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Living and working in Poland

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1 Living and working in Poland
Marcin Lewko EURES Adviser Genova

2 Poland in Europe

3 Administrative division
Baltic Sea Russia Lithuania Bielarus Germany Ukraine Czech Republic Slovakia

4 General information Full country name: Republic of Poland;
Population: 38.1 million; Capital city: Warszawa (Warsaw) – population 1.7 million; Official language: Polish; Currency: 1 Zloty (PLN) = 100 Groszy, 1 EUR approx. 4,22 PLN ( ); Time: GMT+1h; Nationalities: 98.5% Polish, 0.6% Ukrainians, 0.5% Germans, 0.4% others; Religion: 90.7% Catholics, 1.4% Orthodox, 7.9% others The biggest cities: Warszawa, Kraków, Łódź, Wrocław, Poznań, Gdańsk, Szczecin, Bydgoszcz, Białystok (listed according to the number of inhabitants);

5 General information Public Holidays: 1 January: New Year’s Day,
6 January: Three King’s Day Easter Sunday and Monday (first Sunday after the first spring full moon), 1 May: Labour Day, 3 May: Constitution Day, Corpus Christi: (Thursday of the ninth week after Easter), 15 August: Assumption of Virgin Mary, Polish Army Day, 1 November: All Saints’ Day, 11 November: National Independence Day, 25, 26 December: Christmas.

6 Labour market situation
The average gross monthly pay in year 2014 PLN = 934 EUR The lowest gross monthly pay in 2014 1.680 PLN = 398 EUR Currency – the Polish zloty (PLN) € 1 buys PLN 4.22 ( )


8 Unemployment rate in EU/EEA

9 Wielkopolska, Poland Area: 29 825,6 km2
(9,5% of total territory of Poland) Population: ( ) ( total population of Poland) Unemployment rate 7,9 % (entire country – 10,0 %) Capital of region – Poznań (population: , 5th biggest city in Poland)

10 Poznań… and Wielkopolska
concentration of enterprises high level of education third cultural centre in country good geographic location

11 Labour market: surpluses & shortages
In the area of surpluses and shortages in our labour market the situation is complicated. We have 100 vacancies and 300 unemployed bricklayers who work in black market because of high costs of employment. The same refers to cooks, carpenters, shop assistants, drivers. There ale also people with qualifications but no skills, as they haven’t worked for a long time…or high qualification but no language skills

12 Summary - problems remaining unemployed have problem with:
lack of motivations languages utility of qualifications

13 How to find a job? The real problem is not unemployment, but underpayment, so people are looking for a job abroad. Unfortunately many of them don’t know foreign languages. You can also use PES to find a job but it’s offer is less attractive because no employer looks for a good specialist in a labour office now.

14 Job search The Public Employment Services – Local and Regional Labour Officers (EURES adviser, assistant); Private agencies (check the legality!); Local newspapers. Internet

15 Job search Labour Offices 16 Regional (Voivodship) Labour Offices
338 Local Labour Offices Vocational courses, on-the-job training, CVs, Cover Letters, job-psychologist and advisers help Free registration

16 National EURES Manager in Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
EURES in Poland: National EURES Manager in Ministry of Labour and Social Policy 16 Regional Labour Offices: 16 EURES Line Manager Over 59 EURES Advisers EURES „Assistants” in 343 Local Labour Offices

17 Commercial websites:

18 At work Full time = 40h/week or individual agreement
Overtime = paid 150% or time off Salary – paid monthly Social Security – employer submits employee Taxes, contributions – deducted from salary Holidays – working days Working time 8:00 – 16:00 most public companies 8:30 at latest… - private companies

19 Income taxes – Poland Which income will be taxed in Poland?
Live in Poland? You must pay tax on your worldwide income there. (criterion: you lived there for at least 183 consecutive days during the tax year or your life is centred there) Live in Poland but for less than 183 days? You are not considered tax resident and pay tax only on the income earned in Poland. Income from other EU countries? Check you never pay tax twice on the same income.

