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Senior Year: Foundation for the Future Student Services Orientation Sept. 2-4, 2014.

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1 Senior Year: Foundation for the Future Student Services Orientation Sept. 2-4, 2014

2 * Welcome * Names you should know * After you get that diploma … Agenda * The Basics about College Applications * What to know about Transcripts * The Bottom Line on $$ * Q & A College? The Military? Employment ?

3 Ms. Toria Greene A-Cri Ms. Valorie Hallenbeck Lav-O Mr. Stefon Lowman P-Sit Counselors: Ms. Jill Ray Siu-Z Mrs. Patty Miller, Assistant Dean Hint-Lau Mr. Chuck Small Cro- Hinn

4 Mrs. Philomena Karol, Dean of Students pkarol Ms. Brandy Lyons, Student Assistance Program Counselor blyons Mr. Brandon Clowers, School Social Worker bclowers Ms. Sharon Manning, Career Development Coordinator smanning1 Other people who can help you Ms. Kelley Schroeder, Intervention Coordinator kschroeder Ms. Nancy McMillan School Nurse nmcmillan Ms. Nancy Stewart, Registrar nstewart Ms. Ina Nyko, School Psychologist inyko Ms. Debbie Fluke Guidance Tech dfluke

5 Toria Greene tgreene A-Cri Chuck Small csmall Cro-Hinn Patty Millerpmiller5 Hint-Lau Valorie Hallenbeckvhallenbeck Lav-O Stefon Lowman slowman P-Sit Jill Rayjray4 Siu-Z Use your counselor ’ s email for quick questions: (

6 For news from Student Services @EnloeStdntSrvcs

7 Receive up to date news and events in Student Services by registering for To join: Text ‘@7dbd2’ to (919) 729-5123 or email

8 Your Senior Meetings *At the completion of 12 th grade orientations, counselors will begin calling EVERY senior in for a meeting; there is no need to request one through email. *Seniors applying for a college deadline on or before Nov. 1 need to sign up for a college recommendation session. This session will serve as your senior meeting. *Your counselor will schedule your appointment through email. Print a copy of your scheduled appointment and show it to the teacher of the class you will miss.

9 After you get that diploma … Where do you see yourself? *At a college or university? *At a community college, technical, or vocational school? *Working full-time? *Joining the military?

10  See our schedule of recruiters – located on Enloe website. Click Career Services.  See Ms. Manning in Career Services (Room 1934) if you have any additional questions.  Visit websites: Air Force,; Army,; Navy,; Marines,; and Coast Guard, Thinking about the military?

11 Need a Part-Time job now or a Full-Time job next year? * Stay up to date by going to our website: Click Career Services, Job Opportunities. * Also, check out: Job Link Career Center: Click on Youth Ages 14-21 Jobs now:

12 Need help identifying your strengths? * The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocation Aptitude Battery) will be given November 7. Look/Listen for announcements to sign up. Taking the ASVAB DOES NOT commit you to the military! * Questions? Email Ms. Manning at * Online Career Assessments: Bridges Career Planning Tools; Kuder Career Assessment; The Career Key

13 You can complete the first 2 years of a 4-year degree through an Associate in Arts or Science program. Costs are less (less tuition/no room or board). SAT, ACT may be taken in lieu of a placement test, but are not required. Room to improve on academic skills and complete college/university admissions requirements. Thinking about Community College?

14 Thinking about 4-yr. colleges/universities? Consider majors offered, size, location, $$ (in-state vs. out-of- state, public vs. private), climate, and diverse culture of the campus. Remember that NC has 16 state-supported universities! Please VISIT, VISIT, VISIT! College representatives visit Enloe each week – great chance for info and questions! College visits will be announced on the Student Services website, scroll and the e-newsletter.

15 Important events: Check Student Services site regularly! College Admissions Program and Panel: Tuesday, Sept. 9, 5:30-8 p.m., Enloe Auditorium. Seniors, parents encouraged to attend. Wake County College Fair: Sunday, Sept. 21, 2-4:30 p.m., McKimmon Center, N.C. State. Admission, parking are free; bring your own bags to carry college materials.

16 CFNC College Application Week November 10-14, 2014 Select NC Colleges/Universities (mostly private) and all NC community colleges waive all application fees during this week! Great time to apply! The Basics about College Applications

17 Types of College Application Deadlines: Early Decision, Early Action, Regular. Some early action schools defer from first deadline, some don ’ t. Check before you apply! Apply online: (for NC colleges), for the Common Application ( colleges/universities in and out of state), and college websites. UNC-CH asks that students use Common Application.

18 The Basics about College Applications Types of College Decisions: Acceptance, Deferred, Waitlisted, Denied 1. Acceptance – Yay! 2. Deferred: Your application has been forwarded to the next deadline. Be patient; more information may be needed. (i.e. 1 st semester grades, new SAT, etc.) 3.Waitlisted: You ’ ll be notified if space opens up. 4.Denied: Don ’ t worry; there ’ s a better fit for you!

