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Presentation on theme: "INSTITUTE FOR ETHNIC STUDIES AT THE LITHUANIAN SOCIAL RESEARCH CENTRE AN OVERVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES Dr. Karolis Žibas Institute for Ethnic Studies."— Presentation transcript:


2 LITHUANIAN SOCIAL RESEARCH CENTRE Lithuanian Social Research Centre (LSRC) is a public research institute that carries out fundamental and applied social research. The main stakeholder of the LSRC is the Government of the Republic of Lithuania. Today Lithuanian Social Research Centre is the home of five research institutes: Institute of Sociology Institute of Labour and Social Research Institute of Human Geography and Demography Institute for Ethnic Studies Institute for Social Welfare Research

3 INSTITUTE FOR ETHNIC STUDIES AT THE LITHUANIAN SOCIAL RESEARCH CENTRE Institute for Ethnic Studies (IES), a department at the LSRC, focuses on studies and research of ethnicity and modern nationalism, analysis of ethnic structure, adaptation of ethnic groups, migrants, Diasporas and ethnic hatred. Long-term activities: 1. Media monitoring. Since 2005, the Institute of Ethnic Studies is implementing media monitoring of Lithuanian press and compiled a database of texts on ethnic issues. 2. Public opinion polls. Since 2005, the Institute for Ethnic Studies is performing annual public opinion polls on attitudes of Lithuania residents towards different ethnic and social groups (e.g. Roma, Jews, Muslims, refugees, immigrants, etc.). All surveys are conducted by personal interview with respondents; the margin of survey error does not exceed 3 percent. 3. Ethnicity Studies. A peer-reviewed series of ethnicity-related studies and their methodology, published annually in English and Lithuanian.

4 LITHUANIAN POPULATION GROUPS UNDER CONDITIONS OF CHANGING SOCIAL SPACES (2012–2016) – a long-term institutional research and development programme Current Research areas Research on Ethnic groups Migration research Social inequality, equal opportunities, social and spatial mobility Ethnic intolerance New strategy, Research on: New strategy, Research on: Conflicting identities MECHANISMS OF MONITORING OF INTEGRATION OF THIRD COUNTRY NATIONALS IN LITHUANIA (2013–2014) EIF FRANET (2011–2013) – a multidisciplinary research network formed by the FRA ETHNIC MINORITIES IN SOUTHEASTERN LITHUANIA: ETHNIC, CIVIC, REGIONAL AND LOCAL IDENTITIES (2012–2014) Lithuanian Research Council. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE EU ASYLUM POLICY: LEGAL AND SOCIOLOGICAL FOCUS (2012–2013) ERF INSTITUTE FOR ETHNIC STUDIES: CURRENT RESEARCH AREAS PLATFORM FOR MIGRATION INFORMATION AND COOPERATION (2012–2013) EIF PHD STUDIESPHD STUDIES PHD STUDIESPHD STUDIES

5 CURRENT RESEARCH/PROJECTS LITHUANIAN POPULATION GROUPS UNDER CONDITIONS OF CHANGING SOCIAL SPACES (2012–2016) – a long-term institutional research and development programme. FRANET (2011–2013) – a multidisciplinary research network formed by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). ETHNIC MINORITIES IN SOUTHEASTERN LITHUANIA: ETHNIC, CIVIC, REGIONAL AND LOCAL IDENTITIES (2012–2014) – a project funded by the national programme of the Lithuanian Research Council “State and Nation: Heritage and Identity”. INTEGRATION POLICIES: WHO BENEFITS? THE DEVELOPMENT AND USE OF INDICATORS IN INTEGRATION DEBATES (MIPEX 2015) – a project led by the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB) and the Migration Policy Group (MPG). THE TRAJECTORIES AND EVALUATION MECHANISMS OF INTEGRATION OF THIRD-COUNTRY NATIONALS (2013–2014) – a project implemented by the Institute for Ethnic Studies (LSTC) and the ‘Diversity Development Group’, funded by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals. THE STRATEGIC DOCUMENT OF INTEGRATION OF THIRD-COUNTRY NATIONALS (2014–2015) – a project implemented by the Institute for Ethnic Studies (LSTC), Centre for Equality Advancement, Lithuanian Red Cross Society, NGOs „Diversity Development Group“, Social – educational initiatives centre PLUS, Social partnership foundation Magnum Bonum. The project is funded by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals, annual program 2013. LIVING AND WORKING CONDITIONS OF LABOUR MIGRANTS IN LITHUANIA (2014–2015) – a project implemented by the Institute for Ethnic Studies (LSTC) and „Diversity Development Group“. The project is funded by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals, annual program 2013.

