to value with flexible process workflows Improve service reliability across multiple tools, systems, and department silos Deliver flexible and reliable services Enable operations to focus on work that adds business value Reduce error-prone manual activities while lowering costs Lower costs and improve predictability Automation Author OperateIntegrate Automate Operational Tasks Achieve On Demand Delivery IntegrationOrchestrationAutomation



8 CMDB Ticketing Billing Management Systems Centralized Authoring & Asset Management Service Administrator can create runbooks to automate all aspects of cloud infrastructure, plan delivery, and maintenance activities Highly Available Engine Support requirements for scale and H/A. Built on PowerShell Workflow Integration into other systems: Import PS modules and create additional modules and runbooks for existing resources or to connect into 3 rd party systems (ticketing system, billing system, user store, CMDB) Automation Add bulk user accounts Add additional SQL capacity Notify users of plan updates Service Ticket for failed resources VIRTUAL MACHINE CLOUDS 12 SQL SERVER 9 PLANS 12 WEBSITE CLOUD 12 MYSQL SERVERS 0 NOTIFICATIONS 0 USER ACCOUNTS 4 AUTOMATION 8 ALL ITEMS


10 PowerShell Workflow Use Windows PowerShell syntax Multi-device management Running a single task to manage complex, end- to-end processes Automated failure recovery Connection and activity retries Centralized store Credentials / certificates Global variable Global connection for runbooks Modules Runbooks (draft / published versioning) Scheduling Highly Available Runbook servers to process jobs Odata Web service to submit / retrieve status SQL Server clustering / always on Historical Analysis Historical view of runbook jobs Reporting through Excel PowerPivot for ROI View runbook used for all jobs PowerShell Workflow Centralized store Highly Available Historical Analysis Service Management Automation

11 Authoring Operating Service Management Portal PowerShell Workflow engine PowerShell Modules Runbook Workers REST oData Authorization Web Service Administration Operation Powershell Cmdlets Runbooks Runbook resources Runbook job state SMA Database PowerShell Module Http


13 Interoperability


15 Integrate into SCCM / WSUS / 3 rd party system for orchestrated patching of WAP infrastructure Automate backup of WAP infrastructure as new capacity is added / removed Orchestrate DR solution for WAP services Integrate into Service Manager / 3 rd party systems for change control on WAP services / plans / infrastructure Deploy new infrastructure and WAP services by integrating all of the management systems. Integrate WAP services into CMDB to enable change control Alert on operations manager or 3 rd party monitoring system, perform diagnostics & remediation. Monitor for SLA issues in the environment (SQL server space running out) and automatically add new capacity based on policy. Notify users of a subscription who have underutilized VMs and shutdown / delete if not used. Change Control & Provisioning


17 Automation investments over time Automate the creation, deployment, monitoring, and maintenance of resources Rich workflow consistency through PowerShell Workflow based runbooks One automation solution for Azure, on-premises and Service Providers Cloud first investment enables hardened scenarios and capabilities on-premises

18 Orchestrator for DatacenterAzure Automation, SMA and Azure Pack User Interface Standalone Management Console Access Permissions (RBAC) User Interface Web portal Authoring Graphical, forms-based authoring of runbooks Visualize end-to-end orchestration Testing console to validate end to end process Authoring PowerShell Authoring Service Administrator can create runbooks to automate all aspects of cloud infrastructure, plan delivery, and maintenance activities Runbook Engine Highly available Custom workflow engine Databus to easily pass information between activities Runbook Engine Highly available PowerShell Workflow based engine Integration Integration packs for Microsoft and 3 rd party systems Orchestrator toolkit to extend into custom systems Integration PowerShell Module based integration Use existing PowerShell modules for Microsoft and 3 rd party systems Create PowerShell modules for additional resources/systems

19 One Automation Solution for Azure and On Premises User Interface Web portal Access Permissions (RBAC) Authoring Graphical Authoring PowerShell Authoring Visualize end-to-end orchestration Gallery Service Administrator can create runbooks to automate all aspects of cloud infrastructure, plan delivery, and maintenance activities Runbook Engine Highly available PowerShell Workflow based engine Integration PowerShell Module based integration Use existing PowerShell modules for Microsoft and 3 rd party systems Create PowerShell modules for additional resources/systems Tools Tools to convert SCO Integration Packs and runbooks









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