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Testing vs. Assessment A Delicate Balance Coffee Talk 12/12/14 Lafayette Elementary School.

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Presentation on theme: "Testing vs. Assessment A Delicate Balance Coffee Talk 12/12/14 Lafayette Elementary School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Testing vs. Assessment A Delicate Balance Coffee Talk 12/12/14 Lafayette Elementary School

2 Testing!

3 A Paradigm Shift From “Testing” to Assessment Assessment Drives Instruction From Norm Referenced to Criteria Referenced

4 Assessment Assessment drives Instruction

5 Types of Assessments Norm-referenced refers to standardized tests that are designed to compare and rank test takers in relation to one another. Norm- referenced tests report whether test takers performed better or worse than a hypothetical average studentstandardized tests Ex – SAT, ACT, placement exams Bell Curve scoring Criterion-referenced tests and assessments are designed to measure student performance against a fixed set of predetermined criteria or learning standards—i.e., concise, written descriptions of what students are expected to know and be able to do at a specific stage of their education.assessmentslearning standards Ex – PARCC, AP tests, classroom assessments Scoring based on mastery of content or criteria

6 Burning Questions… What happened to STARS????? STARS is a norm referenced test, rather than criterion referenced. To best support teachers and tracking student growth, STARS was replaced by iReady. Why iReady? iReady was piloted last year by a group of staff members. It is a criterion referenced assessment that tracks student growth over the course of the entire school year (beginning, middle, and end of year). It is an adaptive assessment that changes to meet the performance of the student. In other words, if students are getting answers correct, the program shifts to “level up” to the next level. If students are not performing well, the program adjusts to find a level where students are successful. What do you do with the information from Unit Assessments? Teachers use this data to guide instruction, create “re-teach” lessons and provide intervention and enrichment to students. At the upper grades, students look at their own performance and reflect on how to avoid making the same mistakes again. What is PARCC? Partnership for Assessment of College and Career Readiness. It is a national test that measures the Common Core State standards. It replaces the DC-CAS beginning Spring 2015.

7 Grades 3 - 5 Criteria Referenced 2014-2015 – 1 st Year of Administration Computer Based Administered in March and May ELA and Math

8 SchoolAssessments HearstPARCC, UA, iReady (math), TRC, Dibels, KeyPARCC, UA, iReady, Dibels, F &P StoddartPARCC, UA, iReady (math), TRC, Dibels Horace MannPARCC, UA iReady (math), F & P Oyster AdamsPARCC, UA, iReady (math), TRC, Dibels BrentPARCC, ANET, iReady (math), F & P RossPARCC, iREady (math), TRC, Dibels, F &P Assessment in the Neighborhood

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