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Traditional Costumes From Around the World

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Presentation on theme: "Traditional Costumes From Around the World"— Presentation transcript:

1 Traditional Costumes From Around the World

2 What is the traditional costume from Korea called?

3 Korea Hanbok

4 Here are some traditional costumes from other parts of the world...

5 Here are some traditional costumes from other parts of the world
Here are some traditional costumes from other parts of the world... Can you guess where they come from?

6 Kebaya

7 Kebaya

8 Indonesia Kebaya

9 Tsolia (soldier’s costume)
and dance costumes

10 Tsolia (soldier’s costume)
and dance costumes

11 Tsolia (soldier’s costume)
and dance costumes Greece

12 Kimono

13 Kimono

14 Japan Kimono

15 Bunad

16 Bunad

17 Norway Bunad

18 Costume for the New Year

19 Costume for the New Year

20 Costume for the New Year

21 Lederhosen

22 Lederhosen

23 Austria Lederhosen

24 Non bai tho (hat)

25 Non bai tho (hat)

26 Non bai tho (hat) Vietnam

27 Easter costume

28 Easter costume

29 Easter costume Ethiopia

30 Carnavale costume

31 Carnavale costume

32 Carnavale costume Brazil


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