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Radu Muresan CODES+ISSS'04, September 8-10, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden1 Current Flattening in Software and Hardware for Security Applications Authors: R.

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Presentation on theme: "Radu Muresan CODES+ISSS'04, September 8-10, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden1 Current Flattening in Software and Hardware for Security Applications Authors: R."— Presentation transcript:

1 Radu Muresan CODES+ISSS'04, September 8-10, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden1 Current Flattening in Software and Hardware for Security Applications Authors: R. Muresan, C. Gebotys Presentation By: Radu Muresan

2 Radu Muresan CODES+ISSS'04, September 8-10, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden2 Outline  Introduction  Power analysis attacks (PAAs) Definitions, examples, countermeasures  Current flattening technique Definition, methodology, implementations Current flattening as a countermeasure against PAAs  Results and conclusions

3 Radu Muresan CODES+ISSS'04, September 8-10, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden3 Introduction  Embedded systems are increasingly used in security applications  The software and the hardware components must be secure against all threats  Current flattening is a potential countermeasure against PAAs Secret-key Cryptosystem: ke = kd Public – key Cryptosystem: ke ≠ kd Encryption Decryption Ciphertext Message Channel Plaintext Key Generation kd ke Key Channel

4 Radu Muresan CODES+ISSS'04, September 8-10, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden4 What is a Power Analysis Attack ?  Side-channel attacks exploit correlation between secret parameters and variations in timing, power consumption, and other emanations from cryptographic devices to reveal secret keys Cryptographic Device R Current or Power Measurement Power Supply Attacker’s Point

5 Radu Muresan CODES+ISSS'04, September 8-10, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden5 Example, DPA Attack on a Scalar Multiplication Algorithm for EC Protocols  DPA, uses correlation between power consumption and specific key-dependent bits  kP, scalar multiplication Double-and-add approach, binary k (2) = (k n-1,...,k 0 )  kP 1,kP 2,...,kP n => C i (t) = power  k n-1 = 1; After the first iteration => Q[0] = 2Pi  Second iteration If k n-2 =1 => Q[1] = 4P If k n-2 =0 => Q[1] = 5P  g(t)= i=1,...,k|si=1 - i=1,...,k|si=0

6 Radu Muresan CODES+ISSS'04, September 8-10, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden6 Example, DPA Attack on a Scalar Multiplication Algorithm for EC Protocols  A peak is observed when 4P i are computed by the card  No peak is observed when 4P i are never computed by the card Simulated correlation function between the points 4P i and power consumption C i (t) when k n-2 = 0.

7 Radu Muresan CODES+ISSS'04, September 8-10, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden7 Countermeasures Against PAAs  Against timing attacks Equalizing; Randomizing; Blinding  Against simple power analysis attacks Avoiding; Creating; Symmetric  Against differential power analysis attacks Randomization; Blinding Hardware: non-deterministic techniques  Against all PAAs Proposed: current flattening technique

8 Radu Muresan CODES+ISSS'04, September 8-10, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden8 What is Current Flattening?  Current flattening targets a flat (emission free) current consumption measured at an attacker’s point of a cryptographic device Cryptographic Device Attacker’s Point Current Flattening (internal) External Current Filtering Devices

9 Radu Muresan CODES+ISSS'04, September 8-10, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden9 Behind Current Flattening  Current consumption in a processor is a function of: The hardware architecture The instruction type The instruction sequencing Data manipulated Examples of current dynamics

10 Radu Muresan CODES+ISSS'04, September 8-10, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden10 Software Method  Program execution is composed of two types of cycles charging; discharging  Code transformations are generated for classes of instructions Current measurements used for determining code transformations Class FLATTEN0 [ALU Units] FLATTENi [ALU Units] ALU11 NOP00 CONTROL43 Example

11 Radu Muresan CODES+ISSS'04, September 8-10, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden11 Hardware Method  Pipeline current flattening module

12 Radu Muresan CODES+ISSS'04, September 8-10, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden12 Hardware Method  Feedback current module

13 Radu Muresan CODES+ISSS'04, September 8-10, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden13 Does Current Flattening Protect Against PAAs?  Software method does not support DPA due to the fact that the program to data dependencies are not covered  Hardware method has potential to cover all PAAs Supports real-time current adjustment at the clock frequency Covers both current to data and to instruction dependencies

14 Radu Muresan CODES+ISSS'04, September 8-10, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden14 Results of Software Flattening  The experiments used the polymulNIST.asm implementation of an EC scalar multiplication (kP), where: P a fixed point on a known elliptic curve k a secret key  Target processor: Motorola SC140 DSP Real current measurements

15 Radu Muresan CODES+ISSS'04, September 8-10, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden15 Results of Software Flattening  Pk-Pk current variation reduced by 70 to 78%  Energy consumption increased by 71 to 74%  Execution time increased by up to 135% Ver- sion Start Time [μs] End Time [μs] Energy Prog. [μJ] Mean [mA] S [mA] Pk-Pk [mA] M125681209.90.16818.8567.7 M2251569363.20.1241.6020.3 M4251545359.90.1251.9116.8 M7251569365.50.1251.9814.3 Data analysis for software flattening

16 Radu Muresan CODES+ISSS'04, September 8-10, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden16 Results of Hardware Flattening  Instantaneous current simulation for polymul.asm polymul.asm is a subroutine of polymulNIST.asm polymul.asm is a target of PAAs  Target system Motorola SC140 DSP plus the Feedback Current Module Current simulation and real current measurement

17 Radu Muresan CODES+ISSS'04, September 8-10, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden17 Results of Hardware Flattening  Pk-Pk current variation reduced by 94 to 97%  Energy consumption increased by up to 16%  Execution time increased by up to 29% Wave- form Run Time [μs] Energy [μJ] Max [mA] S [mA] Pk- Pk [mA] blue21.36.04167.72.4722.4 red21.36.14168.51.8719.2 mag.23.76.47144.00.381.2 black27.57.01134.00.130.6 Data analysis for hardware flattening

18 Radu Muresan CODES+ISSS'04, September 8-10, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden18 Conclusions  The paper presented the mechanisms of the internal current flattening technique (ICF)  ICF controls power consumption and current variation Countermeasure against PAAs  Limitations Increased execution time and energy consumption

19 Radu Muresan CODES+ISSS'04, September 8-10, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden19 Future Work  Investigate an ASIC implementation of the PAAR architecture  Methods to improve the performance and energy consumption of implementations using ICF

20 Radu Muresan CODES+ISSS'04, September 8-10, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden20 References Used for the Presentation  Slides 3 and 4 W. Mao, “Modern Cryptography”, Prentice Hall, 2004 O. Kommerling, M. G. Kuhn, “Design principles for tamper-resistant smartcard processors”, In Workshop on Smartcard Technology 1999  Slides 5, 6 and 7 J-S. Coron, “Resistance against dpa for elliptic curve cryptosystems”, CHES’99 P. Kocher, et al., “Differential power analysis”, In CRYPTO’99  Slide 9 R. Muresan, C. Gebotys, “Instantaneous current modeling in a complex vliw processor core”, In ACM TECS, 2004

21 Radu Muresan CODES+ISSS'04, September 8-10, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden21 THANK YOU! Questions?

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