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Object-oriented programming and design 1 Smalltalk in a Nutshell Objects & classes Messages & methods Inheritance & metaclasses.

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Presentation on theme: "Object-oriented programming and design 1 Smalltalk in a Nutshell Objects & classes Messages & methods Inheritance & metaclasses."— Presentation transcript:

1 Object-oriented programming and design 1 Smalltalk in a Nutshell Objects & classes Messages & methods Inheritance & metaclasses

2 Object-oriented programming and design 2 Smalltalk: Everything is an Object l Application objects: customer, inventory l GUI objects: button, text editor l Foundation: string, set, numbers, booleans l Tools: browser, debugger, compiler, GUI builder l Language implementation: class, method, context,

3 Object-oriented programming and design 3 Communicating with an Object All computation is done by objects. The only way to interact with an object is to "send a message" to it. Smalltalk has three kinds of syntax for sending a message. All messages have same implementation.

4 Object-oriented programming and design 4 Three Kinds of Message Syntax Unary messages aSalaryChange date Keyword messages earned at: date add: money Binary messages (worked - 40) max: 0

5 Object-oriented programming and design 5 One Way to Send a Message Object responds to message by looking in its class for a method with the same selector. If it doesn't find the method, it looks in its superclass. Repeat until it finds the method. If it never does, there is an error.

6 Object-oriented programming and design 6 Smalltalk in a nutshell l Classes have methods and variables. l Methods are a sequence of messages, assignments, returns. l Variables, literals, pseudovariables l Blocks l Metaclasses - classes have classes

7 Object-oriented programming and design 7 Smalltalk Expression Syntax Literals 3.675, 14, 'hello', #weight, $d, #( #foo 'bar' 92) Assignments and variables v := v + 1 Messages

8 Object-oriented programming and design 8 Smalltalk Expression Syntax Sequences. Blocks. x < y ifTrue: [z := x] ifFalse: [z := y]. paychecks do: [:each | each post] Cascades aSet add: #blue; add: #red

9 Object-oriented programming and design 9 Smalltalk Method Syntax Returns ^socialSecurity + federalTaxes + stateTaxes

10 Object-oriented programming and design 10 Variables in Smalltalk l blockArguments and temporaries l methodArguments and temporaries l instanceVariables Can be accessed only by the object's methods. l Globals, class variables Any method in the scope can access it Variable is object of class Association

11 Pseudovariables l nil l true, false l self l super l thisContext (in Squeak and VisualWorks, but not standard Smalltalk) Object-oriented programming and design 11

12 Summary l Classes are objects that define methods and variables of their instances. l Method is a sequence of message-sends, assignments, and return statements l Three kinds of syntax for messages, but one way of implementing them l Literals. Variables. Blocks. Object-oriented programming and design 12

13 Object-oriented programming and design 13 Message Lookup and Inheritance EmployeeTransaction has subclasses Paycheck, SalaryChange, and Timecard. EmployeeTransaction defines the instance variable date and the method: date ^date

14 EmployeeTransactiondate Paycheck check107/09/95 aPaycheck date

15 Object-oriented programming and design 15 Using Variables printOnCheckStream: aStream aStream cr; cr. aStream next: 40 put: (Character space). DateFormat print: date on: aStream. aStream cr....

16 Object-oriented programming and design 16 More variables test "PayrollSystem test" | payroll day1 ralph | day1 := Date newDay: 5 year: 1996. payroll := self new. ralph := Employee new name: 'Ralph Johnson'.

17 Object-oriented programming and design 17 (continued) ralph changeSalaryFor: day1 to: 20. payroll addEmployee: ralph. self employee: ralph hours: self aLittleOvertime starting: day1. ^payroll

18 Object-oriented programming and design 18 Initializing an Object Every object needs to be initialized. Uninitialized variables are nil. The initialization method often defines the type of a variable. Two methods: one class and one instance.

19 Object-oriented programming and design 19 Class Methods Class is an object. It can have methods, too. For class Date class newDay: dayInteger year: yearInteger ^self new day: dayInteger year: yearInteger

20 Object-oriented programming and design 20 Instance initializing method For class Date day: dayInteger year: yearInteger day := dayInteger. year := yearInteger

21 Object-oriented programming and design 21 Creating a Date Date newDay: 3 year: 1995 Date new day: 3 year: 1995 day: 3 year: 1995 3 1995 day year

22 Object-oriented programming and design 22 Complete Smalltalk Expressions (method definition) message, assignment, sequence, block, return Variables, literals Classes, inheritance Class methods / instance methods Pseudovariables nil, true, false self, super, thisContext

23 Object-oriented programming and design 23 Smalltalk (the language) is trivial Complexity is class library. New language extensions fit in as well as numbers and control structures. Language extension => core language is trivial

24 Object-oriented programming and design 24 Implications class library = language extension => must know class library must standardize class library merging class libraries is like merging language extensions hard to make class libraries

25 Object-oriented programming and design 25 Applications l No programs, just objects l No “main” routine l Most applications create new classes, reuse a lot of existing ones

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