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Today's Agenda Bellwork Announcements Questions Bellwork Review Lecture.

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1 Today's Agenda Bellwork Announcements Questions Bellwork Review Lecture

2 Progressive Era US.17 Analyze the goals and achievements of the Progressive movement, including the following: (C, E, H, P) Adoption of the initiative, referendum, and recall Adoption of the primary system 16th Amendment 17th Amendment impact on the relationship between the citizen and the government US.18 Describe the movement to achieve suffrage for women, including its leaders, the activities of suffragettes, the passage of the 19th Amendment, and the role of Tennessee in the suffrage effort (Anne Dallas Dudley, Harry Burn, Josephine Pearson, “Perfect 36”). (C, H, P, TN)

3 Objective Understand how political, economic, and social change in late 19 th century America led to broad progressive reforms. Identify ways that the progressive reforms in areas such as labor and voting rights reinforced democratic principles that continue to exist today.

4 Progressive Movement “We go from the Gilded Age to sweatshops, slums, child labor, corruption in government and business, disease and racial prejudice...” “The Progressive Era is Born...” Video Time ztBdclkYU

5 Progressive Movement The Progressive Era was a period of social activism and political reform in the United States that flourished from the 1890s to the 1920s.

6 Changes in Government Adoption of the initiative, referendum, and recall.

7 Progressive Era US.17 Analyze the goals and achievements of the Progressive movement, including the following: (C, E, H, P) Adoption of the initiative, referendum, and recall Adoption of the primary system 16th Amendment 17th Amendment impact on the relationship between the citizen and the government US.18 Describe the movement to achieve suffrage for women, including its leaders, the activities of suffragettes, the passage of the 19th Amendment, and the role of Tennessee in the suffrage effort (Anne Dallas Dudley, Harry Burn, Josephine Pearson, “Perfect 36”). (C, H, P, TN)

8 Initiative campaigns/initiative-referendum-and-recall- overview.aspx

9 Initiative Why was Initiative a big change for the progressive era? What is a ballot initiative?

10 Ballot Initiative A process of a participatory democracy that empowers the people to propose legislation and to enact or reject the laws at the polls independent of the lawmaking power of the governing body. The purpose of an initiative, which is a type of election commenced and carried out by the people, is to permit the electorate to resolve questions where their elected representatives fail to do so or refuse to proceed with a change that the public desires.

11 Referendum campaigns/initiative-referendum-and-recall- overview.aspx

12 On our local ballot – a referendum cuments/sampleballot_002.pdf

13 Referendum REFERENDUM a : the principle or practice of submitting to popular vote a measure passed on or proposed by a legislative body or by popular initiative b : a vote on a measure so submitted

14 Recall campaigns/initiative-referendum-and-recall- overview.aspx

15 Recall Process yyzFJs

16 Recall Defined "Recall petition" means a petition to recall a public official.

17 Progressive Era US.17 Analyze the goals and achievements of the Progressive movement, including the following: (C, E, H, P) Adoption of the initiative, referendum, and recall Adoption of the primary system 16th Amendment 17th Amendment impact on the relationship between the citizen and the government US.18 Describe the movement to achieve suffrage for women, including its leaders, the activities of suffragettes, the passage of the 19th Amendment, and the role of Tennessee in the suffrage effort (Anne Dallas Dudley, Harry Burn, Josephine Pearson, “Perfect 36”). (C, H, P, TN)

18 Primary System Primary System History presidents/presidential- elections/videos/primaries-caucuses-and- conventions

19 Timeline of Primary Process 1831-1832: The first conventions are held to nominate Presidential candidates of the major political parties. Delegates to the conventions are chosen by state and local party organizations. 1912: Twelve states hold the first Presidential preference primaries of the Republican and Democratic parties. 1927: The U.S. Supreme Court rules that a Texas state law preventing African Americans from voting in primary elections is unconstitutional. 1944: The U.S. Supreme Court rules that political parties may not take any action whatsoever to prevent African Americans from voting in primary elections. 1972-1992: As a result of rule changes to open the nominating process to more people, the number of states holding primary elections increases from 17 to 38 over two decades.

