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PISA 2015 Main Study (March-April 2015)
Informational meeting with School Principals October 2014 Petros Georghiades, PhD Modestina Modestou, PhD PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre Centre for Educational Research and Evaluation
The purpose of this meeting
Overview of PISA PISA 2015 Main Study: Content and procedures Role and responsibilities for participating schools School Principals’ support PISA 2012 / PISA FT2015 preliminary results Use of PISA Released Material Effective ways for promoting PISA PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre
Overview of PISA What is PISA? Who organizes PISA?
The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) took place for the first time in 2000 15-year-old students: end of compulsory education PISA surveys take place in three-year cycles The 6th PISA cycle will take place in 2015 More than 70 countries participate in PISA 2015 – second participation for Cyprus Who organizes PISA? Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) An international consortium is responsible for the development and management of the Programme Every country has its own PISA National Center Centre for Educational Research and Evaluation(CERE) PISA 2012 Cyprus National Centre
Overview of PISA What does PISA assess?
PISA assesses students’ performance in: science mathematics reading cooperative problem solving (new domain 2015) Proficiency levels PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre
Overview of PISA Proficiency Levels
PISA uses proficiency levels to indicate the type of skills students are able to use at each level, for each cognitive domain. Level 1 is the lowest and level 6 is the highest proficiency level Level 2 is considered the baseline level Students at this level present a number of basic skills, which will allow them to integrate and participate efficiently in the social and civic life. PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre
Proficiency Levels PISA 2012
Mathematics 46th of 65 countries Below Level 1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Cyprus 19 % 23 % 25,5 % 19,2 % 9,6 % 3,1 % 0,6 % OECD 8 % 15 % 22,5 % 23,7 % 18,2 % 9,3 % 3,3 % Shanghai-China 55% Singapore 40% PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre
Proficiency Levels PISA 2012
Reading 44th of 65 countries Below Level 1b Level 1b Level 1a Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Cyprus 6,1% 9,7% 17 % 25,1 % 24,9 % 13,2 % 3,5 % 0,5 % OECD 1,3 % 4,4 % 12,3 % 23,4 % 29,1 % 21,1 % 7,3 % 1,1 % PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre
Proficiency Levels PISA 2012
Science 50th of 65 countries Below Level 1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Cyprus 14,4 % 23,7 % 30,2 % 21,3 % 8,4 % 1,8 % 0,2 % OECD 4,8 % 13 % 24,5 % 28,8 % 20,5 % 7,2 % 1,2 % PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre
Overview of PISA What are students’ motives for participating in PISA?
Who takes part in PISA? 15-year-old students (end of compulsory education) Student eligibility is strictly age-based. NOT related to student grade or programme of study. What are students’ motives for participating in PISA? PISA is NOT related to any kind of school assessment Students are NOT informed about their results Internal motivation for achieving goals PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre
PISA 2015 Main Study Information - training - promotional material
Informational meetings July 2014 – School Inspectors and Academics October 2014 – School Principals December 2014 – School Coordinators January 2015 – IT Coordinator PISA 2015 promotional material Posters, leaflets, website, letter to parents PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre
PISA 2015 Main Study Testing period
2nd March – 24th April 2014 The testing schedule will be prepared by the PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre. ONLY in exceptional cases a change of testing date will be examined. Note: Holidays and national celebrations will be taken into account. PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre
PISA 2015 Main Study Which schools participate?