19 Counselor recommendation form (also called Secondary School Report) in college apps is the page(s) of a college app that a counselor must complete and submit. Teacher recommendation form in college apps are for teachers to complete and mail in or submit online. Please be sure to give each teacher a self- addressed stamped envelope for the paper ones! The Basics about College Applications Refer to 4-Year College Admissions Flow Chart

20 For Teacher Recommendations and other supplemental recommendations, be sure to ask teachers, coaches or community members who know you and can speak well of you. You can help by providing info (i.e. a short summary of personal information, your updated activities résumé, etc.). Give them at least two weeks notice! Be sure to send a thank you note! The Basics about College Applications

21 So what do you need to do NOW? Update your activities résumé (add senior year). Be aware of Student Services deadlines in relation to college deadlines! Use the chart online (also on back of the handout you received today) when determining when to submit college forms and/or transcript requests. Please do not wait until the last day! The sooner the better! Turn in ANY and ALL college forms and transcript requests to Mrs. Stewart in Student Services. DO NOT leave anything in your counselor’s box or on her door! The Basics about College Applications

22 Interviews for recommendations will be scheduled in the order the college form(s) are turned in. Students sign up with Mrs. Stewart for interviews as college forms are submitted. Counselors will e-mail seniors to schedule an appointment. Counselors work on one deadline at a time (ex: Oct. 15, Nov. 1, Nov. 15, etc.). There is really no need to turn in forms significantly earlier. The Basics about College Applications

23 What to know about Transcripts You will be receiving an unofficial copy of your transcript today. THE RANK IS NOT OFFICIAL! If you see any errors to your personal or academic info, please correct and turn in to Student Services ASAP! We will be finalizing transcripts on Thursday, September 11! ALL corrections must be turned in by then! DO NOT request transcripts through CFNC or our school’s online system until after Monday, September 22!

24 All transcripts for NC colleges must be requested through The Common App does not require a transcript request. But you DO need to make sure you have signed up for an interview for your recommendation by the in-house deadline! You should wait so that you may correctly connect your counselor after you’ve come in for your interview. All Out-of-State transcripts (outside of Common App), transcripts for scholarships or other programs should be requested using our school ’ s online system. You will find the link on our school website. Click on Student Services, Transcript Requests. Our registrar, Mrs. Nancy Stewart, will process the request. If you have any questions about requesting transcripts, see or email Mrs. Nancy Stewart, at What to know about Transcripts

25 Know your high school graduation requirements ! Counselors will go over them in your senior meeting. If you believe you are missing a class needed for graduation, see your counselor ASAP!! What to know about Transcripts

26 Graduation Requirements: Future Ready Core: 4 English credits – English I, II, III, IV 4 Math credits – Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, or Math I, II, III, one math beyond or qualify for math substitution option. 3 Science credits – Biological, Physical, Earth/Environmental 3 Social Studies credits – World History, Civics & Econ, US History 1 Healthful Living credit – Healthful Liv A & Healthful Liv B 6 Elective Credits – 2 must be from Arts, CTE or foreign language Minimum of 21 total credits to graduate!

27 SAT-I is the main SAT. SAT-II is a shorter test for particular subject areas; some colleges may require these. Be sure to check your college choices! ACT, which all juniors take at Enloe, is a standardized reasoning test that evaluates students in English, Math, Science & Social Studies. For some students, it is a good alternative to the SAT. And ACT scores will convert to SAT scores! Remember: Most colleges now take your highest individual math, reading, and writing scores. Some don’t require them at all! College Entrance Tests:

28 DateRegister ByLate October 11September 12September 30 November 8October 9October 28 December 6November 6November 24 Fall SAT Test Dates: Fall ACT Test Dates: DateRegister ByLate October 25September 19October 3 December 13November 7November 21 February 7January 9January 16

29 Fee waivers – Total of 2 SAT and 2 SAT-II waivers and 1 ACT waiver allowed. You may qualify based on receiving free or reduced lunch or by your total family household income. Pick up an eligibility form from Ms. Fluke at the front desk of Student Services. Then bring back your completed form with parent signature during your lunch period or after school. You will need to have completed your College Board SAT registration and be ready for entering payment information at that time. You will then receive your waiver number and complete the registration with a counselor. SAT/ACT Fee Waivers:

30 Free SAT Prep available on CFNC: Free SAT practice test on Collegeboard: Free SAT/ACT practice tests: Free SAT/ACT Prep:

31 Enloe Scholarship Bulletin comes out periodically throughout the year and is accessible online. Click on Student Services, Scholarships and Financial Aid. Keep a very close eye on those stated deadlines! Also, – largest free internet scholarship search and - Wake Co. scholarship Please don ’ t pay for guaranteed scholarship services!! Morehead-Cain & Park Scholarship There will be a MANDATORY meeting on Monday, September 8 for students wishing to pursue school nomination. The Bottom Line on $$ for College:

32 FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid. EVERYONE should apply for financial aid! You can go ahead online to register and request your PIN at  FAFSA requires from your parents’ 2014 Tax Return; therefore, you should plan to begin applying online starting in January. The Bottom Line on $$ for College:

33 Enloe’s Financial Aid Adviser will be on our campus beginning Tuesday, Oct. 14. Our adviser will make introductions and then begin making individual appointments. IMPORTANT! Scholarship offer letters – please bring in copies to Ms. Fluke at the front desk of Student Services as you receive them throughout this school year, even if you do not plan to accept the scholarship! We ’ ll be adding up the class total to announce at graduation. DO NOT THROW AWAY! The Bottom Line on $$ for College:

34 – Enloe – College Foundation of – The Common – College Board SAT – – Financial Aid Online references:

35 Have a great senior year! Student Services is here to help you, so don ’ t be afraid to ask.

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