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Science Olympiad Fossils Division B Taxonomic hierarchy

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1 Science Olympiad Fossils Division B 2015 6 - Taxonomic hierarchy

2 Taxonomic Hierarchy What is it good for?
Biological classification, or scientific classification in biology, is a method of scientific taxonomy used to group and categorize organisms hierarchically

3 Taxonomic Hierarchy: Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species
Mnemonic to help them remember it (King Phillip Came Over For Great Soup


5 Alien Taxonomic Alien Taxonomy
You are an alien taxonomist. Your job is to classify the aliens found on the planet Bizarro-World. You have noted that there are two main groups of organisms on this planet: a group of humanoid like organisms that live on the land, and a group of fish like organisms that live in the water. The fish like organisms are photosynthetic and get their food from Bizarro-Sun, the humanoids eat the fish-like organisms. Because there are so few species, your taxonomic scheme will only use Kingdom, Phylum, Genus and Species. Create a flow chart showing the organisms taxonomic structure, and make up names for the taxa. Give all of the aliens a scientific name. The aliens on Bizarro-World are pictured below, cut them out to help you organize the groups.

6 Jimmy Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Terrestrial Potato hammer normal

7 Questions ?

8 Next Week’s Topics? No Meeting Next Week

9 Flash Cards Instructions
Divide the work between team members Check each others work Work on the fossils assign to your team Use the sample flash cards posted to the schools Science Olympiad web site under the Fossil event. Sample Files are: FlashCardsFusulinidsNummulites.ppt FlashCardsHemichordataMucrospirifer.pptx Save your flash card files using this name: FlashCardsName of FossileName of Fossil Example is: FlashCardsFusulinidsNummulites.ppt For Fossil pictures start with these 3 files loaded on the school Science Olympiad web site 2009-Fossil-Poster.pdf 2009-Fossil-Notes-B.pdf 2009-Fossil-Notes-B2.pdf Another good source is: Web Site:

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