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Analogies using Synonyms & Antonyms SPI 0401.5.4-Choose a logical word to complete an analogy using synonyms and antonyms.

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Presentation on theme: "Analogies using Synonyms & Antonyms SPI 0401.5.4-Choose a logical word to complete an analogy using synonyms and antonyms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analogies using Synonyms & Antonyms SPI 0401.5.4-Choose a logical word to complete an analogy using synonyms and antonyms.

2 What are s ynonyms?  Words that mean the S ame  Examples include:  dampwet  sadunhappy  presentgift  hatedislike

3 What are Antonyms?  Words that mean the opposite  Examples include:  emptyfull  hotcold  happysad  politerude

4 Review with Tim & Moby  Click here! Click here! Click here!

5 Now, let’s use Synonyms & Antonyms in ANALOGIES.  Remember, analogies are just word relationships.  Here is an analogy:  Water is to liquid as ice is to solid.  Remember that sometimes it may be written like this:  Water: liquid : : ice : solid

6 Analogy Practice  Hint:  Look for the word relationship. They may be synonyms or antonyms.  Analogy Game  Click here to play! Click here to play! Click here to play!  Fill in the blank to make the analogies true.

7 More Practice -Copy & Complete On the back: Write 3 analogies of your own. WordSynonymAntonym hot weak funny fast

8 Test!  Pearson Probe

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