6 CURRENT RESEARCH/PROJECTS Data base of migration research in the Institute for Ethnic Studies Legally residing TCNs (N=500) + expert interviews (N=10) – quantitative/qualitative research in 2009 Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians (N=40) + experts interviews (N=10) – qualitative research in 2010/2011 Turkish and Chinese migrants (N=50) + experts interviews (N=15) – qualitative research in 2011/2012 TCNs (N=50) + expert interviews (N=12) – qualitative research in 2013/2014 Migrant workers from third countries (N=300) + experts interviews (N=10) – quantitative and qualitative research in 2014/2015 Public opinion polls (N=1000 each year since 2005 …)

7 Source: Migration Years Book 2005, 2007, 2009, 2012. Lithuanian Migration Department 200720082009201020112012 Share of foreigners from total population, % 0,980,990,98 0,910,98

8 Source: Migration Years Book 2005, 2007, 2009, 2012. Lithuanian Migration Department; The Lithuanian Department of Statistics data.

9 Source: Migration Years Book 2005, 2007, 2009, 2012. Lithuanian Migration Department

10 2007 Economic migration regulation strategy 2008 Immigration policy guidelines 2011 Programme for Creation of “Global Lithuania” for 2011-2019 Migration policy before 2014 Immigration/migrant integration is not a political priority even in strategies/ programmes of migration policy Emigration is a sensitive and highly discussed issue in political and social life. Can be identified three main goals of emigration policy: promotion of re-emigration, returning emigrants re- integration and to maintain Lithuanian identity among emigrants.

11 Migration/migrant integration policies before 2014 Replacement of integration policies. Integration policies did not exist. Moreover, it was replaced by project-based activities under ERF and EIF funds; Administrative/ad hoc approach to migration/integration issues vs long term based approach) The biggest attention (in political and societal levels) was given to return migration and regulation of immigration (without any long term-based approach) rather than to migrant integration Immigration policies could be defined as based on migratory behaviour of the society, or so called, ad hoc principle. Lithuania has not applied consistent and long-term based immigration policy and migrant integration measures. Even looking at the documents, policies remains fragmented and short termed. “Specific” general approach towards immigration and migrant integration issues in Lithuania is related to situation that has been characteristic to many Eastern European countries: huge emigration flows, high unemployment level and international migration trends have determined the fact that Lithuania and Latvia did not become immigration countries, while immigration and migrant integration processes – underlying part of policy agenda.

12 MIPEX III: KEY FINDINGS No progress from 2007 to 2011 (with the exception of antidiscrimination policies) In 2007 – 20 th from 28 In 2011 – 27 th from 31

13 Migration/migrant integration policies after 2014 1.Migration Policy Guidelines, adopted by the Government in January 2014 (chapter for migrant integration) 2.Working group for Asylum and Migration Fund (established by the Ministry of Social Security and Labour) 3.New policy area in the Ministry of Social Security and Labour – integration of foreigners 4.The preparation of the strategic document for TCNs integration policies (TCN‘s integration strategy) 5.Working group (be established by the Ministry of Social Security and Labour) in order to prepare action plan for migrant integration.