20 How much will you pay? Income tax is progressive — the more you earn, the higher your rate. In 2013 the tax rates for individuals are 18% and 32%. Take into account any: tax allowances deductions you are entitled to for certain types of expenditure. Bracket Annual income Rate 1 up to 3091 PLN 0% 2 PLN 18% 3 over PLN 32%

21 When and how do you pay? Your employer deducts income tax and social-security contributions from your salary. After the tax year, you must file an annual return by 30 April. If your salary is your only source of income and you submit a special form to your employer, you are not obliged to file an annual tax return. How to appeal / complain If you disagree with your tax assessment, you can appeal to the director of the tax chamber. If your appeal is rejected, you may take your case to the administrative court. Read your tax assessment letter carefully to find out exactly which department you should send your appeal to, which time limits apply and which procedures you need to follow.

22 Own business – 1st step Registration in the City Hall or Mayor Office
Application form Company and owner name Address of the owner and company Type of activities – according to the Polish Classification of Activities Expected date of starting activities Fee – 100 zł (~23,6 €) Waiting period – till 10 working days You can apply for REGON and NIP at City Hall or Mayor Office or do it yourself You can apply for free of charge registration

23 Own business – step 2 REGON – information system considering running business Apply in Regional Statistical Office Within 14 days from receiving registration certificate Must bring ID and registration certificate

24 Own business – step 3 Tax Office registration
NIP (number of personal tax identification) Application NIP-1 Copy of registration certificate Copy of REGON decision VAT – registration 170 PLN (40,2 €) – your choice – if incomes > € it’s obligatory to apply

25 Own business – last steps
Own / company seal Bank account Social Insurance Office (ZUS) If catering – SANEPID (district sanitary - epidemiological office) National Work Inspection – if hired employees

26 Cost of living Bread – 4 PLN ~ 1€ Butter – 4 PLN ~ 1 €
Yogurt – 2 PLN ~ 0,50 € 1,5 l water – 2 PLN ~ 0,50 € 1 l orange juice – 4 PLN ~ 1€ 1 kg ham – 30 PLN ~ 7 € 1 beer – PLN ~ 0,70 - 2,35 € Cinema ticket – 24 PLN ~ 6 €

27 Airports in Poland

28 Transportation Polish Railways PKP -
Polish Coaches/Bus service PKS - Only in Polish Eurolines - Rent a car

29 Accommodation Hotels and accommodation

30 Emergency phone numbers
#112 Police 997 Ambulance 999 Fire Brigade 998

31 Important websites in Poland
Information about Poland: President of the Republic of Poland: Polish legal service: Ministry of Labour and Social Policy: Ministry of Justice: Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Ministry of Health: Poland company browser (company directory – Panorama Firm):

32 What should you do to find good job in Poland?
Avoid agents – work they offer could be illegal! Check employer: EURES, labour offices, City Hall, Embassies, Chambers etc Learn Polish or at least try to find mulitculture/language company Protect yourself - Typical „before you go” – extra money, accomodation, how to get… etc Good CV, references, certificates – also scanned!

33 What should you do to find good workers in Poland?
Cooperate with Eures in Poland to have: job interviews, meetings, initial screening done professionally. Organize language courses for future employees. Create working teams with at least one foreign language speaking Pole. Help with accommodation and daily problems to make them trust you and work better DON’T Try to find employees yourself as it might be difficult and time consuming (language, emotional barriers). Change the contract conditions for the worse – Poles will feel cheated Be reliable, enduring and punctual

34 I do recommend PES/EURES services for several reasons:
Firstly, we are experienced. Secondly, we have efficient and well organized infrastructure and procedures. You don’t pay for our services.

35 Thank you for your attention
Marcin Lewko EURES Adviser Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy w Poznaniu /Regional Labour Office in Poznań Polska/Poland tel fax

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