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Neutron position sensitive detector

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1 Neutron position sensitive detector
ITEP,Moscow Goryachev V.S., Chernishov O.A., Kirin D.Yu., Mikhailov K.R.,Polozov P.A., Prokudin M.S., Romanov D.V., Sharkov G.B., Stavinskiy A.V., Stolin V.L.,Zhigareva N.M. 1 Nantes 2014

2 Physical motivation for neutron detector
(2) Baryon femtoscopy matrix only tracking ---photon------neutron-- (13) (13) photon + neutron (4) photon or neutron (5) p Λ - 0 0 + n - X XX X+X (1) Phase diagram for nuclear matter

3 ! Neutron detectors(1) LAND
Large area detector for high-energy neutrons ΔTn/Tn = 5.3% for neutrons of Tn = 1 GeV angular resolution: 0.2° for a flight path of 15 m εn ~100% for neutrons of Tn= 1 GeV εn ~60% for neutrons of Tn= 0.2 GeV 400 photomultipliers/n(!) !

4 Neutron detectors(2) ELENS Neutron energy range of 100 keV to 10 MeV
angular resolution of less than 1 degree εn =25% for neutrons of Tn=500 keV εn =40% for neutrons of Tn=1 MeV Flight path 1-2 m Time resolution 840 ps Position resolution ~7,5 сm Neutron energy is determined using ToF tecnique Very good light-collection efficiency is required for the detection of these small signals, so a proper wrapping material and the tight fitting of the foil onto the plastic were important criteria for ensuring a sufficiently high-quality light connection. Wrapping procedure let reduce energy threshold Foil (VM2000) has a good reflection coefficient of R > 97% for ≥ 400 nm and R = (98.5 ± 0.3)% at 430 nm

5 Neutron detectors(3) εn =20-30% for neutrons of Tn=60-250MeV
Time resolution ~ 250psec Liquid scintillator-> different signal shape for n/γ Large total volume V ~ 50 dm3 and small sensitive volume V ~ 4 dm3 [Tilquin I. et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods A365, 1995,p.446 ]


7 Cross-Talks Cross-Talks
If the same neutron is registered in two or more detectors – the cross-talk effect occurs. Cross-talk: simulates registered of two or more neutrons in neighbor module leading to a strong spurious correlation. In case of one-particle distribution the cross-talk effects are usually small, but in femtoscopy measurements this effect is quite important and dangerous.

8 Required features for new created detector
Neutron energy range of 3 MeV to 250 MeV Time resolution ~ 300 psec (For L~2m->accuracy for neutron momentum MeV/c) Position resolution one order better than module size (~ 1 cm) Modular structure of detector for corelation measurements Module shape acceptable for germetic installation -> to create germetic large acceptance detector Compact module(to be able to use it as a part of universal detectors within magnets)

9 Neutron detector (first prototype)-ITEP
Plastic Scintillator 96 * 96 * 128 mm3 Fiber: KYRARAY,Y-11,d =1mm, wavelength shift 4 SiPM & Amplifier - CPTA(Golovin) Efficiency (estimate) 15%

10 Beam tests of first prototype
Amplitude spectrum Beam tests of first prototype DC1 Beam of Protons p=3GeV/c DC2 Ndet

11 Neutron detector (first prototype)-ITEP
d (cm) R=A4/A2 space resolution for the first prototype ~ 2.5 cm

12 Neutron detector (second prototype)-ITEP
Distance from the target 240cm; Detector thickness 20cm Neutron detector supermodule (78 detectors) Fiber SiPM 180cm 20cm

13 Neutron detector (second prototype)-ITEP
Front Side Back

14 Neutron Beam test of prototype@Nuclotron
Calibration of neutron detector Neutron Beam test of Td= 4 GeV/nucleon 14

15 Principal restriction for neutron coordinate resolution
Purpose of simulation – estimation difference between neutron coordinate and recoil proton coordinate. In framework Geant4 n+detector interaction for different neutron energy was simulated H/C ~ BC400 (1.103). 105 neutrons for each energy. Neutrons shoot to detector centre. Event selection criteria: one proton realize after first interaction.

16 Simulation neutron detector (second prototype)-ITEP
150MeV MeV Distribution of secondary protons

17 Dependence of maximum deviation protons from deposit energies
(neutron energy 150 MeV) All selected events

18 Back wall events and collision with nucleus events
Dependence of maximum deviation protons from deposit energies Back wall events and collision with nucleus events

19 Dependence of maximum deviation protons from deposit energies
Main events

20 Results of the simulations
Neutron energy, MeV 50 100 150 200 300 % selected events 18,8 18,0 17,4 17,6 18,2 mean deviation end of protons track, mm 1,2 4,7 9,5 14,9 24,3 maximum deviation protons, mm 5,7 25,3 50,2 80,2 90,0

21 Next step

22 Conclusions 1. Principal restriction for spatial resolution for detector < 1 cm at neutron energy < 150 MeV. 2. Expected spatial resolution for created module of detector less than 1,5cm.

23 AA-view Search for and study of cold dense baryonic matter ( Letter of intent )  I.G.Alexeeev1, А.А.Gоlubev1, V.S.Goryachev1, А.G.Dolgolenko1, N.М.Zhigareva1, Yu.M.Zaitsev1, К.R.Мikhailov1, М.S.Prokudin1, М.I.Кatz1, B.О.Кеrbikov1, S.М.Кiselev1, N.А.Pivnyuk1, P.А.Polozov1, D.V.Romanov1, D.N.Svirida1, А.V.Stavinskiy1, V.L.Stolin1, G.B.Sharkov1 , А.Аndronenkov2, А.Ya. Berdnikov2 , Ya.А. Berdnikov2, М.А. Braun2, V.V. Vechernin2, L. Vinogradov2, V. Gerebchevskiy2, S. Igolkin2, А.Е. Ivanov2, V.Т. Кim3,2, А. Коlоyvar2, V.Коndrat’ev2, V.А.Мurzin3, V.А. Оreshkin3, D.P. Suetin2 ,G. Feofilov2,А.А.Bаldin4, V.S.Batovskaya4, Yu.Т. Borzunov4, А.V. Кulikov4,А.V. Коnstantinov4, L.V.Маlinina4,G.V.Mesheryakov4,A.P.Nagaitsev4, V.K. Rodionov4, S.S.Shimanskiy4, O.Yu.Shevchenko4 1). SSC RF ITEP , Моscow, 2). SPbSU, S.Peterburg, 3). SSC RF PINF, S.Peterburg, 4). LPHE,JINR,Dubna 6m T beam A A

24 Neutron detectors(1) LANS(LINP-1980) large acceptance neutron spectrometer V.N.Baturin et al., LINP-594,1980 V(LxLyLz)=200x200x1000mm3 στ=2nsec εn =35% for neutrons of Tn=300MeV 2 neutrons in 1 module register like 1 neutron Position resolution – module size 1.scintillator 2.lightguide 3.photomultipliers 4.photodiodes 5. voltage divider 6.magnetic screen 7. spring


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