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 Go to page 39 O P T I C. Mr. Wood World History 101.

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Presentation on theme: " Go to page 39 O P T I C. Mr. Wood World History 101."— Presentation transcript:

1  Go to page 39 O P T I C

2 Mr. Wood World History 101

3  What is polytheism and how did it exist in Mesopotamia and Egypt?  8.10.1 - Define polytheism and its role in early civilizations  2.10.1Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from complex text

4  Do Nows  Readings- FQI Notes

5  From P. 39  What can you learn about the Egyptians’ attitude about death by looking at the pictures?  What does the diagram of the interior of the pyramid tell you about the ancient Egyptians?

6 Mesopotamia  P. 31-2- A Religion of Many Gods (Black) 6-9 FQI Notes Egypt P. 37-8 Egypt Unites into a Kingdom (Red) + Egyptian Culture (Red) 9-11 FQI Notes

7  You will take notes for 12 minutes on your own  When you are finished you will compare and case with your partner  Then we will go over them as a class.

8  Write down everything that you learned today  Be ready to share what you wrote…

9  Read and take notes until the end of class  We will let those who are working hard and writing their notes well first.

10  What is Polytheism?  What were the gods like in Egypt?  Take out your FQI Notes, Outline and paragraph on Egypt

11  What is polytheism and how did it exist in Mesopotamia and Egypt?  8.10.1- Define polytheism and its role in early civilizations  2.10.1Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from complex text

12 Stand up!!! Vocab and Notes review

13  You will have 10 minutes to continue taking notes  Notes are due with on the test day!!

14  1. How were the gods important in Egypt?  2. How were the gods important in Mesopotamia? Take out and Open up your notes

15  We will go over our study guide for our in class essay test

16  What is polytheism and how did it exist in Mesopotamia and Egypt?  8.10.1R- Define polytheism and its role in early civilizations  2.10.1Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from complex text (ENG 8.10.1)

17  When is our test and what do we have to do for our test?

18  We will finish going over our study guide for our in class essay test  The test is next class period!!!!

19  Work on your study guide for the in class essay You will be able to leave when as you work.

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