School selection criteria: ALL Public – Greek schools with PISA-eligible students ALL Private – English & Greek schools with PISA-eligible students TSG: Minimum number of schools = 150 PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre
Data collection tools Cognitive test - science - mathematics - reading
- cooperative problem solving 2 hours Questionnaire student school 30 minutes 60 minutes PISA 2015 shifts to a fully computer-based administration of the assessment PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre
Student sample & Computer labs needed
PRIVATE ENGLISH SCHOOLS Sample: 80 students (maximum) Three/four computer labs On the day of the assessment the computer labs should be available throughout the day. PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre
The day of the assessment
(preliminary) PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre
School staff: Invigilators
Clarification Test administration will be conducted by external personnel that will be hired and trained by the PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre – not by school staff. School staff: Invigilators PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre
Equipment – Computers The successful implementation of the survey relies heavily on school computers used to administer the test. Computers need to be tested by means of a special software, in order to establish that they can run the test. If a small additional number of computers is needed: use of laptops If a considerable additional number of computers is needed: administration of the assessment on two days, rather than one The cooperation of IT teachers is very important: a) for the prompt testing of computers and the submission of reliable data b) for the smooth administration on the day of the assessment PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre
The School’s role and responsibilities
By 24th October 2014 the school must assign: a) School Coordinator b) IT teacher (responsible for the technical tests) (Please refer to MOEC Circular: pvt185 2/9/14) Computer skills/ . Teaching one of the subjects tested. Personal interest, Organizing skills. Good interpersonal skills. Not necessarily a deputy head. Selecting your School Coordinator: PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre
School Coordinator The School Coordinator will be responsible (among other things!) for the following: Frequent communication with the PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre Prompt submission of the (named) list of PISA-eligible students (ALL students who were born in 1999) Correct implementation of the procedure for excluding students with special educational needs, on the basis of certain criteria Cooperating with IT teachers for running the technical/diagnostic tests for computers – Prompt submission of reliable data Promotion of the survey within the school (towards teachers and students) Cooperation and coordination with Test Administrators, prior to and on the day of the assessment PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre
School Coordinators’ (SC) Meeting:
Nicosia: December 8th 2014 (Nicosia, Larnaca, Famagusta) Limassol: December 10th 2014 (Limassol, Paphos) At this meeting SCs will receive: Detailed School Coordinator’s Manual, which describes all the steps and processes of the survey. Promotional material for students/parents Set of forms PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre
The School’s role – Principal’s support
Preparation Promoting a positive climate among teachers and students Use of promotional material (leaflets, posters, website) Students should take the test seriously – Avoid leaving questions unanswered Teachers should be informed of the availability of the released material and be encouraged to use it in class (in all subjects tested) Support your School Coordinator! PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre
The School’s role – Principal’s support
Informing parents The PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre will prepare a letter addressed to parents, which will be available to schools a few days before the beginning of the testing period Parents consent Refusal to participate PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre
The School’s role – Principal’s support
Day of the assessment Clear (…and strict) instructions to students with regards to the procedures and timing on the day of the assessment Supervision by members of staff List of sampled students on the door of each room Strict (common) policy on: a) break time arrangements and b) early completion of the test Use of mobile phones Providing supportive material (e.g. stationery, calculators, literature books, magazines) PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre
The School’s role – Principal’s support
Day of the assessment It is extremely important to achieve a high attendance / participation rate, on the day of the assessment If too many students are absent on the day of the assessment this will result to: a) organizing a follow-up test for the school, b) the removal of the school’s data from the country’s data file Low participation rates cause serious problems, especially if they do not meet the technical standards of the Programme. PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre
Confidential Material
Pisa Field trial Confidential Material
Student Information Public Schools (25) Private Schools (15)
Students’ Sample 2250 660 Participating Students 2095 93,11% 596 90,30% N/P Students (SEN & parental refusal) 63 2,80% 28 4,24% Absence 92 4,09% 36 5,46% PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre
Omitted Answers 21% 9% 19% 10% 13% 7% 0% - 4% 3% Public Schools
CBA Public Schools Private Schools Science (N) 21% 9% Science (T) 19% Mathematics (T) 10% Reading (T) 13% 7% CPS (T) 0% PBA (paper) - Student Questionnaire 4% 3% PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre
Indicative results SCIENCE
Indicative results MATHEMATICS
Indicative results Reading
Released Material Samples of publicized test items
Released Material Samples of publicized test items
‘What PISA produces?’
Using released material
Problems: a) There is no released material available in the new electronic format of PISA 2015 b) To date, there are no sample exercises of Cooperative Problem Solving (new domain) However, using the released material is EXTREMELY useful, since it allows students to familiarize themselves with the content and the nature of PISA questions. a) Teachers should use at least one exercise, per month, per subject, with their students. b) Students should be encouraged to practice with the released material, in their free time. PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre
34 (released material)
Finding out more about PISA: (released material) PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre
Communication with PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre:
National Project Manager: Yiasemina Karagiorgi ( ) Coordinating Team: Petros Georghiades ( ) Modestina Modestou ( ) Andros Polydorou (IT support) ( ) Fax: PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre
Questions - Concerns - Suggestions
Discussion Questions - Concerns - Suggestions PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre
PISA 2015 Main Study (March-April 2015)
Thank you for your cooperation PISA 2015 Cyprus National Centre Centre for Educational Research and Evaluation
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