20 Primaries take place from local to Federal An election by the voters of a ward, precinct, or other small district,belonging to a particular party, of representatives or delegates to a convention which is to meet and nominate the candidates of their party to stand at an approaching municipal or general election.

21 Progressive Era US.17 Analyze the goals and achievements of the Progressive movement, including the following: (C, E, H, P) Adoption of the initiative, referendum, and recall Adoption of the primary system 16th Amendment 17th Amendment impact on the relationship between the citizen and the government US.18 Describe the movement to achieve suffrage for women, including its leaders, the activities of suffragettes, the passage of the 19th Amendment, and the role of Tennessee in the suffrage effort (Anne Dallas Dudley, Harry Burn, Josephine Pearson, “Perfect 36”). (C, H, P, TN)


23 Income Tax

24 History of 16 th Amendment tory.html


26 Before the 17 th Amendment According to Article I, section 3 of the U.S. Constitution, senators were to be chosen by the legislatures of their respective states. The 17th Amendment to the Constitution, however, dictates that senators are to be directly elected by the people they represent.

27 Progressive Era US.17 Analyze the goals and achievements of the Progressive movement, including the following: (C, E, H, P) Adoption of the initiative, referendum, and recall Adoption of the primary system 16th Amendment 17th Amendment impact on the relationship between the citizen and the government US.18 Describe the movement to achieve suffrage for women, including its leaders, the activities of suffragettes, the passage of the 19th Amendment, and the role of Tennessee in the suffrage effort (Anne Dallas Dudley, Harry Burn, Josephine Pearson, “Perfect 36”). (C, H, P, TN)

28 Socratic Forum Time Impact on the relationship between the citizen and the government. How did the Adoption of the initiative, referendum, and recall, adoption of the primary system, 16th Amendment and 17th Amendment impact the relationship of citizen and elected officials? Voter and government?

29 Progressive Era US.17 Analyze the goals and achievements of the Progressive movement, including the following: (C, E, H, P) Adoption of the initiative, referendum, and recall Adoption of the primary system 16th Amendment 17th Amendment impact on the relationship between the citizen and the government US.18 Describe the movement to achieve suffrage for women, including its leaders, the activities of suffragettes, the passage of the 19th Amendment, and the role of Tennessee in the suffrage effort (Anne Dallas Dudley, Harry Burn, Josephine Pearson, “Perfect 36”). (C, H, P, TN)

30 Women's Suffrage history/the-fight-for-womens-suffrage

31 The Leaders of the Movement history/women-who-fought-for-the-vote

32 Susan B Anthony Dollar

33 Sojourner Truth

34 Women's Right Activist truth-9511284#synopsis

35 19 th Amendment history/19th-amendment


37 Oops.....

38 Role of Tennessee in the Suffrage Effort Anne Dallas Dudley Harry Burn Josephine Pearson “Perfect 36"

39 Anne Dallas Dudley

40 Anne Dudley udley hall/search-the-hall/details/2/50-Dudley

41 Primary Source Time tributors/2014/04/27/anne-dallas-dudley- led-suffrage-movement/8217459/

42 Harry Burn arry-t-burn.html War of the Roses? tory.html

43 Josephine Pearson ec=1046

44 “Perfect 36” Top_Level/Understanding_Women%27s_S uffrage%3A_Tennessee%27s_Perfect_36/

45 When did States Pass It?

46 Progressive Era US.17 Analyze the goals and achievements of the Progressive movement, including the following: (C, E, H, P) Adoption of the initiative, referendum, and recall Adoption of the primary system 16th Amendment 17th Amendment impact on the relationship between the citizen and the government US.18 Describe the movement to achieve suffrage for women, including its leaders, the activities of suffragettes, the passage of the 19th Amendment, and the role of Tennessee in the suffrage effort (Anne Dallas Dudley, Harry Burn, Josephine Pearson, “Perfect 36”). (C, H, P, TN)

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