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1 IBC – Quality – QA, QC, QM, BSI, ISO, TQM, DCM, MFI…… (special thanks to Geoff Leese)

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Presentation on theme: "1 IBC – Quality – QA, QC, QM, BSI, ISO, TQM, DCM, MFI…… (special thanks to Geoff Leese)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 IBC – Quality – QA, QC, QM, BSI, ISO, TQM, DCM, MFI…… (special thanks to Geoff Leese)

2 2 From people to quality n HR is a responsibility now devolved throughout the organisation’s line managers, with a core staff of specialist advisers (last lecture) n Responsibility for quality is also now seen as devolved, throughout the organisation itself, with a core staff of specialists who assure quality by their liaison through the workplace

3 3 The Future In the future there will be two kinds of company - Those who have implemented Total Quality and those who have gone out of business. You do not have to do this - survival is not compulsory W Edwards Deming

4 4 Definitions of Quality n Innate excellence n Error free n Fit for purpose n Measurable to standards n Value

5 5 Quality Characteristics Characteristics or Factors ä function ä appearance ä reliability ä durability ä recovery ä contact

6 6 Investment Cost of Quality n people ä skills ä training n plant ä fit for purpose n process ä fit for purpose ä resources fit for purpose ä resources for rework

7 7 External ‘Cost’ of Quality n Customers and their perceptions n Returns and handling ä Rework ä Replace n Reputation n Customer chain n Value for money

8 8 Controlling Quality n Measuring performance n Interpreting the evidence ä Finding the cause of problems ä Improving performance n Presenting the information n Whose responsibility? n Taking action

9 9 Assuring Quality n Process design n Handling statistics n Beyond direct manufacturing/service provision n Quality cultures n Customer in view

10 10 Managing Quality n Modern methods n Whose responsibility n Quality Culture? n TQM n Quality Circles n Zero Defects

11 11 Quality Standards n What is relevant to your operation? n International standards n BS EN ISO 9000 ä 1 Guidelines (TickIT) ä etc n ISO 9004 ä 1 system elements ä 2 service ä 3 processed materials ä etc n BS 4778 defines terms used n How necessary?

12 12 Total Quality Management n Systematic method to ensure all activity is as planned, meeting customer requirements ä Quality Control belongs to all ä all empowered to take action ä internal customer concept ä zero defects ä monitoring of procedures ä team work, sharing ideas n Total management involvement

13 13 Reading n Bott section 2.3.5 n Clifton section 9.12

14 14 Tutorial Tasks n How might one assess the quality of a sandwich? n Consider ä what is meant by “quality” ä how one might measure these things ä how those measurements might be “judged” ä what control measures might be taken?

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