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Share Information – PAPI Modules. Enable/Disable range selector in javascript. To be able to search period you must first chose ”All” since we only extract.

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Presentation on theme: "Share Information – PAPI Modules. Enable/Disable range selector in javascript. To be able to search period you must first chose ”All” since we only extract."— Presentation transcript:

1 Share Information – PAPI Modules

2 Enable/Disable range selector in javascript. To be able to search period you must first chose ”All” since we only extract share data six months by default. This setting can be changed in the javascript Change download icon Change color on share. Add custom logo as background, change background color or change to grid. Choose between different chart type settings such as candlestick, area, pie, line etc. Show end of day Show part of day Choose to place information such as comparison type, regulatory information and share information where ever you want Enable/Disable navigator in javascript. You can also change the design for this in the HTML demo Design and place the time periods where you want to have them Add start date on share stock listing in javascript Percent/Value will show the change in percentage. No comparison shows price change Change the width and height in HTML. The height must be at least 500px NOTE! Several access keys are delivered if you have multiple language versions. To get the correct releases you must also change key, and not only the uiLanguage

3 Choose what day to start from Data-key should always be [ShortName]+[MarketPlace]+[Currency] Change color on series in graph Settings in HTML Change download icon Choose where to link releases Choose default comparison type: percent/value/none Chart type setting. Choose between area, pie, column etc. Change width and height. Note! The settings are made in the script-template. Height must be at least 500px. Choose to show volume as default: true/false

4 Correct access key is in the word document. Make sure to use the correct key for each language Controls the language texts in module. The text can be modified in cision.webmodules.texts.js If the volume on more than one share should be visible, the share must be set as primary. Choose to have it visible in graph by default, or make it visible only when the option has been checked by the user Choose start period by default in graph. NOTE! We recommend you to use three or six months. If you select all data, the graph can be perceived as slow

5 HighChart/HighStock Options in JavaScript For more information/support about HighChart/HighStock options, go to Choose which option to Edit/Enable/Disable and copy the code into the javaScript To change proxyhandler, depending on your web server, change the URL in the javaScript for each web module

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