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Student Registration Are you ready for your Road Test???

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Presentation on theme: "Student Registration Are you ready for your Road Test???"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Registration Are you ready for your Road Test???

2 What is Budget Challenge? Simulation challenge for students to compete to manage a ‘Typical Household Budget’ in real-time. –Uses real personal finance tools –Provides real consequences –Operates via email and Internet –Provides safe environment –Intro 2 min. video can be found on Teacher Home>Resources page.

3 The Road Test for Personal Finance Personal finance should be taken as seriously as learning to drive. No matter which state you live in, to get a driver’s license, you need to pass a written and a road test. There is a HUGE difference between knowing what a break pedal is and really knowing how to use it, at the right time, and in the correct way. In Budget Challenge, you will learn by doing. Through trial and error you will hone your skills and demonstrate working knowledge of many fundamentals in real world situations.

4 Mr. Robinson added items of interest To keep up with the game, plan to login 2 or more times per week There is a free mobile app Vendor selections lock at 9 PM on January 30 th ! –Purpose of vendor selection is to evaluate products, options, trade-offs, etc. –You MAY use all available resources (me, parents, peers, books, Internet) when making choices Only 2 variables can change after 9 PM January 30 th : –Checking account type (only for a full monthly cycle) –401k contribution % (for each paycheck)

5 How to win! Leaderboard score (used to determine $20,000 scholarship winners) –= 401k savings – fees/late penalties + quizzes & surveys 1 point per dollar saved 1 point per dollar in fees, 150 point penalty per late fee Quizzes and surveys earn extra points Engagement score –= logging in regularly x paying bills on time x taking weekly quizzes Logging in regularly = within last 5 days Paying bills on time = no late fees incurred within last 3 days Quizzes = taking quiz Real world ready score (used to determine $100,000 grand prize) –= Behavior + Knowledge + Skill Behavior logs in once every 5 days, pays bills on time, attempts quizzes Knowledge is sum of all points for correct answers Skill is leaderboard score / half of max score

6 Vendor information Cable – must pick one option (luxury, same for everyone – hobbies, memberships, going out) Auto insurance – make sure to look at deductibles Auto loan – no repossession but added penalty for not paying Cell phone – required for consistency, landline is luxury Credit card – use for day-to-day purchases, same for everyone, between $500 - $600 new charges per month, credit limit of $1,000 Gas & Electric Renter’s Insurance – look at coverages and details, same events happen to everyone Rent – Bill sent on the 8 th of every month, due 7 days later (look at weekends and holidays) Student loan Bank – minimum balances, fees, etc. 401k – savings account for retirement, pre-tax for Federal purposes, cannot withdraw until 59.5 or 62.5 years old, employer match!

7 Student Registration Instructions Go to Click Register

8 Student Registration Instructions Enter Class Code and Click Validate Code

9 Registration code Pd. 1 – TMWIAJH Pd. 2 – UGWROPM Pd. 3 - RVTQLBS

10 Creating a Student Account Username: –7-13 letters or numbers –no spaces –no special characters Password: –7-13 characters –At least one letter –At least one number –No spaces –Case-sensitive School address auto-populates Submit

11 Confirming the Student Account Students should open the Registration confirmation email in their Inbox. Check Spam folder if not found in Inbox. Click on Activate and Login link Once re-directed to website, select Click here to go to the next step hyperlink The username and password for your account will only work AFTER you click on the 2 links.

12 Student Home Resources during Registration Vendor Selection tabs Simulation Information Packet How to Play Help Desk

13 Simulation Overview

14 Complete Vendor Selections Review the information online –How to play –Information packet –Vendor selections Complete the Vendor Selections by 9 PM EST on the start date. When you have made choices on all the tabs they will all be green and that is the visual cue that your account is ready for the start of the game.

15 Recommendations Make a budget first! Adjust it as new information arrives Understand the product choices and trade-offs Pay all of your bills on-time Save as much as you can afford Track income and expenses on the Budget and Cashflow spreadsheet

16 Leaderboard Score Evaluates 3 key dimensions: –Ability to save –Ability to avoid fees –Personal finance knowledge Scores and class rankings are updated daily SavingsFees Quiz / Survey Score Starting 401K of $500 = Starting score Earn 1 pt per $1 saved into 401K. Contribution is Federal tax exempt. Employer match counts toward score. Earn points by taking quizzes and feedback surveys available on Student Home. Points are added to score in the evening, visible next day. Lose 1 pt per $1 in fees. Fees count for all vendors including bank. Lose extra 150 points for each bill not paid on time.

17 What happens when the simulation starts? On evening of start date: –Vendor Tab choices get locked in –Welcome email and bill notifications begin –Leaderboard populates –Starting Balances awarded in checking account and 401K The only categories that are adjustable are: – bank account type –401K contribution %. (401K plan is not adjustable) Paychecks direct deposited biweekly (See Vendor Selections > Job for# days until 1st paycheck) Important: Paycheck funds are available for use the day AFTER the deposit. See the bank page or employer page for details.

18 Contact Us For Customer Service support submit inquiries at: –Student Home > Help Desk –Teacher Home > Teacher Help Desk Upon starting simulation: Customer service for each vendor may be contacted by clicking the link at the bottom of every Vendor Page or from Student Home>Help Desk. Allow 1-2 business days for response

19 BUDGET CHALLENGE personal finance simulation Budget Challenge and ProperLiving are registered trademarks of ProperLiving, LLC U.S. Patent No. 8,444,418 and Patent Pending Copyright 2014 ProperLiving, LLC All Rights Reserved

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