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Auditor and Finance Officer Trainings Kentucky Department Of Education Division of District Support June 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Auditor and Finance Officer Trainings Kentucky Department Of Education Division of District Support June 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Auditor and Finance Officer Trainings Kentucky Department Of Education Division of District Support June 2015

2  Local Board to address/establish tuition policy  Students allowed to enroll in primary school program before meeting the age requirement  Same tuition charged as a student that meets the age requirement  Students allowed to enroll before meeting age requirement are to be included in the school’s average daily attendance for purposes of SEEK funding

3  Effective July 1, 2015  D istrict will not be required to reimburse KY Retirement Systems for retiree health care premiums for reemployed retirees who work less than 80 days a year

4 Questions? 502-564-3846 LaTonya Bell, Branch Manager - Ext. 4418 Chay Ritter, Branch Manager - Ext. 4453 4


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