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Grades 7/8 Mathematics Lesson Idea adapted from the ‘Young Mathematicians at Work” series by Catherine Towmey-Fosnot.

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Presentation on theme: "Grades 7/8 Mathematics Lesson Idea adapted from the ‘Young Mathematicians at Work” series by Catherine Towmey-Fosnot."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grades 7/8 Mathematics Lesson Idea adapted from the ‘Young Mathematicians at Work” series by Catherine Towmey-Fosnot

2 Free template from 2 The Sandwich Problem A class in our school went on a field trip. They had a choice of where they could go. The chart below shows their options:

3 Free template from 3 Subway made 17 sandwiches for the students to share and sent them out as follows: 3 subs to the Museum 4 subs to the Nature Park 7 subs to Martello Tower 3 subs to Rockwood Park The Sandwich Problem

4 Free template from 4 The next day, a few students said that it wasn’t fair because some students got more to eat than others. What do you think about this? Were the students right…was it unfair?

5 Free template from 5 Turn to the person next to you and talk for a few minutes about whether you think the situation was fair. Remember… Location# of Subs delivered # of Students NB Museum34 Irving Nature Park 45 Martello Tower78 Rockwood Park35

6 Free template from 6 Let’s Investigate! How much did each student in each group get, assuming that the subs were all shared equally in each group? Which group got the most? Work with a partner to find the answer to the following two questions: Use any materials you want, or make drawings to help prove your thinking.

7 Free template from 7 Math Congress 1 or 2 groups present their findings discuss results as a class review various strategies that were used by students

8 Free template from 8 Journal Question What would happen if we combined the following groups: NB Museum and Martello Tower Nature Park and Rockwood Park Would it be fair in this scenario? Explain your thinking using pictures and words.

9 Free template from 9 Reference Twomey-Fosnot, C. and Dolk, M. (2002). Young Mathematicians At Work: Constructing Fractions, Decimals, and Percents. Portmouth, NH: Heinemann Publishing.

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