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The force that causes part of the crust to become shorter & thicker is …. tension compression shearing normal force 2 compression.

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Presentation on theme: "The force that causes part of the crust to become shorter & thicker is …. tension compression shearing normal force 2 compression."— Presentation transcript:

0 Earthquakes Review Game Chapter 6

1 The force that causes part of the crust to become shorter & thicker is ….
tension compression shearing normal force 2 compression

2 When the hanging wall of a fault slips down with respect to the footwall, the result is a….
reverse fault syncline normal fault strike-slip fault 3. normal fault

3 True or False The largest waves on a seismogram are surface waves.

4 True or False An earthquake’s epicenter is located deep underground
false: focus

5 Anticlines & synclines are two types of…...
seismic waves faults folds aftershocks 3. folds

6 What is the point beneath Earth’s surface where the crust breaks & triggers an earthquake?
focus epicenter fault magnitude 1. focus

7 The _______ is a rating system that estimates the total energy released by an earthquake.
Richter scale moment magnitude scale Mercalli scale

8 Which process occurs when an earthquake’s shaking turns loose soil into mud?
deformation liquefaction shearing base-isolation

9 Stress will build until an earthquake occurs if friction along a fault is….
changed to heat low high decreasing 3. high

10 To estimate the total energy released by an earthquake, a geologist should use the...
Mercalli scale Richter scale epicenter scale moment magnitude scale 4. moment magnitude scale

11 True or False A base-isolated building design increases the amount of energy that reaches the building during an earthquake. false: reduces

12 True or False By drawing circles to show distances from 3 seismograph stations, geologists can locate the magnitude of an earthquake. false: epicenter

13 What process causes stress in Earth’ crust?
compression, tension, shearing

14 What does the height of the jagged lines on a seismogram indicate?
severity or closeness of an earthquake

15 When an earthquake occurs, seismic waves travel….
from P in all directions from R to S from S in all directions from Q to P 3. from s in all directions

16 The type of stress force that produces a strike-slip fault is...
compression shearing tension liquefaction 2. shearing

17 A large area of flat land that is elevated high above sea level is known as a(n)___________.
tsunami earthquake plateau epicenter

18 The point on Earth’s surface directly above an earthquake’s focus is called the ___________.
middle vent epicenter fault 3. epicenter

19 Name four instruments that geologists use to monitor movements along faults & explain how each instrument works.

20 Why is it so difficult for geologists to predict earthquakes?

21 WAGE TIME! Describe the differences between the Mercalli scale, the Richter scale, and the moment magnitude scale.

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