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Florida Standards Assessments Paper-Based Materials 1 FSA Regional Trainings.

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1 Florida Standards Assessments Paper-Based Materials 1 FSA Regional Trainings

2 2  United Parcel Service (UPS) will deliver: Initial test material shipments to smaller districts All additional order materials UPS Customer Service Number: (866) 857-1501  King Solutions will deliver: Initial test material shipments to larger districts King Customer Service Number: (866) 237-6503 The company that provides the initial test material shipments will pick up the materials for return as well. Delivery tracking numbers will be available in TIDE under the Orders Tab “Track Shipments.” Carriers

3 3 Receiving Test Materials Route Codes Printed on a label and applied on three sides and the top of the box  Contains district/school, route code, box number Different colors depending on shipment type  White labels for test material shipments  Neon green labels for the test administration manual shipments Sample Route Code Labels

4 4 Receiving Test Materials Coordinator Box – School and District Blue (District) and White (School) 10, 5, or 1.5 inch box, whereas all other boxes are brown Last box in shipment:  District and School Coordinator Materials: ‒ Packing List(s) ‒ School Box Range Sheet ‒ Security Checklist ‒ Return Labels ‒ Do Not Process Labels ‒ Blank Avery labels to print On-Demand PreID Labels In addition to the above materials  School Coordinator Materials may also include: ‒ PreID Labels and Rosters ‒ District/School Labels

5 5 Receiving Test Materials Packing List Identifies the number of boxes shipped and the type and quantity of each material included. When applicable, security ranges will be listed. Districts will receive copies of school packing lists. Copies of packing lists will be available in TIDE under the Orders Tab “Track Shipments.”

6 6 Receiving Test Materials School Box Range Sheet The School Box Range Sheet shows the number of boxes for a district or school.

7 7 Receiving Test Materials Pallet Manifest Report The Pallet Manifest Report shows the number of boxes for a district or school. Copies of pallet manifest reports will be available in TIDE under the Orders Tab “Track Shipments.”

8 8 Test Administration  No Document Count Forms DRC will track and provide scanned data via Answer Document Tracking Report.  Districts can verify documents were processed as intended shortly after materials are received.  Answer Document Tracking Report Provides data on answer books received at DRC (.csv file)  Includes test, subject, district/school, status, date scanned at DRC, student name, date of birth, grade, SID, and test/answer book security numbers. Helps identify discrepancies early in processing Available in TIDE under the Orders Tab “Track Shipments”  Updated periodically throughout processing window.

9 Test Administration 9 Answer Document Tracking Report

10 Test Administration 10 Labels must be applied to all USED test and answer books PreID Label District/School Label Do Not Process Label

11 Test Administration 11 PreID Labels Similar to previous administrations labels. Printed and provided based off of PreID upload. If applied to a document, student information does not need to be gridded. If additional PreID Labels are required, On-Demand PreID Labels may be printed at the local level. Blank label stock will be provided in initial shipments and also available for additional orders. Sample PreID Label

12 Test Administration 12 District/School Labels Details district/school for reporting purposes. District/School bubbles removed from demographic page. Applied to any answer documents with no PreID Label attached. Demographic information must be bubbled on the answer document if a District/School Label is used. Provided in initial shipments and also available for additional orders. Sample District/School Label Students with hand-gridded documents must be entered into TIDE.

13 Test Administration 13 Sample DO NOT PROCESS Label DO NOT PROCESS Label Applied to USED test and answer documents that should not be processed and that are returned in NOT TO BE SCORED boxes (e.g., when responses are transcribed into another test and answer document.)  Replaces DNS bubble for NOT TO BE SCORED documents. Document is accounted for but not processed and reported for student accountability. Does not have to be applied to unused documents. Provided in the initial shipments and available for additional orders.

14 Returning Test Materials 14 DRC Return Bags Place materials in the bag before boxing them for return. Reduces process time by reducing humidity levels. Assists in the prevention of missing materials if boxes break open upon return. Provided in the initial shipments and available for additional orders.

15 Returning Test Materials 15 Return Labels TO BE SCORED Labels Green – ELA Writing Orange – ELA Reading and Mathematics Purple – End-of-Course Blue – Early Process

16 Returning Test Materials 16 Return Labels Special Document TO BE SCORED Labels White – Large Print/One-Item-Per-Page Pink – Braille NOT TO BE SCORED Labels Yellow – All NOT TO BE SCORED materials

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