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Visualizing Data from Arduino

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1 Visualizing Data from Arduino
University of Wisconsin – Madison Keum San Chun & Samuel Jensen

2 1. LabView Overview: Advantage: Disadvantage:
Not the same LabView as the conventional LabView Specific interface developed just for Arduino Advantage: Allows controlling Arduino in terms of GUI (as opposed to coding) Minimize the time for programming the Arduino Input/output can be displayed on the front panel Disadvantage: Program written in Labview cannot be download to the Arduino board for connection-free operation

3 1. Labview (Cont.) Source :

4 2. Processing Overview: Advantage:
Separate programming IDE from Arduino IDE Free, open source program Supports GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, Windows Advantage: Real-time visualization of signal from the Arduino on PC Similar interface as Arduino IDE Can be programmed to save the data from the Arduino Nice Tutorial :

5 2. Processing (Cont.) Video 1: Video 2:

6 3. CoolTerm + Matlab Overview: Advantage: Disadvantage:
CoolTerm is a serial port terminal application Free program Supports GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, Windows Advantage: Data collection is possible When used with matlab or any other programs that allows the plotting of the data, graphical information can be reconstructed Disadvantage: Doesn’t support the real-time visualization of the signal i.e. data visualization is possible only after data collection is complete

7 3. CoolTerm(Cont.) + Matlab

8 3. CoolTerm + Matlab(Cont.)
Data can be loaded in Matlab and plotted

9 Any Questions?

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