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What the cows told us: ICT based Monitoring and Evaluation system for dairy value chain management Nurul Siddiquee, Coordinator, Ag and Value Chains CARE.

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Presentation on theme: "What the cows told us: ICT based Monitoring and Evaluation system for dairy value chain management Nurul Siddiquee, Coordinator, Ag and Value Chains CARE."— Presentation transcript:

1 What the cows told us: ICT based Monitoring and Evaluation system for dairy value chain management Nurul Siddiquee, Coordinator, Ag and Value Chains CARE Bangladesh 4 December 2014 ICT conference Dhaka

2 What the cows told us through our M&E system in the last 8 years By investing in producer groups, their access to dairy input shop and output market CARE’s work was able to: Women’s dairy-related income increased by nearly 100% milk quality by 30% Increase milk delivery to CP by up to 500% Household milk consumption by 46 % Reduce value chain risk and cost of aggregation while improving transparency and innovation.

3 BRAC Chilling Plant DFT Col. Pt. Input Shop PG SDVC is testing the Dairy Hub model






9 CONTROL GROUP DATA TREATMENT GROUP DATA DFT DATA – REAL TME We have real time data coming in from the DFT machines

10 Data Dashboards

11 Improve animal nutrition Improved animal health Improve milk Quality Higher milk volume Increased income

12 Questions? Unless otherwise cited, all photos are copyright of CARE International

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