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COMPSCI 105 S2 2014 Principles of Computer Science Recursion 3.

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Presentation on theme: "COMPSCI 105 S2 2014 Principles of Computer Science Recursion 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMPSCI 105 S2 2014 Principles of Computer Science Recursion 3

2 Agenda  Agenda  The Fibonacci Sequence  The Towers of Hanoi  Binary search  Recursion and efficiency  Textbook:  Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures  Chapter 4 – Recursion  Chapter 5 – Searching 22COMPSCI1052

3 22.1 The Fibonacci Sequence The Fibonacci Sequence  Describes the growth of an idealised (biologically unrealistic) rabbit population, assuming that:  Rabbits never die  A rabbit reaches sexual maturity exactly two months after birth, that is, at the beginning of its third month of life  Rabbits are always born in male-female pairs  At the beginning of every month, each sexually mature male- female pair gives birth to exactly one male-female pair 22COMPSCI1053

4 22.1 The Fibonacci Sequence The Fibonacci Sequence  Problem  How many pairs of rabbits are alive in month n?  Example:  rabbit(5) = 5  Recurrence relation rabbit(n) = rabbit(n-1) + rabbit(n-2) 1 2 3 4 5 Month 22COMPSCI1054

5 22.1 The Fibonacci Sequence Recursive Definition  Base cases  rabbit(2), rabbit(1)  Recursive rabbit(n) = 1 if n is 1 or 2 rabbit(n-1) + rabbit(n-2)if n > 2  Fibonacci sequence  The series of numbers rabbit(1), rabbit(2), rabbit(3), and so on def rabbit(n): if n <=2: return 1 return rabbit(n-1) + rabbit(n-2) def rabbit(n): if n <=2: return 1 return rabbit(n-1) + rabbit(n-2) The sequence of numbers rabbit(n) for all n is called Fibonacci Sequence or Fibonacci numbers. 22COMPSCI1055

6 22.1 The Fibonacci Sequence rabbit(6) rabbit(5) return rabbit(4)+rabbit(3) rabbit(4) return rabbit(3)+rabbit(2) rabbit(3) return rabbit(2)+rabbit(1) rabbit(3) return rabbit(2)+rabbit(1) rabbit(2) return 1 rabbit(2) return 1 rabbit(1) return 1 rabbit(1) return 1 rabbit(2) return 1 rabbit(6) return rabbit(5)+rabbit(4) rabbit(4) return rabbit(3)+rabbit(2) rabbit(3) return rabbit(2)+rabbit(1) rabbit(2) return 1 rabbit(1) return 1 rabbit(2) return 1 22COMPSCI1056

7 22.1 The Fibonacci Sequence Examples: Fibonacci Tiling Fibonacci Spiral 22COMPSCI1057

8 22.2 The Towers of Hanoi 2.6 The Towers of Hanoi  Puzzle consists of n disks and three poles  The disks are of different size and have holes to fit themselves on the poles  Initially all the disks were on one pole, e.g., pole A  The task was to move the disks, one by one, from pole A to another pole B, with the help of a spare pole C.  Due to its weight, a disks could be placed only on top of another disk larger than itself 22COMPSCI1058

9 22.2 The Towers of Hanoi Solution  If you have only one disk (i.e., n=1),  move it from pole A to pole B  If you have more than one disk,  simply ignore the bottom disk and solve the problem for n-1 disk, with pole C is the destination and pole B is the spare  Then move the largest disk from pole A to B; then move the n-1 disks from the pole C back to pole B  We can use a recursion with the arguments:  Number of disks, source pole, destination pole, spare pole 22COMPSCI1059

10 22.2 The Towers of Hanoi Solution Apply function recursively to move these three disks. def hanoi(count,source,destination,spare): if count is 1: Move a disk directly from source to destination Move count-1 disks from source to spare Move 1 disk from source to destination Move count-1 disk from spare to destination def hanoi(count,source,destination,spare): if count is 1: Move a disk directly from source to destination Move count-1 disks from source to spare Move 1 disk from source to destination Move count-1 disk from spare to destination Source destination spare 22COMPSCI10510

11 22.2 The Towers of Hanoi Pseudo code for the recursive solution  Satisfies the four criteria of a recursive solution  Recursive method calls itself  Each recursive call solves an identical, but smaller problem  Stops at base case  Base case is reached in finite time 22COMPSCI10511 def hanoi(count, source, destination, spare): if count <= 1: print ("base case: move disk from", source, "to", destination) else: hanoi(count - 1, source, spare, destination) print ("step2: move disk from", source, "to", destination) hanoi(count - 1, spare, destination, source) def hanoi(count, source, destination, spare): if count <= 1: print ("base case: move disk from", source, "to", destination) else: hanoi(count - 1, source, spare, destination) print ("step2: move disk from", source, "to", destination) hanoi(count - 1, spare, destination, source) 1 2 3

