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ALPS The Acoustic Location Processing System

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1 ALPS The Acoustic Location Processing System
Patrick Lazik, Niranjini Rajagopal, Oliver Shih, Bruno Sinopoli and Anthony Rowe Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Carnegie Mellon University For the past years my colleagues and I have been performing research on the topics of ranging and indoor localization for mobile devices. This has lead us to look closely at time synchronization, with smart phones and tablets, which is what I am going to talk about today.

2 Overview Use near-ultrasound communication
Decodable using existing mobile hardware Provide accurate indoor localization Sub-room level (sub meter) Pulse compression Highly-scalable Easy to deploy Combination of SenSys

3 System Architecture Beacon BLE Data 802.15.4 Sync Beacon Ultrasound
Let’s address some of these problems, first and foremost: how do we achieve accurate ranging? Beacon Ultrasound Network Master Phone

4 Generation 3 (IPSN ‘14 Loc. Comp.)
Hardware Revisions Generation 2 Generation 1 (SenSys ‘12) Generation 4 (RTAS ‘15) Generation 3 (IPSN ‘14 Loc. Comp.)

5 Generation 5

6 Ultrasound Transmitter PCB

7 Ultrasound Transmitter PCB with BLE

8 Receiver

9 Underspecified Ranging
From TDOA to TOF Underspecified Ranging Obstacles Once you have TOF, you can get accurate ranging in underdefined cases. Take location – via TDOA, synchronize, then TOF ? Time Synchronization

10 ALPS in Action

11 Coming Soon… Auto floor-plan mapping/setup IMU based tracking

12 Thank You! Questions?

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