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Presented by:.  Creating a better future every day  Market Leader In FMCG.  Multinational company  Worldwide presence.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by:.  Creating a better future every day  Market Leader In FMCG.  Multinational company  Worldwide presence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by:

2  Creating a better future every day  Market Leader In FMCG.  Multinational company  Worldwide presence

3 HISTORY Unilever was established in 1930 when the Dutch Margarine company named Margarine Unie was merged with the British soap maker Lever Brothers

4 Entered in UAE in 2007


6 The company start operating in UAE region in 2007 through four business units.

7 Weaknesses  Cannibalization in product lines  Cost increasing due to repetitive resource utilization

8 Strengths  Strong Brand Name  Wide range of variety of products

9 Micro Environment  Competitor Huge number, aggressive competition.  Suppliers Large number of suppliers

10 Micro Environment  Consumers Increasing continuously  Distribution Wide range  Demand and Supply Low penetration and high market potential

11 Macro Environment  Demographic Environment The population of UAE is ethnic diverse  Age Factor Catering all ages all genders  Economic Environment Increasing purchasing power

12 Macro Environment  Technological Environment Unilever is not facing any technological constraints  Political and Legal Environment Political support Islamic shriah law

13  Target Market The target market of Unilever includes Middle Class, Upper Middle Class and the Upper classes of the population of the UAE.

14  Target Market The target market of Unilever includes Middle Class, Upper Middle Class and the Upper classes of the population of the UAE.

15  Market Description Ethnic diversity Increasing population Increase in number of tourists Increased immigrants Increasing purchasing power Low bargaining power

16  Market tend to grow because;  Increasing population  Increasing immigrants  Increasing tourism

17  Potential Needs and Demands in Future;  Personal hygiene products like sanitizer  More options in personal care product

18  Market Segmentation Company portray itself as a multi local multinational company just because of its detailed study and concentration of the cultures and other characteristics of the market

19  References Anitta Ileveska: Unilever UAE. (2013, feb 05). Retrieved from %20Marketing%20Directors_tcm72-344203.pdf AUDIT, U. (2012). ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS. Kevin C. (2012). Unilever Brands. Retrieved from Unilever: Saho, S. (2013). Unilever joins hands with UAE firms to tap online market. Retrieved from The Nation: insights/retail/unilever-joins-hands-with-uae-firms-to-tap-online- market

20  References Shahid, N. (2011). Analysing the Employee Retention In UNILEVERS. KARACHI. UNILEVER. (2014). UNILEVER UK. Retrieved 2014, from UNILEVER NAME. (2014). About Us. Retrieved from Unilever Name: Unilever NAME. (n.d.). About Us. Retrieved from Unilever UAE: Unilever UAE Q1 2013 trading Statemen. (2013, April 25). Q1 2013 trading Statement. Retrieved from Unilever UAE: %20Marketing%20Directors_tcm72-344203.pdf

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