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Unit 3 Quiz Review HS230.

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1 Unit 3 Quiz Review HS230

2 True or False Tertiary care is general preventative care
In a primary care model, the primary care provider serves as a gatekeeper for care Population-based medicine is focused on the patient that accesses the health care system Primary care reforms resulted in the creation of family medicine specialty

3 True or False Coordination of services to meet patients complex needs is an issue The financing for the US health care system is fragmented Part A of Medicare covers professional (primarily physician) services The number of uninsured in America continues to decrease

4 True or False Medicare is a federally sponsored program that provides health insurance to eligible Americans Managed care plans are not comprehensive, integrated service packages

5 Multiple Choice Which of the following is not an access problem for the US? Shortage of PCPs Continuity of care Specialty care Timelines of appointments with PCP

6 Multiple Choice Improvements to the health care system for primary care include all but one of the following: Accessibility Financing Comprehensiveness Continuity

7 Multiple Choice Which of the following is true about collaborative care Patient and caregiver agree about a plan The plan is written Plan is to improve patient’s health All of the above

8 Multiple Choice The three generalist specialties make up what percentage of physicians 1/3 2/3

9 Multiple Choice Which of the following is not HMO model IPA Network
Indemnity Staff

10 Multiple Choice The burden of paying for private health care is shared by which entities Households Employers Government All of the above

11 Multiple Choice Which of the following levels of government help fund health care Federal State Local All of the above

12 Short Answer Name the primary care specialties?
Discuss the types of voluntary health insurance plans.

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