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1 6th WRBRF, March 23-24th 2015, Berlin Market data, Collection and recycling data PROSUM Project C. CHANSON PPT 12.

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Presentation on theme: "1 6th WRBRF, March 23-24th 2015, Berlin Market data, Collection and recycling data PROSUM Project C. CHANSON PPT 12."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 6th WRBRF, March 23-24th 2015, Berlin Market data, Collection and recycling data PROSUM Project C. CHANSON PPT 12

2 2 Data availability and comparison Quantity of batteries placed POM as declared by the national Collection and Recycling Organizations (CRO): based on the declaration of the German and French CRO’s, completed with less detailed data from UK, Spain and Italy. It represents more than 66% by weight of the batteries placed on the market in Europe. Quantity calculated with the data from Avicenne: worldwide data with a 22% contribution attributed to the EU Market. They are based on an average of 175Wh/kg for Lithium-on batteries, 70Wh/kg for Ni-MH and 45 Wh/kg for Ni-Cd Global trend and values for Li-ion batteries POM coherent

3 3 Market growth: portable battery Placed on the Market Global market growth, but - portable Ni-Cd is continuously decreasing (mainly due to the substitution on Ni-Cd by Li-ion for the power tools application), - Li-ion battery technology market is growing fast. - Ni-MH is also growing.

4 4 Collection progress Globally, the weight of portable batteries collected is increasing on a yearly basis. The trends observed are quite different when compared to the POM: particularly for Ni-Cd, where the collection is increasing while the POM is decreasing since years: it is a demonstration of the impact of the long service life and the long hoarding time

5 5 Collection rate The collection rate are calculated according the methodology proposed by the Battery Directive 2066/66 EC. It compares the quantity of waste batteries collected in a given year with the last 3 years average amount of batteries placed on the market, for the 3 technologies. It is a waste to sales comparison. Same users Same collection streams But large differences by technology

6 6 Collection rate: comparison to other flows  Portable Primary and Ni-MH similar format (mainly single cells), but better collection observed for primary= hoarding effect?  Li-ion are mainly packs in application: hoarding effect + WEEE mixed flow. Portable Primary batteries Portable Secondary batteries

7 7 ProSUM: Prospecting Secondary raw materials in the Urban mine and Mining waste The ProSUM project will establish a European network of expertise on secondary sources of critical raw materials (CRMs), vital to today’s high-tech society. ProSUM directly supports the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on Raw Materials and its Strategic Implementation Plan calling for the creation of a European raw materials knowledge base. “prosum” is Latin for “I am useful”

8 Funded European project PROSUM project > Submitted on April 8, 2014. > Approved on Sept 30, 2014 > Started Jan 1, 2015. > Duration = 36 months

9 9 PROSUM Global organisation

10 PROSUM Organization WP5 Knowledge Base (BRGM) WP3 Stocks and flows Characterisation (UNU) WP1 Project management (WF) WP6 Exploitation (WF) ProSUM Prospecting Secondary Raw Materials in the Urban Mine and Mining Tailings WP2 Product Characterisation (Empa) EU Information Network Components CRM POM Products CRM Stocks Fractions CRM in Waste WP4 Waste Characterisation (TUB)

11 ProSUM Outputs 11 Coordinate Launch EU Information Network. End User Requirement Specification. Review and Harmonisation of Data. Quality and Update Protocols. Collect Validated methodologies for determining CRM content. Review of available data and information. Product Stocks and Flows Data. Waste Flow Data. Characterisation of Products and Wastes. Framework for analysis and data handling. Construct Stocks and Flows Model. Requirements for Additional Statistics and Standards. Urban Mine Data Models. EU-Urban Mine Knowledge Data Platform. Communicate EU-UMKDP – inventory and multi-user portal, updates and reports. Manage EU Information Network and SIGs. Recommendations for improvement, standardisation and management of data.

12 ProSUM Partners 12

13 First tasks in Prosum  How to identify and categorize the CRM content on batteries placed on the Market  Database structure and content  Identification of available data

14 Batteries classification and identification issue Categorization/ Classification Aiming at an organization for a specific purpose, based on a methodology approach Based on market and/or size Battery directive Application (UNUcode) Based on Chemistry ( not coherent with the other type Chemical type (IEC) UN transport List of Waste Regulation ProdCOM codes other standards (SAE, UL, …)

15 Batteries classification and identification issue Identification: Aiming at identifying the product, or the product category BD directive marking Hazardous waste identification Un marking IEC marking Others standards (SAE,..) marking manufacturer label Product name Place of production Date of production Manufacturing code Brand Format Capacity Voltage Energy Others… manufacturer label Product name Place of production Date of production Manufacturing code Brand Format Capacity Voltage Energy Others…

16 Batteries classification and identification issue Characterisation: Complementary information characterising the product in addition to the marking indications. Application Size Format Weight Voltage

17 Compatibility with CRM content? Recharge proposal of classification based on chemical categorization

18 Batteries CRM content assessment Identification of what is Placed On the Market

19 Batteries CRM content assessment Coherence check with what is collected

20 Conclusion ProSUM project is on track! The first tasks: > A good exercise in clarifying what are the data sources and their content. > A global approach to define a public database requirements (data granularity, classification,…). The need of complementary information is already identified: industrial batteries are not well characterized.

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