12 Example: hanoi(3, "A", "B", "C") 22COMPSCI10512 hanoi(3, ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’) Count = 3 Source = A Dest = B Spare = C ? hanoi(2, ‘A’, ‘C’, ‘B’) Count = 2 Source = A Dest = C Spare = B ? def hanoi(count, source, dest, spare): if count <= 1: print ("base case: move disk from", source, "to", dest) else: hanoi(count - 1, source, spare, dest) print ("step2: move disk from", source, "to", dest) hanoi(count - 1, spare, dest, source) def hanoi(count, source, dest, spare): if count <= 1: print ("base case: move disk from", source, "to", dest) else: hanoi(count - 1, source, spare, dest) print ("step2: move disk from", source, "to", dest) hanoi(count - 1, spare, dest, source) hanoi(1, ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ Count = 1 Source = A Dest = B Spare = C Base case: Print: from A to B Print: from A to C hanoi(1, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘A’ Count = 1 Source = B Dest = C Spare = A Base case: Print: from B to C Print: from A to B hanoi(2, ‘C’, ‘B’, ‘A’) Count = 2 Source = C Dest = B Spare = A ? hanoi(1, ‘C’, ‘A’, ‘B’ Count = 1 Source = C Dest = A Spare = B Base case: Print: from C to A Print: from C to B hanoi(1, ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ Count = 1 Source = A Dest = B Spare = C Base case: Print: from A to B A B C AB C A B C A BC AB C A BC A B C 3 Steps Check Animation

13 22.2 The Towers of Hanoi Call Tree  hanoi(3…) uses 10 calls, a top-level one and 9 recursive calls hanoi(2, ‘A’, ‘C’, ‘B’) hanoi(1, ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’) Move A -> C Move A -> B hanoi(1, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘A’) hanoi(3, ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’) hanoi(2, ‘C’, ‘B’, ‘A’) hanoi(1, ‘C’, ‘A’, ‘B’) Move C -> B hanoi(1, ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’) A B C AB C A B C A BC AB C A BC A B C 22COMPSCI10513

14 22.3 Binary Search Binary Search  Problem: look for an element (key) in an ordered collection  (e.g. find a word in a dictionary)  Sequential search  Starts at the beginning of the collection  Looks at every item in the collection in order until the item being searched for is found  Binary search  Repeatedly halves the collection and determines which half could contain the item  Uses a divide and conquer strategy Search dictionary Search first half of dictionary OR Cost? 22COMPSCI10514

15 22.3 Binary Search Implementation  Implementation issues:  How will you pass “half of list ” to the recursive calls to binary_search ?  How do you determine which half of the list contains value?  What should the base case(s) be?  How will binary_search indicate the result of the search?  Example: a sorted list 22COMPSCI10515

16 22.3 Binary Search Algorithm Design  Base case:  If array is empty number is not in the list, or  If element is the one we look for return it  Recursive call  Determine element in the middle  If the one we look for is smaller than element in the middle then search in the left half  Otherwise search in the right half of the list 0123456789 firstlastmid = (first + last)/2 Left half: [first.. mid-1]Right half: [mid+1.. last] 22COMPSCI10516

17 22.3 Binary Search Example Code def binary_search(num_list, first, last, value): index = 0 if first > last: index = -1 else: mid = (first + last) // 2 if value == num_list[mid]: index = mid elif value < num_list[mid]: index = binary_search(num_list, first, mid-1, value) else: index = binary_search(num_list, mid+1, last, value) return index def binary_search(num_list, first, last, value): index = 0 if first > last: index = -1 else: mid = (first + last) // 2 if value == num_list[mid]: index = mid elif value < num_list[mid]: index = binary_search(num_list, first, mid-1, value) else: index = binary_search(num_list, mid+1, last, value) return index 22COMPSCI10517

18 22.3 Binary Search Call Tree  A successful search for 9: value  9 first  0 last  7 value  anArray[3] value  9 first  0 last  2 value  anArray[1] value  9 first  2 last  2 value  anArray[2] return 2 01234567 1591215212931 index binary_search(list,0,7,9) binary_search(list,0,2,9) binary_search(list,2,2,9) 22COMPSCI10518

19 22.3 Binary Search Call Tree  An unsuccessful search for 6: value  6 first  0 last  7 value  anArray[3] value  6 first  0 last  2 value  anArray[1] return -1 01234567 1591215212931 index binary_search(list,0,7,6) binary_search(list,0,2,6) binary_search(list,2,2,6) value  6 first  2 last  2 value  anArray[2] value  6 first  2 last  1 first  last return  1 binary_search(list,2,1,6) 22COMPSCI10519

20 22.4 Efficiency Recursion and Efficiency  Some recursive solutions are so inefficient that they should not be used  Factors that contribute to the inefficiency of some recursive solutions  Overhead associated with method calls  Inherent inefficiency of some recursive algorithms  Note: The recursive methods binarySearch and solveTowers are quite efficient, but the fact and rabbit are inefficient 22COMPSCI10520

21 22.4 Efficiency Recursion and Efficiency  Do not use a recursive solution if it is inefficient and if you have a clear, efficient iterative solution  Factorial’s recursive solution  Overhead associated with method calls  Iterative method is more efficient  Rabbit counting recursive solution  Inherent inefficiency of recursive algorithms  It computes same values over and over again, e.g., rabbit(7) computes rabbit (3) five times.  Use rabbit’s recurrence relation to construct an efficient iterative solution 22COMPSCI10521

22 22.4 Efficiency Iterative Solution def iterative_rabbit(n): previous = 1 current = 1 next_elt = 1 for i in range(3, n+1): next_elt = current + previous; previous = current; current = next_elt return next_elt def iterative_rabbit(n): previous = 1 current = 1 next_elt = 1 for i in range(3, n+1): next_elt = current + previous; previous = current; current = next_elt return next_elt 22COMPSCI10522

23 Exercise 22COMPSCI10523  Given the following:  my_list = [0, 1, 2, 8, 13, 17, 19, 32, 42]  Draw the call tree of  binary_search(my_list,0,8,3)  binary_search(my_list,0,8,13)

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