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P RESCRIPTION D RUG A BUSE : T HE N ATIONAL P OLICY P ERSPECTIVE Michael Gottlieb, National HIDTA Director Office of National Drug Control Policy May 7,

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Presentation on theme: "P RESCRIPTION D RUG A BUSE : T HE N ATIONAL P OLICY P ERSPECTIVE Michael Gottlieb, National HIDTA Director Office of National Drug Control Policy May 7,"— Presentation transcript:

1 P RESCRIPTION D RUG A BUSE : T HE N ATIONAL P OLICY P ERSPECTIVE Michael Gottlieb, National HIDTA Director Office of National Drug Control Policy May 7, 2014 Bay Area Prescription Drug Abuse Summit San Francisco, California

2 Office of National Drug Control Policy Component of the Executive Office of the President Coordinates drug control activities and related funding across the Federal Government Produces the annual National Drug Control Strategy

3 National Drug Control Strategy The President’s science-based plan to reform drug policy: 1)Prevent drug use before it ever begins through education 2)Expand access to treatment for Americans struggling with addiction 3)Reform our criminal justice system 4)Support Americans in recovery Coordinated Federal effort on 112 action items Signature initiatives: – Prescription Drug Abuse – Prevention – Drugged Driving

4 State Overdose Death Rates, 2010 10.9 Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. Underlying Cause of Death 2000-2010 on CDC WONDER Online Database. Extracted October, 2012. — U.S. National Rate: 12.3 per 100,000 —

5 Coordinated effort across the Federal government Four focus areas: 1)Education 2)Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs 3)Proper Medication Disposal 4)Enforcement Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Plan

6 There are signs that efforts to reduce and prevent prescription drug abuse are working. The number of Americans 12 and older initiating the nonmedical use of prescription opioids in the past year has decreased significantly since 2009, from 2.2 million in that year to 1.9 million in 2012. 1 The rate of past year use among high school seniors of OxyContin or Vicodin in 2013 is its lowest since 2002. 2 Long term success will come from coordination and collaboration at the Federal, state, local, and tribal levels. Progress 1. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Results from the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Detailed Tables. Department of Health and Human Services. [September 2013]. Available: 2012.htm#Tab7.36A 2. The Monitoring the Future study. Narcotics other than Heroin: Trends in Annual Use and Availability – Grades 8, 10, and 12. University of Michigan. [December 2013]. Available:

7 For More Information W HITE H OUSE. GOV /ONDCP

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