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REGISTER TASK: “If you could turn back time.. What would you have invented?” Discuss with your neighbour and be ready to share with the class.

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Presentation on theme: "REGISTER TASK: “If you could turn back time.. What would you have invented?” Discuss with your neighbour and be ready to share with the class."— Presentation transcript:

1 REGISTER TASK: “If you could turn back time.. What would you have invented?” Discuss with your neighbour and be ready to share with the class

2 Activity DEFINE HARDWARE Hardware is the physical parts of the computer system – the parts that you can touch and see. WHAT INPUT AND OUTPUT DEVICES DO YOU USE? WHAT DO YOU THINK A HOSPITAL MIGHT USE…. Some ideas here.......

3 LESSON OBJECTIVES – TO LOOK AT P5 “describe recent IT developments” Hardware Developments 1.increasing power and capacity 2.increasing sophistication of computer platforms 3.increasing sophistication of communication technologies Links to Unit 2 with Gareth?

4 Brainstorm What do you think have been significant advances in technology over the last few years? Tablets, touch screen, smart phones Use in a restaurantUse in a restaurant Wifi (In May 2010 Mayor Boris Johnson pledged to have London-wide Wi-Fi by 2012.) Cloud storage Biometrics Google Glass recap/?utm_cid=mash-com-fb-main-vid recap/?utm_cid=mash-com-fb-main-vid

5 Before you can measure the impact IT developments have on organisations, you need to identify what developments have taken place  increase in power,  performance,  capacity of systems  physical size of equipment.

6 Hardware - History Dell, Microsoft and Google  Dell – 1984 – largest computer firm, selling hardware and computer systems by mail order.  Internet search engines- free tool – extended the popularity of computers  GPS-global positioning system  Mobile phones – access to the internet  Traditional skills replaced with automated systems

7 Increasing power and capacity Processing is faster Multiple tasks in short time While power and capacity had increased, cost has fallen – why is this? Mass production and sophistication in the manufacturing process has reduced costs considerably.

8 These days PCs are a similar price than 5, 10, 20 years ago. But due to inflation and in relation to disposable income are cheaper. Years ago deemed to be an expensive luxury – now a necessity? How many of you (or within your family) own more than one of the following: laptop, pc, tablet, smart phone?

9 Computer platforms Platform-the foundation around which a system is developed e.g. Windows and UNIX Developments in computer operating systems and collaboration between rival manufacturers have led to software in different versions to run on your chosen platform - for example, Microsoft Office for Mac. Mobile platforms such as Andriod, iOS, Blackberry

10 INCREASED SOPHISTICATION OF COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY PDAs, Blackberries, CCTV and smart chips in credit card formats. Bluetooth is a wireless device enabling connection email EDI stands for electronic data interchange - it uses standard data formats to communicate between businesses, for example, to exchange orders and invoices electronically in a standard format - swiftly, accurately and without using paper. Satellite navigation systems.

11 history-of-data-storage

12 Activity - increasing power and capacity | Create a table that compares examples of the following removable storage devices Floppy Disk, CD, DVD, USB drive, SD Cards, 1.Describe each one – include images 2.Can you find their storage capacity – what does this mean in terms of photos, music files etc? 3.iPads have different storage capacity – what is the difference between 16GB, 32GB and 64GB in terms of what you can store? 4.Research Cloud storage – find examples of storage and price from different providers.

13 Storage sizes – iPad Capacity Content16 GB32 GB64 GB Music500 Songs / 2 GB1000 songs / 4GB2000 / 8 GB Photos2600 photos / 2 GB5200 photos / 4GB 10400 photos / 8 GB Apps72 apps / 6 GB168 apps / 14 GB336 apps / 28 GB Movies 3 (SD) movies / 3 GB or 12 (SD) TV Shows 6 (SD) movies / 6 GB or 24 (SD) TV Shows 14 (SD) movies / 14 GB or 56 (SD) TV Shows Everything Else Books, magazines, mail, etc. / 1 GB Books, magazines, mail, etc. / 2 GB Books, magazines, mail, etc. / 4 GB Total 14 GB (other 2 GB is for iOS and Apple apps.) 30 GB (other 2 GB is for iOS and Apple apps.) 62 GB (other 2 GB is for iOS and Apple apps.)


15 DEFINE SOFTWARE Software is a collection of instructions that can be ‘run’ on a computer. These instructions tell the computer what to do.

16 LESSON OBJECTIVES – TO LOOK AT P5 “describe recent IT developments” Software Developments 1.increased sophistication and integration of application software 2.specialised support software such as management information systems, decision support software, expert systems and security software. 3.e-commerce

17 Software Activity - Watch the following video and list the hardware and software they use IT and Football Clip 2 P5 - Software Developments 1.increased sophistication and integration of application software 2.specialised support software such as management information systems, decision support software, expert systems and security software. 3.e-commerce

18 1. Software Software is becoming increasingly sophisticated- video clips and background music incorporated into presentations, interactive online applications, photo and video editing etc.. Bespoke databases integrate with Excel in order to migrate data out of the database into a spread sheet, perhaps to analyse data to present in a graphical format. CSV format – coma separate value

19 2. Specialised support software As systems become more powerful, a wider range of application software can be supported. In addition, many companies use bespoke or specialist software to support their business. MIS (Management Information Systems) are used to log sales and purchases, monitor stock levels and mange production.

20 CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems are used by organisations to develop confidence in customers by managing their interaction with current and future customers e.g. gb/dynamics/crm.aspx gb/dynamics/crm.aspx CAD (Computer Aided Design) is a drawing application. It enable architects and designers to produce technical drawings using a computer. 2D and 3D using digital prototyping. Using IT to design a school

21 Decision support software – software that is designed to help users compile useful information from raw data in order to solve problems and make decisions. Expert systems - software that is designed to perform tasks that would be performed by a human expert. e.g. medical diagnosis

22 3. E-commerce the buying and selling of goods and services using electronic communication e.g. the internet, mobile apps. E-commerce and Social Media

23 60 Seconds on the Internet

24 Activity 1.Imagine you work in a restaurant. 2.What recent developments in Hardware and Software do you think you could use and why? What are they like in terms of power, capaity, cost, user friendly? (2 or 3 examples of each one)

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