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The ABC & D’s for Tutees: A ttend an orientation and sign a contract B e aware of the policies & your responsibilities C omplete an application / availability.

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Presentation on theme: "The ABC & D’s for Tutees: A ttend an orientation and sign a contract B e aware of the policies & your responsibilities C omplete an application / availability."— Presentation transcript:

1 The ABC & D’s for Tutees: A ttend an orientation and sign a contract B e aware of the policies & your responsibilities C omplete an application / availability form D o your part and follow-up Tutee Orientation Welcome to the DCC Tutoring Program!

2 Attend Orientation Upon completion of this orientation you will:  Complete the Tutee Contract  Have a Tutoring staff member check, discuss, and approve your contract  Upon approval, you will be given:  A Pink Application/Availability form to complete  A Tutoring Appointment Form (complete Top Portion) But before you do that, you need to …….

3 Be Aware of Program Policies  Tutoring is free of charge for DCC students FYI: Most colleges charge for this service  Tutoring is available for almost every course at DCC.  Matches are not guaranteed for every course. Matches are based on the availability of both tutors and tutees.  English, Writing, and Reading requests are referred to the Writing Center located in Hudson Hall room 503.

4 Appointments Tutees are matched with a tutor for individual or small group appointments  Appointments are approximately 1 hour  Most Individual and Small group sessions are scheduled to meet: Every Week, same Day, same Time for the entire semester Tutees are expected to attend All appointments. This ensures maximum benefit for the tutee. If a match cannot be made, tutees are referred to Group Walk-in tutoring sessions until a tutor is available.

5 Appointment Notification When an appointment is made, tutees are contacted by: Phone Their myDCC Email Tutoring Appointment Notice – Pick up in Student Academic Success Center Tutoring Appointment Notices and emails should be kept for reference

6 Appointment Notification Be sure to check myDCC email frequently. (This is different from SLN Angel e- mail). These e-mails will include: Tutoring appointment times and locations

7 Tutees are responsible for: Going to the SASC in H315, 3 days after applying, to check for their Tutoring Appointment Notice Checking their phone messages (ensure voicemail is active and not full) Checking their myDCC for emails from TutorTrac and their Tutor. If an appointment is not scheduled within 1-2 weeks of applying, tutees are responsible for following up and asking an AS&T staff member about their application status.

8 Important: Tutees must notify the Tutoring Program ASAP if they:  Change their schedule causing a change their availability, or  Drop a course Do Not forward myDCC Email to personal Email accounts.  Often the e-mail gets lost in spam folders or cyber space and are never received.

9 Tutees are expected to come prepared for all appointments by:  Being on time  Knowing their tutor’s name  Bringing all course materials:  Textbook, notes  Homework assignments completed to the best of their ability  A list of questions and topics to discuss  Being active in their learning. Tutors support learning and they are NOT  permitted to do work for tutees.  allowed to assist with tests.

10 Cancellations: Tutees who cannot attend a tutoring session, must contact their tutor via the tutors email on TutorTrac * FYI: Frequent cancellations result in cancellation of future appointments No Shows: 1 st no show: Tutee receives a phone call 2 nd no show: Tutee receives an email and appointment cancellation postcard Tutee will need to contact Tutor Coordinator to discuss status.

11 If a tutor does not show up for an appointment, tutees should Check their myDCC email – for a cancellation email from their tutor Check for a Purple cancellation notice on the Tutoring Message Board in the SASC (located between the computer sign-in stations) On Orange Tutor Missed Appointments sheet in the SASC, fill in the information indicating the tutor did not show. Send their Tutor an email to show they are interested in meeting with him/her. Attend a group walk-in session if available

12 Complete an Application. Neatly fill out both sides of the pink application/availability form ensuring ALL information is accurate and complete 1. Use myDCC E-mail; not Gmail, AOL, etc. 2. Fill in class times 3. Highlight around the boxes of the times that you are available to receive tutoring  Provide at least 5 to 10 hours of availability or more. You will be scheduled for 1 hour per week per course. FYI: More availability = better chance of getting matched! Do NOT highlight inside the boxes. - Help us, help you! Complete and accurate forms are matched quickest! An example of the availability form is on the next slide.

13 Example of properly completed availability form

14 Turn in the second sheet to the “Tutoring Applications” slot under the tutor sign in station. *Keep the Instruction and Policies Sheet* Tutees must ask an AS&T staff member to review and check their applications before submitting.

15 Thank you for taking the time to complete this Orientation! Now it is time to: Complete your Tutee Contract Ask an AS&T staff member to review and approve your Tutee Contract Complete the Application/Availability form clearly and correctly. S ubmit your completed application We’re looking forward to working with you! Ask for assistance, we are happy to help. Don’t forget: Do your part and follow-up.

16 Other Great Resources on Campus Math Center W224 Walk-in math help Walk-in math help Writing Center H504 Assistance with writing assignments Net Tutor- On-line Tutoring Access from the My Courses tab on myDCC

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