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Università degli Studi di Catania International Mobility Unict International Relations Office ERASMUS+ INTER-INSTITUTIONAL AGREEMENTS.

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1 Università degli Studi di Catania International Mobility Unict International Relations Office ERASMUS+ INTER-INSTITUTIONAL AGREEMENTS

2 International Mobility Unict The Commission published a new template for inter-institutional agreements in order to enable potential beneficiaries to start preparing their agreements in due time. The new template : is valid only for inter-institutional agreements between institutions located in current programme countries (EU Member States, Iceland, Turkey, fYRoM, Liechtenstein, Norway). A template for inter-institutional agreements between programme and partner countries (all other countries) will be published at a later stage. is provided for academic years 2014-2015 up to 2020-2021. is no longer limited to bilateral arrangements and can be signed between more than two higher education institutions, in order to provide mobilities between groupings of institutions. can be circulated electronically (In order to reduce the paper work, scanned signatures and exchange of the agreements by e-mail are strongly encouraged).

3 INTER-INSTITUTIONAL TEMPLATE International Mobility Unict A.Information about higher education institutions B.Mobility numbers per academic year C.Recommended language skills D.Additional requirements E.Calendar F.Information 1.grading systems of the institutions 4.housing G.Signatures of the institutions (legal representatives)

4 INFORMATION ABOUT HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS International Mobility Unict INSTITUTION DETAILS Erasmus ID Code:I CATANIA 01 ECHE:29276-LA-1-2014-1-IT-E4AKAI1-ECHE Postal address: Piazza Università, 2 - 95131 Catania - Italy Website: ERASMUS CONTACTS Institutional Coordinator: Prof. A. Rapisarda ( IRO Coordinator: Dr. V. Tutino ( Phone: +39 095 7307 476; Fax: +39 095 7307 105

5 MOBILITY NUMBERS PER ACADEMIC YEAR International Mobility Unict Number of student mobility periods (for studies and/or traineeships) We recommend: an exchange of up to 3 outgoing students and 3 incoming students (one for level). a mobility period from 6 to 9 months (the academic year consists of two semesters) However, if partners have special needs, we do try to meet their requirements. Number of staff mobility periods (for teaching and/or for training) 1 week and 8 hours of lessons.

6 RECOMMENDED LANGUAGE SKILLS International Mobility Unict Language preparation is a key element to ensure success in mobility outcome (staff/ student satisfaction, coping with everyday challenges and pressure during their study / training period and improved exam success rates). As the language of instruction of most courses is in Italian, the recommended language of instruction level is A2 (according to the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”). For students who spends their mobility to do research as part of their thesis, the minimum language requirement is English B1.

7 OTHER REQUIREMENTS International Mobility Unict Calendar: May (Winter Semester) - November (Summer Semester) Grading Systems Of The Institutions: The University of Catania has adopted the CFU accreditation system which corresponds to the European Community Course Credit Transfer System (ECTS). Visa, Insurance And Medical Assistance: students-guidelines#VISA students-guidelines#VISA Housing:



10 INTER-INSTITUTIONAL AGREEMENTS - 2015/2016 International Mobility Unict Those institutes/universities that may be interested in entering into a new Inter- Institutional agreement with the University of Catania shall contact the International Relation Office at the e-mail

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