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New constraints on the integration of the Bear River and cutting of Oneida Narrows --implications for the Bonneville record Joel Pederson and Jesse King.

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Presentation on theme: "New constraints on the integration of the Bear River and cutting of Oneida Narrows --implications for the Bonneville record Joel Pederson and Jesse King."— Presentation transcript:

1 New constraints on the integration of the Bear River and cutting of Oneida Narrows --implications for the Bonneville record Joel Pederson and Jesse King

2 problem -Bonneville record important, and radical recent evolution of the Bear River controls the hydrologic balance photo: Eric Beard modified from Link et al., 1998 field guide -Importance long recognized (Bright, 1963), but not widely, and needs better constraints (Kaufmann and students) -Here we add additional data and analyses, making for a tight story with more nuanced implications

3 Thatcher Basin Oneida Narrows Cache Valley

4 This study so far: mapping, OSL, terrain reconstruction

5 Results



8 Key relations in Thatcher Basin







15 Oneida-Bear River OSL geochronology

16 Results 25.6 +/- 2.7 ka 19.7 +/- 1.9 ka

17 Summary in long profile

18 Takehome points -Bear River integration now better constrained at ~52 ka, spillover point at Oneida Dam -Integration initiated 200+m of canyon cutting before Bonneville highstand, 1 cm/yr averaged! -Shift in hydrologic balance very likely accounts for anomalous Bonneville highstand and outburst flood

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