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Ms. Spence’s Top Ten STAAR Reminders. Multiple Choice Don’t be this kid!!

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Spence’s Top Ten STAAR Reminders. Multiple Choice Don’t be this kid!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Spence’s Top Ten STAAR Reminders

2 Multiple Choice Don’t be this kid!!

3 #1 = Read and Flip back to the passage! Don’t assume you know the answer without looking back at the passage. Especially if a specific paragraph or quote is mentioned, you should be flipping back to the article, story, or poem constantly.

4 #2 = Use that dictionary! If you miss a question about the spelling or definition of a word, this is how I will feel.

5 #3 = If any part of the answer is wrong, it’s All wrong! STAAR can be tricky! Read each question carefully, and if any part of the choice is wrong, it’s all wrong!!

6 #4 = When In Doubt, go with your first guess, but be sure to eliminate obviously wrong answers First. Your first intuition is usually right, so go with your gut. However, make sure you read each choice closely and eliminate options you know are wrong before making your final choice.

7 Short answer & essay Don’t be this kid!!

8 #5 = PLAN, Plan, Plan!! have You have to plan your essay and your short answers. You have the time, so plan everything out (TEAM!) before you start writing in the test box.

9 #6 = Use multiple quotes in your Short Answer! The evidence for short answers comes from the text. Be sure to follow the TEAM formula, blend your quotes, and include the titles of the selections in your response.

10 #7 = Use what you Know!! We have read many great pieces this year: Of Mice and Men, Romeo and Juliet, The Odyssey, Sold, “The Most Dangerous Game,” etc. Use these pieces in your essay; they are great examples!

11 General Test Taking Tips Don’t be this kid!!

12 #8 = Watch Your Clock! 5 hours seems like a long time, but remember that anything not on your answer document when the time runs out doesn’t count!!

13 #9 = Take a Break! Get some water, eat a snack, go to the bathroom, but be sure to take a break. It gives your brain a rest and allows you to come back to the test with a fresh perspective.

14 #10 = Ask For supplies! Ask your test administrator for any of the following items: Dictionary / Thesaurus Highlighter Extra paper Sticky notes

15 Bonus #11 = Take a breath! You’ve got this. You are prepared for this test. Make sure to get a good night sleep, eat breakfast, and be sure to relax. It will all be okay!

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