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European Helicopter Safety Team – EHEST EHEST Secretariat - February 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "European Helicopter Safety Team – EHEST EHEST Secretariat - February 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Helicopter Safety Team – EHEST EHEST Secretariat - February 2015

2 EHEST is the European component of the IHST Objective to reduce the civil helicopter accident rate by 80% by 2016 Goals Zero Tolerance Zero Accidents Focus on reducing helicopter accident fatalities EHEST – Component of IHST 2EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015

3 3

4 EHEST – Component of ESSI 4EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015

5 Safety Partnership with more than 50 organisations

6 HeliOffshore established 21 October 2014 6EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015

7 EASp Edition 2014-2017 7 EHEST contributes to EASp development and implementation EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015

8 A Plan of Action Our regional safety risk portfolio A four year Safety Plan A live process Widely discussed and agreed 8EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015

9 EASp Framework Systemic Issues Working with States to implement and develop SSPs Working with States to foster the implementation of SMS in the industry Safety Management enablers Complexity of the system Competence of personnel Operational Issues COMMERCIAL AIR TRANSPORT BY AEROPLANES Runway Excursions Mid-air collisions Controlled Flight Into Terrain Loss of Control In Flight Runway Incursions Fire, smoke and Fumes OTHER TYPES OF OPERATION Helicopters General Aviation Emerging Issues New products, systems, technologies and operations Environmental factors Regulatory considerations Human Factors and Human Performance 9EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015 No new version planned in 2015

10 10 EASA Annual Safety Review EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015

11 11 EASA Annual Safety Review EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015

12 EHEST Analysis Reports 2000-2005: 327 accidents analysed 2006-2010: 162 accidents analysed EHEST Report 2006-2010 To be published in autumn 2014 What’s new? Preview 12EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015

13 EHEST Report 2006-2010 What’s new? 13EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015

14 Preliminary Conclusions The analysis of the 2006-2010 accidents is globally consistent with the results from 2000-2005 The new data continue supporting the safety actions taken based on the 2000-2005 data 14EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015

15 More than 300 accidents analysed… … leading to the development of safety material addressing top issues From Analysis to Action 15EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015

16 Most Recent Leaflets 16EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015

17 And the latest one… 17EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015

18 Translations 18EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015

19 Safety Videos 19EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015

20 Edition 2 Edition 1 SMS Video by HAI 20EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015

21 EHEST SMS Toolkit Complex Operators management-toolkit/ Edition 2 for Complex Operators published in April 2013 Based on European Rules 21EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015

22 management-toolkit/ EHEST SMS Toolkit NCOs 22 Edition 2 for Non Complex Operators published in Oct 2014 Based on European Rules EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015

23 EHEST Pre-Flight Risk Management Check List 23EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015

24 Compatible for helicopter ops since 2012 Encouraged by BHA,EHEST and IHST EHEST Promotes IS-BAO by IBAC 24EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015

25 Safety Issues Technologies 150 technologies, 90 rated Safety Benefits of Technologies Presented at Avionics Europe and Helitech 2013 Sensor based obstacle and terrain avoidance Predictive ground collision avoidance Deployable System for Crash–Load Attenuation 25EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015

26 26 NLR Report Published Oct 2014 EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015

27 Coming soon! EHEST Flight Instructor Manual 27EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015

28 EHEST Flight Instructor Manual 28EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015

29 29 EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015

30 RAeS Conference 2014, London 30EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015

31 HELITECH 2014, Amsterdam 31EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015

32 EASA Rotorcraft Symposium 2-3 December 2014 32 EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015

33 European Helicopter Safety Group on LinkedIn Created in Feb 2014, offers an exchange and discussion space and contributes to bridging the gap with the community 33 7453300?trk=groups_most_popular-h-dsc&goback=%2Egmp_7453300 EHEST Standard Presentation February 2015


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