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Transition to Activity Based Working - The 2013 LGICT Innovation Fellowship Thursday 14 August.

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Presentation on theme: "Transition to Activity Based Working - The 2013 LGICT Innovation Fellowship Thursday 14 August."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transition to Activity Based Working - The 2013 LGICT Innovation Fellowship
Thursday 14 August

2 Transition to Activity Based Working
Introduction David Jackson, Manager Information Services, Cardinia Shire Council David Jackson Thank you to MAVT and Lisa and Dennis Thank any other people Thanks for the opportunity Andrew Downey and Will – tossing coin to see who went first Charlie Pickering and Peter Hellier – tossing coin to see who would go straight after me Here to talk about the 2013 Innovation Fellowship Award Read the slides – I may not refer to them Thursday 14 August Transition to Activity Based Working

3 Cardinia Shire Who is Cardinia – Located at Pakenham

4 Cardinia Quick Stats 36,000 Rateable properties 83,000 residents
Population growth around 30% over 5 years vs 9% for greater Melbourne Projection 180,000 by 2036 Growth corridor areas including Beaconsfield, Pakenham and Officer 4 primary worksites 16 remote sites including MCH etc Services not delivered include libraries and aged care Cardinia has 450 staff, 60% part-time are part-time One of fastest growing councils in Australia - growing really quickly Cardinia has 450 staff, 60% part-time, IS consists of 20 staff including nine CI officers Really diverse client base – the growth corridor needs vs the tree changers needs vs the farmers needs Low rate base means not much money – need to innovate

5 2013 MAVT Innovation Fellowship Award
MAVT Technology Awards Introduction Crongratulate previous night winners particularly MAVT Innovation Fellowship – Blah Blah What it meant for Cardinia Subsequently led to Excellence in eGovernment, PROV Sir Rupert Hamer Record Management Award MAVT identified the good work first Thursday 14 August Transition to Activity Based Working

6 What is Activity Based Working?
Activity Based Working is established by creating physical spaces that facilitate relative work activities. People then use the physical spaces that accommodate their required work activity, as opposed to having a fixed workstation. The primary purpose of ABW is to enhance collaboration, breakdown silo mentalities, provide workplace choice and enhance the workplace experience. It also introduces a work from anywhere possibility. What ABW is. Activity Based Working is building physical spaces that facilitate relative work activities. People move to and use the physical space that accommodates their required activity as opposed to having a fixed workstation. The primary purpose of ABW is to enhance collaboration, breakdown silo mentalities, provide workplace choice and enhance the workplace experience. It can also introduce a work from anywhere possibility. Photos of new building Direct Outcomes Thursday 14 August Transition to Activity Based Working

7 What is Activity Based Working?
Although Cardinia have not yet moved buildings we have modified existing physical spaces and introduced the required technologies to prepare us for a new way of working and allow us to undertake ABW work practices. In 2013 the technologies we introduced to assist ABW were follow-me printing, TRIM, ultrabooks for everyone, enterprise WIFI and citrix. Cardinia were supposed to move on July 14 Lots of facility infrastructure issues – basically the roads and drains aren’t complete Although haven’t moved we have started practicing ABW in our current workplace Technologies introduced to assist ABW were follow-me printing, TRIM, ultrabooks for everyone, enterprise WIFI and citrix. Thursday 14 August Transition to Activity Based Working

8 What is Activity Based Working?
In 2014 the technologies we have introduced to support ABW include a socialised intranet which has become our primary communication tool, eForms & wireless presenters. A full VoIP phone system with corporate system integration will be the final piece of tech introduced at the new offices. With assistance of the LGICT Innovation Fellowship we have introduced to support ABW include a socialised intranet which has become our primary communication tool, eForms & wireless presenters. Thursday 14 August Transition to Activity Based Working

9 How are ABW aspirations going?
TRIM registrations A business as usual use of Trim Regular mobility and flexibility of staff using ultrabooks Documents are prepared in real time A reduction in stationery orders of 50% A reduction in printing with an estimated annual saving of $34 pa Thursday 14 August Transition to Activity Based Working

10 Where’s the office move at?
Where’s office move at July pictures Building is almost complete Thursday 14 August Transition to Activity Based Working

11 So where’s the office move at?
ABW spaces are starting to take shape IT infrastructure is being finalised Currently looking at a October / November move Thursday 14 August Transition to Activity Based Working

12 How did Cardinia use the Innovation Fellowship Award?
How did we use the Innovation Fellowship Award There were quite a few projects we could have used the funds for Development for our new intranet, funds towards our new phone system, purchase of improved data centre racks Thursday 14 August Transition to Activity Based Working

13 Thanks for listening As previously outlined there has been a lot of practical and project related work but there has also been a mountain of work around cultural change Peter Drucker once said that ‘culture eats strategy for breakfast’. Happy to have people come and see the journey we’ve been on- several Councils have already taken that opportunity Feel free to contact me directly

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