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Digital System Design Verilog ® HDL Useful Modeling Techniques Maziar Goudarzi.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital System Design Verilog ® HDL Useful Modeling Techniques Maziar Goudarzi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital System Design Verilog ® HDL Useful Modeling Techniques Maziar Goudarzi

2 2005Verilog HDL2 Today Program Procedural Continuous Assignment Overriding Parameters Conditional Compilation and Execution Useful System Tasks

3 Procedural Continuous Assignment Useful Modeling Techniques

4 2005Verilog HDL4 Procedural Continuous Assignment Overrides, for a certain time, the effect of regular assignments to a variable. Two types  assign/deassign Works only on register data types  force/release Works on both register and net data types Note:  Not synthesizable. Use only for modeling and simulation

5 2005Verilog HDL5 Procedural Continuous Assignment (cont’d) assign/deassign  Keywords assign : overrides regular procedural assignments LHS: reg or concatenation of regs. No nets. No arrays. No bit-select or part-select deassign : re-enables regular procedural assignments  After deassign : Last value remains on the register until a new procedural assignment changes it.

6 2005Verilog HDL6

7 2005Verilog HDL7 Procedural Continuous Assignment (cont’d) force/release  Keywords: force : overrides all procedural/continuous/ procedural continuous assignments release : re-enables other assignments Hence, assignments in priority order: 1. force 2. assign (procedural continuous) 3. Procedural/continuous assignments

8 2005Verilog HDL8 force/release on reg variables

9 2005Verilog HDL9 force/release on nets Net value immediately returns to its normal assign ed value when released

10 Overriding Parameters Useful Modeling Techniques

11 2005Verilog HDL11 Overriding Parameters Two methods  defparam statement  Module instance parameter value assignment defparam statement  Keyword: defparam  Syntax: defparam = ;

12 2005Verilog HDL12

13 2005Verilog HDL13 Overriding Parameters (cont’d) Module instance parameter values  Parameters are overridden when the module is instantiated  Syntax: #( ) ;

14 2005Verilog HDL14 Example with multiple parameters

15 Conditional Compilation and Execution Useful Modeling Techniques

16 2005Verilog HDL16 Conditional Compilation Usage:  To compile some part of code under certain conditions Keywords:  ‘ifdef, `else, `endif  ‘define to define the flag

17 2005Verilog HDL17

18 2005Verilog HDL18 Conditional Execution Usage:  To execute some part of code when a flag is set at runtime  Used only in behavioral modeling Keywords:  $test$plusargs Syntax:  $test$plusargs( )

19 2005Verilog HDL19

20 Useful System Tasks Useful Modeling Techniques

21 2005Verilog HDL21 Useful System Tasks File Output Opening a file  Syntax: = $fopen( “ ” );  is a 32 bit value, called multi-channel descriptor  Only 1 bit is set in each descriptor  Standard output has a descriptor of 1 (Channel 0)

22 2005Verilog HDL22 Useful System Tasks File Output (cont’d) Writing to files  $fdisplay, $fmonitor, $fstrobe  $strobe, $fstrobe The same as $display, $fdisplay, but executed after all other statements schedule in the same simulation time  Syntax: $fdisplay(, p1, p2,…, pn); Closing files $fclose( );

23 2005Verilog HDL23 Example: Simultaneously writing to multiple files

24 2005Verilog HDL24 Useful System Tasks Random Number Generation Syntax: $random; $random( ); Returns a 32 bit random value

25 2005Verilog HDL25 Useful System Tasks Initializing Memory from File Keywords:  $readmemb, $readmemh Used to initialize memory ( reg [3:0] mem[0:1023] ) Syntax: $readmemb(“ ”, ); $readmemb(“ ”,, ); $readmemb(“ ”,,, ); The same syntax for $readmemh

26 2005Verilog HDL26

27 2005Verilog HDL27 Useful System Tasks Value Change Dump (VCD) File ASCII file containing information on  Simulation time  Scope and signal definitions  Signal value changes Keywords  $dumpvars  $dumpfile  $dumpon  $dumpoff  $dumpall

28 2005Verilog HDL28

29 2005Verilog HDL29 Today Summary Introduced a number of modeling techniques useful in various applications

30 2005Verilog HDL30 Other Notes Homework 8  Chapter 9: All exercises with ModelSim, except for 3 and 5 3 and 5 in paper and pencil Due date: Sunday, Day 11th

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