14 CONCLUSIONS: Challenges to address Labour immigration – migrant exploitation and vulnerability in the labour market (working and living conditions) Political participation of third country nationals and even EU citizens Migrant entrepreneurship – strict immigration policy vs development/foreign investments Gender and migration/migrant integration Language as the main integration obstacle (correlation with employment, housing, social networks, access to health care and education) Recognition of qualification The complexity and interconnection of integration obstacles Negative attitudes towards immigration Narrow approach towards international migration: disbalance between immigration and emigration processes Immigrants as economic resource (labour force) rather than economic/social/cultural resource

15 Good practices/projects Multicultural volunteering centre (MVC): the coherence of Lithuanian society and third-country nationals Consultation and Information Centre PLUS My Student is a Foreigner Consulting Centre for migrants Projects were (are) funded by the European Fund for the Integration of Third- Country nationals

16 Perceptions of immigration in Lithuanian society The aim of the study: to analyse attitudes of Lithuania residents towards third-country nationals Method of the survey: representative survey by personal interview with the respondent Questionnaire of the survey covered: 11 thematic questions ir 12 socio- demographic questions about the respondent Sample size: 1012 permanent Lithuanian residents aged 15 to 74, from 100 places in Lithuania Data collected by: Lithuanian-British market research and public opinion company "Baltijos Tyrimai" Survey carried out: September – October, 2013 The study implemented in the frame of the project “The Trajectories and Evaluation Mechanisms of Integration of Third-Country Nationals“ funded by European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals

17 ( Un)willingness to live in the same neighbourhood (%)

18 (Un)willingness to work at the same workplace (%)

19 (Un)willingness to rent an apartment/house (%)

20 How have your attitudes changed during the past five years? (2013, %)

21 What is your opinion about the persons who live in Lithuania from the mentioned regions and countries? (2013, %)

22 Do you agree that immigrants from the mentioned countries would live and work in Lithuania? (2013, %)

23 What do You think about immigrants who live in/newly arrived to Lithuania? (2013, %)

24 Majority of immigrants is dependent on Lithuanian taxpayers (2010-2013, %)

25 Majority of immigrants arrives to the country with the purpose to work (2010-2013, %)

26 Government should pay more attention to immigrants’ integration (2010-2013, %)

27 Immigrants who arrive to the country are useful for Lithuanian economy (2010-2013, %)

28 Immigrants may cause social unrest (2010-2013, %)

29 Immigrants enrich cultural life of the country (2010-2013, %)

30 I would not like that my children study with immigrants’ children at the same class (2010-2013, %)

31 What policy should Lithuanian Government adopt towards immigrants from lesser developed countries? (2013, %)

32 Difficulties immigrants may face in Lithuania (2013, %)

33 Do you agree for the following integration measures that would be applied for immigrants, who live in/newly arrived to Lithuania? (2013, %)

34 CONCLUSIONS (I) Most of the respondents are not willing to live in the neighborhood, to work at the same work place and to rent an apartment/ house for Chechens, Pakistani and Chinese. Furthermore, respondents indicated that their attitudes towards the immigrants from these countries (extremely) worsened during the last five years. Concerning data of social distance most favorably are assessed immigrants from Ukraine, Belorussia and Russia. The majority of the respondents also agrees that people from these countries would live and work in the country. Generally, the perception of immigration is more negative than positive. It encloses the concern of the society for potential threats and possible social unrest that may cause immigrants. However, positive changes are noticeable as well. In 2013 more respondents than previously were tend to agree that Government should pay attention to immigrants integration. More respondents also agree to the statement that immigrants are useful to Lithuanian economy.

35 CONCLUSIONS (II) Language problems, difficulties in finding a job and concerns of children education are indicated as the greatest problems that immigrants face in Lithuania. Consequently, children education, language courses and assistance for organizing documents are mentioned as the most relevant integration measures for immigrants. Less people agree with the assistance for social housing, equal rights in receiving social assistance and services, as well as equal right for Lithuanian citizens and immigrants. Most of the respondents declare for the strict policy regulations towards immigration from lesser developed countries. Majority of the respondents tends to agree that immigrants shall be allowed to arrive to the country if there are jobs for them. A similar proportion of the respondent tend to agree that foreigners should not be allowed to come to work to Lithuania.

36 Dr. Karolis Žibas Lithuanian Social Research Centre, Institute for Ethnic Studies Goštauto str. 11, LT-01108, Vilnius, Lithuania Phone: +370 5 272 2063 / fax: +370 5 275 4896 E-mail: / Web: http://www.ces.ltces@ces.lt


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