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Mean, Median, Mode Social Statistics. This week Mean Median Mode 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Mean, Median, Mode Social Statistics. This week Mean Median Mode 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mean, Median, Mode Social Statistics

2 This week Mean Median Mode 2

3 How do we decide which is “best”? The overall goal of central tendency is to find the single score that is most representative for the distribution. 3

4 Measures of Central Tendency Mean: Arithmetic average sum of scores divided by number of scores most frequently used b/c it uses all scores in the set Median: “Middle” score, when scores are in order corresponds to the 50th percentile appropriate for skewed/open-ended distributions, and distributions with undetermined scores Mode: Most frequently occurring (popular) score appropriate for nominal data 4

5 Mean 5 (x bar): the mean : sum of the data : number of the data

6 Mean The sample mean is the measure of central tendency which can approximate the population mean The mean is very sensitive to extreme scores – It can put the mean in some extreme direction – Make it less representative – Less useful as a measure of central tendency 6

7 Calculate mean LocationNumber of annual customers Lanham Park Store2150 Williamsburg Store1534 Downtown Store3564 7 The mean or average number of shoppers in each store? Using Excel to do that use your own formula use AVERAGE function

8 Median It is defined as the midpoint in a set of scores – 50% of the scores fall above and one half fall below. 8

9 Calculate median Odd number of data – Rank them – Median=middle one – Example: 10, 9, 8, 7, 5 (median=8) Even number of data – Rank them – Median= sum of two middle data/2 – Example: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 (median=(8+7)/2=7.5) 9

10 Median The median is insensitive to extreme cases, where the mean is not. To measure the central tendency: – Have some extreme data, using median – No extreme data, using mean – Example: 14, 3, 2, 1, (mean=5, median=2.5) Which represents better the central tendency? 10

11 Median in Excel Calculate the median of income level 11

12 Mode The mode is the value that occurs most frequently. – Calculate the frequency of all the values in a distribution – The value that occurs most often is the mode 12

13 Calculate mode 185 students: 13 Student distributionNumber or frequency American student150 Asian student30 European student5 Mode = american student

14 When to use what Mean: – No extreme scores and are not categorical Median – Extreme scores and you do not want to distort the average Mode – Data are categorical in nature and values can only fit into one class – E.g. hair color, political affiliation, religion 14

15 Descriptive Statistics in Excel Take Figure2.9 (S-p57), input these figures to Excel Data  data analysis  data analysis box  choose Descriptive Statistics  tick “labels in first row”  output range=c1  tick “summary statistics”  click “OK” 15

16 Descriptive Statistics Income Level $135,456 $54,365Mean53324.16667 $37,668Standard Error16887.71824 $34,500Median36084 $32,456Mode#N/A $25,500Standard Deviation41366.2926 Sample Variance1711170163 Kurtosis4.861219327 Skewness2.173756462 Range109956 Minimum25500 Maximum135456 Sum319945 Count6 16

17 Exercise 1 (S-p62) Calculate mean, median and mode for the following data: 17 Score1Score2Score3 334154 754167 517132 426145 534154 625145 714113 824156 625154 523123

18 Exercise 2 (S-p62) Writing a sale report to your boss according to the figures of things sold today: 18 specialNumber Soldcost Huge Burger20$2.95 Baby Burger18$1.49 Chicken Littles25$3.50 Porker Burger19$2.95 Yummy Burger17$1.99 Coney Dog20$1.99

19 Exercise 4 (S-p63) Calculate the average sale 19 toyJuly saleAugust SaleSeptember Sale slammer12345.0014453.0015435.00 radar zinger31454.0034567.0029678.00 lazertags3253.003121.005131.00

20 Exercise 5 (S-p63) Patient record Mean and median, which is better for what? 20 12/1-12/712/8-12/1512/16-12/23 0-4 years121415 5-9 years151214 10-14 years122421 15-19 years381219

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