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Bram Moeskops Scientific Coordinator CORE Organic Research seminar 1 October 2014, Stockholm New Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Organic Food.

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Presentation on theme: "Bram Moeskops Scientific Coordinator CORE Organic Research seminar 1 October 2014, Stockholm New Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Organic Food."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bram Moeskops Scientific Coordinator CORE Organic Research seminar 1 October 2014, Stockholm New Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Organic Food and Farming

2 What is TP Organics? Only platform for organic, agro-ecological and low-input food and farming research Only platform that takes system approach to agriculture and food chains Only platform that strongly engages with civil society organisations Established in 2008 - recognised in 2013

3 Members of TP Organics 2007 Network of universities Network of scientists Involvement of advisory services Education and Science National Mirrors European CSOs International Only Theme 2 Cooperation with the Agri Food sector group of the Enterprises Europe Network in terms of knowledge management and technology transfer. Business representatives

4 Strategic Research Agenda (2009) Socio-economic development Food production and ecosystems Food quality, quality of life and health

5 Towards a new agenda New policy framework – Horizon 2020 – EIP-AGRI – Proposal for new organic regulation New challenges have emerged – Local/regional production of (protein) feed – Reconnecting consumers with food production – Sustainable diets Focus on innovation

6 Towards a new agenda December 2013: call for experts January-June 2014: experts drafted topics 1 July: stakeholder forum July-August: online consultation 9 September: Steering Committee decided on final list of topics October: external consultation December: publication and launch

7 Empowerment of rural areas Supporting the development of a diverse organic sector Increasing trust in organic food and farming by reconnecting consumers with food production Strengthening resilience and innovation capacity of the organic sector Agro-ecological and organic farming pathway to improve food security and rural development in Sub- Saharan Africa and South Asia

8 Eco-functional Intensification Improved ecological support functions Appropriate and robust livestock systems Innovative tools and strategies for cropping systems Assessment and sustainability of novel technologies Specialized and intensive plant production systems (fruit production, viticulture, greenhouse systems) Development of innovative systems for organic aquaculture Breeding robust plant varieties and animal breeds

9 Food for health and well-being Integrity of organic food and the organic food chain Organic food processing concepts and technologies Contribution of the organic food system to sustainable diets Identification of potential public health effects of the organic food system in Europe Effect of organic food and foods of different quality on risk and severity of allergies and on general health and well-being of children

10 Overcome regulatory challenges Supporting the development of a diverse organic sector Improved ecological support functions: focus on alternatives to critical inputs (copper) Organic seeds and breeds: focus on multiplication Eco-efficient production of animal feed / 100% feed from farm and regional level Organic food processing concepts and technologies

11 A bit of promotion....

12 Action Plan for Innovation and Learning Blueprint for innovation and learning in organic farming 13 examples covering a wide range of methodologies and farming conditions Analysis of opportunities offered by EU innovation policy Recommendations for policy makers and the sector

13 EIP-AGRI dossier Political background Rural development versus Horizon 2020 Relevant articles in rural development regulation Service point Focus groups Inspiration from the Member States – What do the authorities plan? – What does the organic sector think?

14 Feeding Knowledge Call Best Practices on food security: Sustainable management of natural resources Quantitative & qualitative enhancement of crop growing products Socio-economic dynamics and global markets. Sustainable development of small rural communities Food consumption patterns: diet, environment, society, economy and health Deadline: October 31, 2014 Application: Help with application form:

15 Rewards: For 15 best practices selected: Exhibition in Pavilion 0 Dedicated workshops to transfer the experiences Dissemination and promotional materials Repository on Feeding Knowledge web platform For two organic best practices: Travel expenses for EXPO 2015 Accommodation Logistical support (visa etc)

16 Thank you for your attention !

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